Some more fixes:Disable bad effects in Iifa trunk (there's an animation behind anyway)
Disable all "RunSPSCode(...)" in:Iifa Tree/Inner Roots 1, 2 & 3
in Main Init & Main Reinit
Disable bugged smoke in Lindblum Plaza, before the forge

in Lindblum/Square
Remove these lines from Main_init and Main_reinit
RunSPSCode( 2, 130, 1770, 0, 0 )
RunSPSCode( 3, 130, 1772, 0, 0 )
RunSPSCode( 2, 135, -3120, -1300, 2040 )
RunSPSCode( 2, 140, 0, 0, 0 )
RunSPSCode( 2, 145, 9000, 0, 0 )
RunSPSCode( 2, 155, 150, 0, 0 )
RunSPSCode( 2, 160, 16, 0, 0 )
RunSPSCode( 2, 170, 0, 0, 0 )
RunSPSCode( 2, 156, 1, 0, 0 )
RunSPSCode( 3, 135, -3110, -1290, 2040 )
RunSPSCode( 3, 140, 0, 0, 0 )
RunSPSCode( 3, 145, 8000, 0, 0 )
RunSPSCode( 3, 155, 150, 0, 0 )
RunSPSCode( 3, 160, 16, 0, 0 )
RunSPSCode( 3, 170, 0, 0, 0 )
RunSPSCode( 3, 156, 2, 0, 0 )
Alexandria Pub floating glasses
In both glass_init remove everything except the first and last line.
In both glass_loop, remove everything except the first and 2 last lines
Clayra trumk chest angle

Clayra/Tree Trunk 6
in ChestA Init (the second one)
Before "return", add:
SetPitchAngle( 10, 0 )
Small depth bug in Iifa roots
Iifa Tree/Roots 1
in Region13_Range
After SetFieldCamera( 1 ), add:
SetTilePositionEx( 5, 0, 0, -50 )
Remove ugly shovels from dali windmill upstairs
Dali/Windmill 2F
remove from "mill_shovels_init":
set VAR_GlobInt16_0 = 65267
set VAR_GlobInt16_4 = 1318
set VAR_GlobInt16_6 = 0
set VAR_GlobInt16_2 = 258
SetModel( 365, 93 )
CreateObject( VAR_GlobInt16_0, VAR_GlobInt16_4 )
TurnInstant( VAR_GlobInt16_6 )
SetStandAnimation( 5959 )
DisableShadow( )
SetPathing( 0 )
MoveInstantXZY( VAR_GlobInt16_0, VAR_GlobInt16_2, VAR_GlobInt16_4 )
set VAR_LocUInt8_1 = 6
remove from "mill_shovels_loop":
if ( ( General_ScenarioCounter >= 6990 ) && ( General_ScenarioCounter < 11090 ) ) {
MoveInstantXZY( -269, 338, 1318 )
TurnInstant( 24 )
} else {
set VAR_LocUInt8_0 += VAR_LocUInt8_1
TurnInstant( VAR_LocUInt8_0 )
Wait( 1 )