Author Topic: Final Fantasy IX-2 (Complete)  (Read 26105 times)


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Re: Final Fantasy IX-2 (Complete)
« Reply #25 on: 2017-06-14 20:37:00 »
You can force unity games to run in DirectX 12. Though, FFIX doesn't run so well but my guess is that memoria could fix it if that would be needed, who knows.

I mean DirectX 11. :oops:
« Last Edit: 2017-06-15 21:03:15 by Kaldarasha »


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Re: Final Fantasy IX-2 (Complete)
« Reply #26 on: 2017-06-18 01:01:04 »
This is certainly a bit off topic but still related, it would be awesome to be able to modify the character models, for example changing the Trance and the Normal models.

With the Hades Workshop, I've essentially turned Steiner into a Dark Knight and Beatrix I gave her a trance command and an "ultimate" paladin ability. I also locked the Excalibur II as a Beatrix exclusive and ultimate weapon.  So it would be pretty cool if I were able to mod it so she has a Trance form, give her a Valkyrie-esque Trance armor, and modify Steiner's existing armors to look more reflective of a Dark Knight.


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Re: Final Fantasy IX-2 (Complete)
« Reply #27 on: 2017-06-18 06:06:34 »
Anyway I'm happy that you give up, it would be big if you would also acknowledge that you're wrong, but that's probably too much to ask for.

. Then we'll make you some backgrounds and you'll go woah amazing. *Kneels before masters*

I can assure you I won't be kneeling at all. "Some backgrounds" is feasible. 500+ is not. I've seen many FF7 backgrounds that I've really appreciated by some very talented people here, but I have never knelt before any "master"  - or believed for one second that even a decent fraction will be completed. But you're clearly not hearing what people are saying and I can't imagine many people will want to help someone that starts name calling at the very first sign of disagreement. If it really was as easy as you are trying to convince people, then FF7 backgrounds would all be done by now - and they aren't.  This isn't Harry Potter.  But should you prove me wrong, I will be happy that you did.  So bring it on ;)  It isn't really anyone's job to say your chances are low, so I shouldn't have come here in the first place - I'll duly vacate the thread.
« Last Edit: 2017-06-18 15:50:01 by Covarr »


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Re: Final Fantasy IX-2 (Complete)
« Reply #28 on: 2017-06-18 14:32:40 »
Anyway when that other guy who wanted to make backgrounds on this forum gets his computer he'll help me out with ripping the camera and walk mesh or whatever else is needed to remake the backgrounds. Then we'll see if we can remake some of them, for practice and for fun.

EDIT: Btw I find it disengenious that the mods, covarr chose to edit this very post and not allow me to explain my kneeling before masters comment. It's called sense of humor people, sarcasm, exaggeration. I wasn't asking you to kneel before me because I'm better than you, ligten up. You modded me before because I said some of you sounded autistic and then you mentioned that's not appropiate because some of the mods on here are autistic. Nothing wrong with that, but maybe just maybe that's why you don't understand when I use sarcasm, cheers.
« Last Edit: 2017-06-18 21:25:48 by Lein »


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Re: Final Fantasy IX-2 (Complete)
« Reply #29 on: 2017-06-18 22:12:17 »
Whatever... start making it or dump it... such fuzz for no reason folks... I wasn't able to complete a single translation in my native language though...

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Re: Final Fantasy IX-2 (Complete)
« Reply #30 on: 2017-06-18 23:01:25 »
Meh, for a moment i thought this mod was real and was actually completed in my absence. Nothing to see here folks.


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Re: Final Fantasy IX-2 (Complete)
« Reply #31 on: 2017-06-19 02:16:17 »
Anyway when that other guy who wanted to make backgrounds on this forum gets his computer he'll help me out with ripping the camera and walk mesh or whatever else is needed to remake the backgrounds. Then we'll see if we can remake some of them, for practice and for fun.

I look forward to seeing these, and, if by the time anyone starts such an endevour, if I'm no longer uptomy neck in freelance and fulltime job deadlines, then I'll chip in too, as its good for portfolio, and it'd be an enjoyable experience.

Btw I find it disengenious that the mods, covarr chose to edit this very post and not allow me to explain my kneeling before masters comment. It's called sense of humor people, sarcasm, exaggeration. I wasn't asking you to kneel before me because I'm better than you, ligten up.

Sarcasm and exaggeration come across well tonally, because they're verbal forms of humour, they don't come across so well in written form.
I don't know you at all and I read the 'kneel before your masters' thing as a little humorous yes, but also very arrogant, and unfortunately for many others, the arrogance, intentional or not, held a lot stronger.
It may not be how you intended it, but it came across well, there are few situations where you can type 'kneel before your master' and have it go down particularly well if its not in verbal communication.
Thats the unfortunate caveat of written communication, and the rest of us work around it, not... always so perfectly though.

You modded me before because I said some of you sounded autistic and then you mentioned that's not appropriate because some of the mods on here are autistic. Nothing wrong with that, but maybe just maybe that's why you don't understand when I use sarcasm, cheers.

I'd imagine its not appropriate because its a needless insult and its combative honestly.

If mods are regularly editing your posts, the best course of action would be to type things that can be read exactly as intended.
Calling someone autistic isn't sarcasm... its just an insult, whether the person is or isn't autistic is beyond the point really, its just an insult, taken as so and intended as so. There is no 'sarcasm' in that.

This MAY be a language barrier too, I say this not knowing if English is your first language, it may well be, outside of your use of the term sarcasm nothing suggests English isn't your first language.
If it IS your first language, then I apologise wholeheartedly. In which case it may just be an 'American vs non American' thing, (if you were American that is, I honestly have no idea), with American sarcasm being... very different from European sarcasm in that its usually just mean/rude or just straight faced lying as opposed to passive and backhanded the way Europe would use it. Again this would change depending on the language its used in, example: I use Japanese all day every day in daily life, and whilst my Japanese isn't great by anyone's standards, it is a language, like a few others, where the concept of sarcasm doesn't exist at all.

Going back to the project however, you have a detailed list of things you want to change, what do you intend to start with first, since as discussed, things like characters, backgrounds and animation would take a very very long time.

Will you start with the dialogue rewriting and scene reordering instead since those two are the easier of your list.

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Re: Final Fantasy IX-2 (Complete)
« Reply #32 on: 2017-06-19 09:07:14 »
He really called people autistic? Sorry, but this thread doesn't deserve to exist anymore, it's just too much for my poor intelligence.


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Re: Final Fantasy IX-2 (Complete)
« Reply #33 on: 2017-06-19 09:13:17 »
I don't know why people are still writing in here.
He explained that he would not work on this. I say close.

And the problem about sarcasm is, like DanTsukasa said, that it really doesn't work in written form.


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Re: Final Fantasy IX-2 (Complete)
« Reply #34 on: 2017-06-19 09:24:02 »
Going back to the project however, you have a detailed list of things you want to change, what do you intend to start with first, since as discussed, things like characters, backgrounds and animation would take a very very long time.
I'll just try doing one of the backgrounds for the same reason that you said you might try do some work on them, it'll be fun.
He really called people autistic? Sorry, but this thread doesn't deserve to exist anymore, it's just too much for my poor intelligence.
Yes I did, not in this thread though. Some person replied to me in such a manner that I had to mention it. That post was edited because apparently moderators on this forum are autistic according to some guy and because they are it's innapropiate to point out that they sound like it. If anything the people who want to censor me for calling the black guy black are the ones who are being offensive. Personally I don't feel there is anything wrong with being autistic, it's an actual medical condition. I wonder if these same people would want me censored if I said that someone is sounding black, nothing wrong with being black or autistic, why does it need to be censored?

Anyway we're going off topic, Dan I look forward to seeing you work on one of the backgrounds, maybe you know how to line up the camera perfectly so the backgrounds matches the original backgrounds?


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Re: Final Fantasy IX-2 (Complete)
« Reply #35 on: 2017-06-19 16:04:23 »
Lein has done nothing but pick fights with people for weeks, and I simply do not have the patience to deal with it anymore, and no amount of backpedaling and pretending his insults and asshattery were just pointing out facts is going to change that. Ban issued, thread locked.

P.S. As of now, I'm going full hard stance on drama and on the "Don't be a d*ck rule". Don't start shit. Anyone. ~Covarr