« on: 2019-09-06 12:47:45 »
I found this in the fbx file \p0data4\assets\resources\models\3\9 (the griffin)
Video: 401207184, "Video::9_2.png", "Clip" {
Type: "Clip"
Properties70: {
P: "Path", "KString", "XRefUrl", "", "9_2.png"
P: "RelPath", "KString", "XRefUrl", "", "C:\Users\Max\Desktop\hades\9_2.png"
UseMipMap: 0
Filename: "9_2.png"
RelativeFilename: "C:\Users\Max\Desktop\hades\9_2.png"
Video: 401200320, "Video::9_1.png", "Clip" {
Type: "Clip"
Properties70: {
P: "Path", "KString", "XRefUrl", "", "9_1.png"
P: "RelPath", "KString", "XRefUrl", "", "C:\Users\Max\Desktop\hades\9_1.png"
UseMipMap: 0
Filename: "9_1.png"
RelativeFilename: "C:\Users\Max\Desktop\hades\9_1.png"
Video: 401201112, "Video::9_0.png", "Clip" {
Type: "Clip"
Properties70: {
P: "Path", "KString", "XRefUrl", "", "9_0.png"
P: "RelPath", "KString", "XRefUrl", "", "C:\Users\Max\Desktop\hades\9_0.png"
UseMipMap: 0
Filename: "9_0.png"
RelativeFilename: "C:\Users\Max\Desktop\hades\9_0.png"
Texture: 167414080, "Texture::9_2.png", "" {
Type: "TextureVideoClip"
Version: 202
TextureName: "Texture::9_2.png"
Properties70: {
P: "UVSet", "KString", "", "", "DiffuseUV"
P: "UseMaterial", "bool", "", "",1
Media: "Video::9_2.png"
FileName: "9_2.png"
RelativeFilename: "C:\Users\Max\Desktop\hades\9_2.png"
ModelUVTranslation: 0,0
ModelUVScaling: 1,1
Texture_Alpha_Source: "None"
Cropping: 0,0,0,0
Texture: 167417928, "Texture::9_1.png", "" {
Type: "TextureVideoClip"
Version: 202
TextureName: "Texture::9_1.png"
Properties70: {
P: "UVSet", "KString", "", "", "DiffuseUV"
P: "UseMaterial", "bool", "", "",1
Media: "Video::9_1.png"
FileName: "9_1.png"
RelativeFilename: "C:\Users\Max\Desktop\hades\9_1.png"
ModelUVTranslation: 0,0
ModelUVScaling: 1,1
Texture_Alpha_Source: "None"
Cropping: 0,0,0,0
Texture: 167414376, "Texture::9_0.png", "" {
Type: "TextureVideoClip"
Version: 202
TextureName: "Texture::9_0.png"
Properties70: {
P: "UVSet", "KString", "", "", "DiffuseUV"
P: "UseMaterial", "bool", "", "",1
Media: "Video::9_0.png"
FileName: "9_0.png"
RelativeFilename: "C:\Users\Max\Desktop\hades\9_0.png"
ModelUVTranslation: 0,0
ModelUVScaling: 1,1
Texture_Alpha_Source: "None"
Cropping: 0,0,0,0
I don't know what to make of it yet.