Yeah, the "done" button doesn't do a thing, and "cancel" closes and saves the changes. Still, it's no big deal.
What I meant by camera override is : camera override. This is what it's called, and this is what it does
But this is just me being annoying. If you need more precisions, this is in the Animations/Formations window, in an enemy's tab. At the right of each attack, you can assign an animation. Then, at the right of the animations, you have a field called Camera Override. Basically, this forces a new camera data for this particular attack. Since my modifications sometimes turn a single-target attack into a multi-target attack, I need to change those values (so the camera doesn't zoom on the middle character when said attack hits the whole team). In previous versions of Proud Clod, the data in those fields was always saved - but not in PrC 1.5.0.α_4!
If you change a camera override value, close the animations/formations window, then open it again, you'll see your modifications - implying it will save. But alas, if you save your scene.bin, the data reverts to its previous state.
Oh yeah, and now that I'm at it, there is another bug - regarding AI editing this time. When you create a new line and type the 93 opcode, the program instantly displays an error message. And once, after I added many different 93 opcodes, the program would start to automatically add lines consisting of 00s below them (opcode being 00, argument being 00 00). And everytime I'd delete those unwanted lines, they would keep coming back after closing and opening the AI window again -__-
So I had to use Proud Clod to do my AI editing, since it looks like it handles AI editing with more stability somehow.