Author Topic: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project  (Read 120961 times)


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #125 on: 2017-05-09 06:42:30 »
Hi Shard,

I made an account just to say how impressed I am by your work and those involved. Can't wait for this to see an official release.



Another Cloud

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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #126 on: 2017-05-11 15:20:47 »
Hi Shard

Hope all is well on your end.

Could we please get an update on the: Lines finished: 3631 / 6649 (54.6%)?

Are there any specific blockers in the way atm?

Also, in terms of the additional dialogue you will add (e.g. as you run around), could you give us a little more info on that?

Who is writing it?
How are they going to ensure it doesn't feel like a bad fan fic? 

Are they going to try and splice in cut content (by reference to interviews and Ultimania's)?

How long after the release of the vanilla mod will the additional dialogue take?

I assume if you haven't scoped it out already it is going to take significantly longer to do, as you will need to get the cast members back again, rather than just tacking it onto the end of their existing work load.

That said, if the additional dialogue is most Squalls thoughts that does make it easier from a logistics/production stand point.

Also, do you think this will be done by Xmas?  I am going to Distant Worlds in November with the gf (30th Anniversary) and wanted to play this before hand with the mod, but not sure that will happen.

Anyhow, as always, thanks for the hard work!
« Last Edit: 2017-05-11 15:25:15 by Another Cloud »


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #127 on: 2017-05-11 23:15:53 »
Thanks for your interest in the project. I would be happy to answer your questions.

The lines finished is pretty much up to date. I'm waiting on my Irvine and Selphie actors to be available. My Irvine just finished sampling for a music project, so I should be recording with him in the coming weeks. My Selphie is a real voice actress that does paid work first. After them, all that's left to do is a zoo of minor characters.

Also, in terms of the additional dialogue you will add (e.g. as you run around), could you give us a little more info on that?
There's not much info to give. The characters will speak in some areas as you walk around. If you've watched Shudo Ranmaru's FF8Voices fandub on youtube, it will be a lot like that. I wasn't able to add as much dialogue as I originally envisioned, but there are a few places in the game that feel less boring to walk through now.

I'm writing all the extra dialogue, and I also wrote the modified dialogue.

How are they going to ensure it doesn't feel like a bad fan fic?
I guess you'll just have to wait and see.

Are they going to try and splice in cut content
Some lines that were cut from the game are being added. I am going to use the alternate view of the dormitory common area at least once. That's all I can think of at the moment.

How long after the release of the vanilla mod will the additional dialogue take?
The additional dialogue will be part of the release. It was recorded at the same time everything else was.

Also, do you think this will be done by Xmas?
It's possible, but I wouldn't hold my breath. You will know the release date when I do.

I am going to Distant Worlds in November with the gf (30th Anniversary)
30 years and you haven't married her :P

I'm kidding, I assume (and hope) you mean the 30th anniversary of FF. I've always wanted to go to Distant Worlds. I hope you and the gf have fun there.


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #128 on: 2017-11-14 01:27:56 »
Hey, I see it's been almost a year since the last update.

I really hope this is still getting worked on. The work we've seen so far is already excellent!

Anyway, keep it up, you're doing great!


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #129 on: 2017-11-25 03:15:15 »
CanĀ“t wait for this job is done  :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #130 on: 2017-11-26 13:06:52 »
Any status update we could get would be most appreciated! This is one of the most interesting fan mods I've ever seen and should breath new life into one of my favorite games :P


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #131 on: 2017-11-28 00:06:40 »
Unfortunately there hasn't been a lot of progress in the last 6 months. I'm slowly recording with my Irvine and trying to set up sessions with my Selphie. They're the only major roles left. I'm filling minor roles as I find people and time.

I'm sitting on a trailer that I've been wanting to share for over a year, but didn't have all the lines recorded for. It's torture that I'm one of two people who've seen it.

I wish I had better news, but we will power on to the very end!
« Last Edit: 2017-11-28 00:08:24 by Shard »


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #132 on: 2017-11-28 00:36:09 »
If you ever need more actors lemme know. I got about 150 on hand anytime you need them. I'm also more than happy to help if you need it


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #133 on: 2017-11-28 18:46:42 »
Thanks for the reply, Shard! Any progress is better than no progress! We're all behind you. I'm confident you'll have this done before George RR Martin finishes Winds Of Winter ;)


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #134 on: 2017-11-29 20:56:57 »
I'm so hyped about this trailer now! Get those lines done asap folks!

Another Cloud

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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #135 on: 2018-04-29 14:19:51 »
Hi Shard

It has now been 5 months since your last post.  In your last post you clarified that very little was achieved in the previous 6 months.

How have things been gong these last 5 months?  Any tangible progress?

Keep up the great work.



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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #136 on: 2018-05-02 19:02:03 »
I was about to start my first lets play series on this today since 8 was my favorite of the core Final Fantasy games. I thought I would search to see if voice overs existed and man was I blown away. I am going to put my recording on hold and do a different game in hopes that this is approaching the home stretch. I'm sure you are working hard, Shard, but could you give us a brief update? Thanks for the hard work and if there is something you could use a hand in I'd be open to help in any I could.


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #137 on: 2018-08-17 06:09:19 »
So it's getting close to another year since the last update...

I know it's hard to collaborate with people when everyone has different schedules, but I truly hope progress is still being made on this.

I've held off on replaying Final Fantasy VIII since this project began and I'd really like to know if I should keep holding off or not.

Either way, it's ambitious work, so I can understand it taking awhile. If it's been canceled, even what you already managed to do was pretty cool and you should feel good about it.


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #138 on: 2019-04-15 15:04:59 »
Hey Shard. It's been pretty quiet around here.. is the project dead now? Please give us an update.

Greetings from Germany


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #139 on: 2019-10-05 19:16:22 »
Anxious for this.
Will it work on the remaster?


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #140 on: 2020-05-16 00:18:10 »
If someone is willing to get in touch with RupertScarr (best Squall voice over so far). I just asked him and he's interested in returning to the  scene some day. Hint:
« Last Edit: 2020-05-16 00:33:57 by LeonhartGR »


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #141 on: 2020-05-16 03:45:35 »
That's the real trick with projects like this.  Finding someone who's willing to work for free, and is also willing to commit 50+ man hours over the course of several months recording well over a thousand lines of dialogue (several thousand with retakes).  That's hard to do for someone who's got a bunch of other things lined up (jobs, kids, etc.).  That person has to be in love with the project and connected to Squall's character enough to want to commit to that.  It also helps if they're a college kid and not a full blown adult with an adult life and adult job.  That's a big reason Shudo's original project fell apart.  Other bigger things got in the way as everyone got older.

Zach Scott (the Squall for the Youtube FFVIIIFandub project I'm helping out with) isn't my favorite Squall voice I've ever heard.  Frankly we didn't have any Rupert Scarrs or Christian Sekhanans or Dylan Kelleys audition for him back when we first started.  He was the best who auditioned and he's pretty good (his voice grew on me throughout the project) and has a good mic, but more importantly, he sticks with it and turns his lines in, rather than going completely AWOL on due dates and doesn't think he's too "internet famous" to contribute to the group chats like some of these younger, Twitter-dwelling voice-actor hipsters out there I've had to work with 😒.


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #142 on: 2020-05-16 14:20:07 »
Yeah... Christian is still pretty active though (hint: but I wouldn't prefer him for Squall's voice. Dylan and the rest of the cast were pretty good and with much confidence with what they were dealing, but his accent reminded me more of a redneck, well not bad but comparing to RupertScarr's I prefer the last one which most resembles to my personal preference. A calm, deep neutral tone , a little apathetic with potential of progressively evolving to more mature.

Anyways, this is all just in theory with a long way ahead until becoming a full completed project.
« Last Edit: 2020-05-16 14:22:28 by LeonhartGR »


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #143 on: 2020-05-17 06:44:07 »
I love Christian's Squall.  Christian and Aarlyn Adams (our Quistis) did a video together last year that I thought was one of the more well done FF8 fan voice vids in recent years.


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #144 on: 2021-05-07 01:19:43 »
Aw man. I was pretty psyched about this project but it looks like it got stuck, huh...


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #145 on: 2021-05-07 05:05:09 »
It's actually not the only one any more. Project Echo-S is now making a mod for 8 too


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #146 on: 2021-05-07 05:11:00 »
It's actually not the only one any more. Project Echo-S is now making a mod for 8 too

That's so exciting! I know it's too early to ask but do you have a ball-park number on when that will be completed?


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #147 on: 2021-05-07 05:46:49 »
Not even slightly, we haven't long started. We just finished casting the Main Characters and most of the minors.
We're finishing up 7 now and the members of 7 that are done are moving to 8 ready to get it started.

Here's our Main cast:


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #148 on: 2021-05-07 11:30:25 »
It's actually not the only one any more. Project Echo-S is now making a mod for 8 too

Oh mannnn. I just watched your trailer. Wooo! I'm psyched all over again. Zell's voice is genius.


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Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« Reply #149 on: 2021-06-09 05:37:48 »
Hey y'all.

As you have probably guessed, development of this project halted for a long time. The main reason is that I went through several voice actors who said they would do the project, but dropped out halfway through. It's frustrating having to lose dozens of hours of work multiple times, then having to find replacement actors. I also moved and got a full time job which has taken up half of my awake time (when I started this I was an unemployed college graduate).

I do want to complete the project at some point, but I have a few other things that are higher priority at the moment. The good news is that every actor that has recorded with me has finished everything, and they all sound amazing. When I continue the project I will be looking for new actors to finish up the parts that haven't been done yet.

I will keep you posted on any other updates.