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Information on FF7.exe

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It was already possible to use different AVI's ... if you had the AVi's running off hard disk (like you'd need to use custom ones anyway!) you could always copy one of your own over the original, using the same name.EXE hacking is useful, but only to do things (like swapping .DAT files) that we haven't got a clue how to do by editing the original data files.OK, I'll go on a source-uploading mission tomorrow  :)

Srethron Askvelhtnod:
Dag Sverre: I'm rather sure I knew about that at some point... Thanks for the info.Ficedula: Thanks for the info, and glad to hear it.  :)

The Skillster:
well, i dont know delphi so its little help to me, but you never know  :)

The Skillster:
the saint; you say world map definitions are in there? where? (this could be fun) anyone know if the summon supernova has a dat file section in the exe, or what is it called? super.dat nova.dat?
im a bit novice in this area: what exactly happens when you compile a EXE? :O

The Skillster:
hold just found it, supernova is called stage57.dat, i remember that from the psx version, there was a whole folder devoted to the summon supernove...
ficedula: i said this a long time ago, i onced opened up a save game in a hex editor, and filled it with values. now when i play the save cloud (or the lead character) has a realy long name (made up of one letter) and the lead character is non-existant in the battle scenes!, on top of that cloud was equipt with weird materia (which lowered and increased your stats) and was equipped with a poisen ring as armour! and one of cait siths weapons, and a bangle for a accessory!
I was hoping that you could tell what was wrong with it and maybe it could lead to making custom materia (independant - purple) for changing stats, and learn how to remove players from battles. if you want it ill post it to you


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