Author Topic: Final Fantasy 8 Controller Vibrate/Rumble Mod [REQ]  (Read 7609 times)


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Hey Guys! I'm pretty fascinated with all the work that has gone into one of my favorite adolescent series.   

Playing FF8 on the PSX first, a controller rumble / vibration would always signal a precisely timed pull with Squall's gunblade trigger [R1] and I would love to experience that on your updated and improved modified version of this game.   I tried searching for this topic but I wasn't able to find one that would bring the spotlight on this immersive mod. 

I was wondering if there were any plans or progress into this project?  I'd love to help out in anyway I can to the best of my abilities.

This would also be an important addition for Seifer, Zell, and Irvine with his pistol.
« Last Edit: 2015-06-03 21:17:36 by RC »


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Re: Final Fantasy 8 Controller Vibrate/Rumble Mod [REQ]
« Reply #1 on: 2018-07-11 13:09:35 »
clearly there is interest in this... 1700 Views...
but can it be done and how...
sorry for the bump... but i wasn't here back when this was a recent post...
with Magic being upscaled along with the older HD Mods :)
i feel like the lack of vibration is the main source of frustration... 


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Re: Final Fantasy 8 Controller Vibrate/Rumble Mod [REQ]
« Reply #2 on: 2019-10-24 15:55:18 »
necro bump. no controller vibration in this game is unacceptable. it has to be possible it's been done before


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Re: Final Fantasy 8 Controller Vibrate/Rumble Mod [REQ]
« Reply #3 on: 2019-10-30 21:05:31 »
The code is there (leftover from the psx code), but nobody knows how to turn it on, especially to make it work on windows (directx).