Hi people!
I need some testers!for the last few days, I've been working on p0data2, the archive that contains battle textures. I need some people to test it to see if they see some bugs in there. Here's the file:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tUeokDxaGaE5ZusANjFWuq2cr5uxDRMr/view?usp=sharingYou can first download
latest moguri and put this file in /MoguriFiles/StreamingAssets instead of the existing p0data2
What I improved since 8.0 and why the file is smaller than previous versions:
(/!\ the following is technical and only for documentation purpose)
First line is the old texture structure, second is the final. I relalized the textures take way too much space, they are repeated and only a fraction is used on each. So I redirected some material files. An example: in this image, I took the door part, which is the only part relevant in image5, and put it in image0. Then I changed the .mat file so that it looks for image0 instead of 5. Then I can transform image5 to a 1x1 image to save space.
Took me several days, but it's done.
Animation textures need to stay the same size, that can be jarring, but I can't do anything.
This process allows me to see easily what texture is actually used or not, and make them more seemless.
Importing from different folders in different formats allowed me to remove the black artifacts around transparency (textures with transparency -> tiff DXT5 after passing through a photoshop script that diffused the border color and transforms to tiff). So 300 textures are compressed with DXT5, which is 2x heavier than DXT1.
I transformed 40 skies to be half the size, but uncompressed by DXT1 (so I have a smaller resolution, but no compression. Size of the image is divided by 4 but no compression makes it 8 times heavier, so in the end, I hit a good compromise). I realized that some textures have a border of unused texture (4 or 8 pixels usually), so I did a script to account for that on these skies.
Now also made a screenshot of all the fight scenes in the game to check if I had some mistakes, and I improved some textures to be more seamless using some photoshop tools.
In summary, I:
-removed the black artifacts around transparencies
-optimized the size of the archive
-made it easier for future modders
-made some textures seamless (most skies...)
-improved some black gradients
-corrected some animated textures
-removed compression on some textures
Now I need your help to point out where things could be improved, or if there are bugs I didn't catch!