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Messages - RendellDraw

Pages: [1]
Is it just me, or is the world map "view" cone (the yellow triangle showing which direction the camera is facing) missing?

I just thought of sharing this -- it turns out that the view cone only appears when you rotate the camera using the shoulder buttons. I have the Cosmos Gaia mod which disables the shoulder button function in the world map and rotating the camera using the right stick doesn't bring up the view cone.

I've reached out to Cosmos about it and hopefully, a future update can get it to work again because I find that the view cone helps me get my bearings on the world map.

Hi Cosmos!

It's me from your YouTube channel who asked about height maps. 😅

I couldn't stop my curiosity since you mentioned that it's supported so I tried creating a height and normal map for the dirt-grass texture (replaced with a brick texture for testing).

Do you know how I should name the DDS file to make it work?
I tried naming it was_00.bump and also tested but it doesn't work.

If this isn't really feasible yet, can you instead point me to the right direction on how to dump the vanilla textures? I'm thinking of upscaling it using the newest AI models to see if there's a significant improvement over Satsuki's upscales.

You don't have to answer this if you don't want to. I'm still very thankful for your coming up with this mod!


Is it just me, or is the world map "view" cone (the yellow triangle showing which direction the camera is facing) missing?

FF7 Tools / Re: Editing Textures
« on: 2024-02-17 05:45:03 »
I'm going to see if the latest AI upscale models available can provide better results than the SYW World Map Textures. I found a ground/foliage/dirt model that gave nice results (using CupScale) and would like to try it.

Been Googling around and so far I'm unable to find out how to extract the Vanilla textures.

FF7 Tools / Editing Textures
« on: 2024-02-15 11:03:04 »

Almost a decade ago, I managed to edit the world map textures and replaced the grass, ground, and mountain textures with Crisis Core (PSP) textures. I no longer remember the exact process but I do remember that I had all the textures converted to PNG which I edited in GIMP. I didn't have to pack it back into the .lgp. I just left it in its folder (I think it's C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\textures\world or something) and I can immediately see the changes after relaunching the game.

I'm currently using 7th Heaven for my mods. I managed to extract SYW's Unified Worldmap Textures and tested the edited textures using the folder structure above but I don't see the changes.

So far, the how-tos I'm finding require packing it back and I'm having trouble finding the relevant pages/sites.

I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.


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