Author Topic: FF 12 Zodiac Age PC mod requests (FOV, 4-party, enemy + skill + item modifiers)  (Read 4370 times)


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FF12 Zodiac Age was released on steam about a month ago, and so far there have been some strides forward with new mods coming out every few days; though so far most of these have been limited to custom license boards, graphical tweaks and character replacements.

We are really hoping to see a mod to increase the FOV. A mod for a 4 character party (currently the game supports 4 characters in an active party and you can use the party editor cheat table to add any hero to the 4th party slot, but as soon as you go into the menu the game will make you remove the 4th party member if they are not a guest character).  I believe enemy, skill and item modifiers are currently being worked on to some degree.

Here are a few resources if anyone can help, or has questions?

Much appreciated!

« Last Edit: 2018-03-10 22:24:56 by Kulharin »


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Also, FF12 uses Phyre Engine same as FFX.. Any existing FFX modding tools could be adapted.. just needs motivators to the right people to work on it