I recently got my first physical in a very long time, last November. They said everything looked good, no thyroid problems, no kidney problems, heart looked good, but I have high cholesterol, and could expect my blood pressure to go up if I don't start eating better and lose a bit of weight.
Satsuki Yatoshi's v5 of FF7_SYW just came out and I happened to notice it on another website, came here, downloaded it, installed it, and it worked just fine, and it looks okay, and I didn't have to talk to anyone in this community or... another community that people might be familiar with.
It comes down to the bottom line; I have high cholesterol and may be in danger of developing heart disease the older I get. I don't know what kind of superhuman mutant powers other people might have for tolerating drama and stress, but I ain't got it. It just struck me as so refreshing for a mod to just work, simply, easily, efficiently, to where I don't have to wade into any forum/online community drama to ask about problems I'm having with it. So, aside from kudos to Satsuki, I have to say, this really draws to the forefront certain feelings I have about what's been going on, but in the interest of not making a meal out of it, I'm not going to comment further on specifics.
I don't care who said what to who or who's targeting who or who's a troll and who's not. I'm not interested. I wanna play FF7, and I've been playing it since it came out (I've been playing Final Fantasy since the NES version came out in fact). I don't want to have to slog through people's egos smashing against each other.
Just wanted to say it where people might read it; I might be more erudite and less afraid to say so, being a relative outsider. But I am willing to bet that a large number of people feel the same way. Food for thought.