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FF9 on PSX emulators

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Where can i get ff9 ISO please Skillster?

The Skillster:
 :D LOL!
its a digital copy of the original disc, IE its a copy of the ff9 disc on the pc's hardrive. why do it? cause the standard HDrive is about 80X faster than i cd rom, plus itll free up a cd drive for some thing else  :wink:

Sweet!So I get the PAL cd's then copy em to me hard drive and then how do I play it coz really i know sweet f a about emulating.Do I click run ISO?

Srethron Askvelhtnod:
I'm assuming you know this but just in case you don't... You can't just copy files from the CDs to your hard drive. You need to make an ISO, which is a direct copy of the disc, with all the files being in exact same spot, and all of the unused space being copied as well. Basically, the ISO for each disc will probably be 650 or 700 MB reguardless of how much space the disc takes up. If you knew this already, sorry to have wasted your time.

And where do you get the programs to make these ISO's?


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