Supposedly, scaled UI mod is working now
I have the previous version of Moguri installed (V7) along with Snouz's Beta V5 files. Did a quick test of the lastest Scaled Battle UI mod build and I can confirm that it works far better than it did previously.
The only two minor issues that I now have with it are the following:
- When booting up the game with Scaled Battle UI mod for the first time, most of the Battle UI is offscreen. One needs to press the 'U' key on the keyboard to first adjust the battle selection menu on the left side of the screen, then it needs to be pressed again a second time to adjust the ATB UI on the right side of the screen. This is fine, but when pressing 'U' a small text appears at the top of the screen and can't be disabled no matter how many time I press 'U' again. The only way to get rid of it is to exit and reboot the game.
- The second issue, and this is a minor one, is that it completely resets all of my settings in Memoria and sets Battle FPS to 24fps by default, meaning the user has to manually adjust each setting individually again the Memoria .ini file.
Other than the above two small issues. It appears to work perfectly so I'm sticking with it. If any issues come up during my playthrough, I'll post back here and in the Scaled Battle UI Steam thread.
As an aside, I really wish TehMighty would allow Snouz and ZePilOt to merge this mod into future releases of Moguri. It would be so much easier to iron out any bugs that way