Miscellaneous Forums > Scripting and Reverse Engineering
FF9 on PSX emulators
Two proggies that I know of for making ISO'sGoto Here for ISO Buster or do a search for Daemon Tools, Fice' was saying something about them earlier, I hhave just finished downloading ISO Buster so ill be trying it l8r tonight and I'll tell ya how it went.
Ok well i couldnt make it work I think my scph1001.bin is screwed. Skillster or Fice as yours obviously works can I have yours please?Also how do you make an iso with iso buster, it just copied the files then ePSXe couldnt read it.
Srethron Askvelhtnod:
The method varies slightly with each CD-writer program. If there's included documentation/help with ISO Buster try searching that for the ISO making procedure.
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