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Messages - orugari

Pages: [1]

No,I think not.. Or I couldn't find it !
Check what I did. Just put the file in the same folder. And for a GUI version, a folder browser would be cool !  :D

Dr. Zaius
For now, how to use:
Create a folder "soundedit" in your harddrive. C:\soundedit\:
- folder "files"
- audio.dat
- audio.fmt
- sfxEdit.exe
- sfxdump.exe

If you want to extract the sound effect:
1. Start a windows console
2. Drag and drop sfxdump.exe into the console. (magic!)
3. you should have something like: C:\soundedit\sfxdump.exe
4. Add to this line: C:\soundedit\sfxdump.exe C:\soundedit\audio.fmt C:\soundedit\audio.dat C:\soundedit\files

You will get your sound effect into the files folder :)

Do the same to pack back your sounds files.

Oh, Thank you so much !
And here we go, it is working with sfxEdit.exe in the same folder as audio.dat / audio.fmt!
I get the "files" folder with all the wav files :)

Again, thank you luksy for this soft, thank you Kranmer for your explanation!

Edit: the encode method give me an error: incomplete character in file
I don't really have a clue about what is it :(

Yeah, I just have no idea how to make it as an exe, but i'd love to do it by myself ^^'
I am using windows, is there a software available to do that? :o

Somehow I changed source for make it works with the re-release... Maybe?
Cause I have no clue about how to compile the source code... I am a web developer... And only that.

getFFPath() would be useless now, the soft may work if you put sfxEdit.exe in the same folder as audio.dat / audio.fmt

So if someone can compile it and give it a try?

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