Author Topic: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)  (Read 415402 times)


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #625 on: 2020-08-23 12:27:09 »
edit: ok now works


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #626 on: 2020-08-23 16:12:24 »
Enabled = 1
BattleFPS =15
MovieFPS = 15
BattleSwirlFrames =115
WidescreenSupport =1
SkipIntros =3
GarnetHair =0 ; 0 - Default, 1 - Long, 2 - Short
UseGarnetFont= 0

Thank you!


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #627 on: 2020-08-24 02:43:22 »

got a dialogue box that seems to be a tad misaligned and is cut-off on the right side


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #628 on: 2020-08-24 02:47:28 »
I have setteled with x360ce with the 3x version of it and not the version4.
the only downside is i need to unplug and replug my controller after the game loads.... but that is small price to pay.
Does anyone know any workaround for the d-pad/shoulders not working on a DS4?

So far, from scattered internet references I've tried:

1. Disabling every potential overlay (Steam, GeForce, Discord, etc) -- Result: No effect
2. Disabling Analog Support in the .ini file -- Result: Depends (see below), but typically no effect
3. Unplugging controller and plugging it in after the game has started -- Result: Game never detects controller unless it was plugged in before launch (so the controller doesn't work at all)
4. Enable DS4 support in Steam/use "forced on" in the per-game settings -- Result: If (and only if) I disable analog support in the .ini, this enables d-pad provided I rebind the d-pad to stick directions via steam controller configuration BUT the game double reads inputs from other buttons. If analog support is enabled this has no effect except the face buttons are scrambled to incorrect locations (e.g. X becomes Square, Circle becomes X etc). Technically the face button scramble happens if analog support is disabled too, but the double button read means it will read one version of the button immediately followed by the incorrect version.

Interestingly, even if I disable analog support in the .ini, the analog stick still works fine and absolutely nothing changes about the controller behavior.

E: It seems like the buttons are still slightly scrambled with steam controller stuff off. It swaps Square and Circle (X and B), enabling Steam support on will scramble them further. Interestingly, enabling vibration in the in-game config will also scramble the buttons to the steam support variant as opposed to the regular scramble for... some reason?

E: Further testing -- without Moguri installed I get the "walk left" issue, and the buttons are scrambled as if I had steam controller support on. Weirdly, the shoulder buttons don't work with vanilla, but the D-pad partially works. Left/Right are registered as up/down, and up/down seem functionless.


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #629 on: 2020-08-25 15:34:34 »
Outstanding work!
You should be immensely proud of yourself.


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #630 on: 2020-08-26 00:14:06 »
I use DS4 to play this game but after dowloading the mod it does't work wireless. Any ideas? Thanks


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #631 on: 2020-08-26 15:17:26 »
Thank you


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #632 on: 2020-08-26 21:11:48 »
Amazing mod that just keeps getting better! I am constantly floored by the quality work that gets put into this project.

That said, I do have one question: after the latest hotfix update, I'm unable to access the Garnet font anymore. I tried messing around with the Memoria.ini and tweaking various settings to see if I could get it back but no luck so far. Any ideas?


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #633 on: 2020-08-27 05:15:51 »
i think it is not supposed to be the garnet font rather the alexandria font now.
Amazing mod that just keeps getting better! I am constantly floored by the quality work that gets put into this project.

That said, I do have one question: after the latest hotfix update, I'm unable to access the Garnet font anymore. I tried messing around with the Memoria.ini and tweaking various settings to see if I could get it back but no luck so far. Any ideas?


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #634 on: 2020-08-27 08:40:15 »
i think it is not supposed to be the garnet font rather the alexandria font now.

Yeah, I figured, I was just wondering if it was still possible to use it in any way at all. I'm thinking of looking it up myself but I'm not sure where to find might be the Chrono Trigger font?


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #635 on: 2020-08-27 10:46:53 »
At the beginning of the last cinematic, the game automatically closes. The memoria file has the following message:
Obs.: I use Win10 64bits.

27.08.2020 07:27:53 |M| [SteamSdkWrapper] Initialized: True
27.08.2020 07:27:54 |M| Loading configuration Memoria.ini
27.08.2020 07:27:54 |M| [FontInterceptor] Dynamic font initialization.
27.08.2020 07:27:54 |M| [FontInterceptor] Pass through {Configuration.Font.Enabled = 0}.
27.08.2020 07:27:54 |M| [FontInterceptor] Loading font [Original: TBUDGoStd-Bold (UnityEngine.Font)]
27.08.2020 07:27:56 |M| [GameLoopManager] RaiseStartEvent
27.08.2020 07:27:56 |M| InitializeItemText
27.08.2020 07:27:56 |M| InitializeImportantItemText
27.08.2020 07:27:56 |M| InitializeAbilityText
27.08.2020 07:27:56 |M| InitializeCommandText
27.08.2020 07:27:56 |M| InitializeBattleText
27.08.2020 07:27:56 |M| InitializeLocationText
27.08.2020 07:27:56 |M| InitializeEtcText
27.08.2020 07:27:56 |M| InitializeEtcText
27.08.2020 07:27:56 |M| [ResourceExporter] Pass through {Configuration.Export.Enabled = 0}.
27.08.2020 07:27:56 |M| [ResourceImporter] Pass through {Configuration.Import.Enabled = 0}.
27.08.2020 07:27:56 |M| InitializeItemText
27.08.2020 07:27:56 |M| InitializeImportantItemText
27.08.2020 07:27:56 |M| InitializeAbilityText
27.08.2020 07:27:56 |M| InitializeCommandText
27.08.2020 07:27:56 |M| InitializeBattleText
27.08.2020 07:27:56 |M| InitializeLocationText
27.08.2020 07:27:56 |M| InitializeEtcText
27.08.2020 07:27:56 |M| InitializeEtcText
27.08.2020 07:27:56 |M| [AudioResourceExporter] Pass through {Configuration.Export.Audio = 0}.
27.08.2020 07:28:12 |M| [SteamSdkWrapper] Request stats: True
27.08.2020 07:28:13 |M| [AssetManager] Asset not found: FieldMaps/FBG_N45_CYSW_MAPX29_CW_MBG_1/spt.tcb

How fix it?


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #636 on: 2020-08-27 21:28:13 »
Hi people!

I need some testers!

for the last few days, I've been working on p0data2, the archive that contains battle textures. I need some people to test it to see if they see some bugs in there. Here's the file:

You can first download latest moguri and put this file in /MoguriFiles/StreamingAssets instead of the existing p0data2

What I improved since 8.0 and why the file is smaller than previous versions: (/!\ the following is technical and only for documentation purpose)

First line is the old texture structure, second is the final. I relalized the textures take way too much space, they are repeated and only a fraction is used on each. So I redirected some material files. An example: in this image, I took the door part, which is the only part relevant in image5, and put it in image0. Then I changed the .mat file so that it looks for image0 instead of 5. Then I can transform image5 to a 1x1 image to save space.
Took me several days, but it's done.
Animation textures need to stay the same size, that can be jarring, but I can't do anything.
This process allows me to see easily what texture is actually used or not, and make them more seemless.
Importing from different folders in different formats allowed me to remove the black artifacts around transparency (textures with transparency -> tiff DXT5 after passing through a photoshop script that diffused the border color and transforms to tiff). So 300 textures are compressed with DXT5, which is 2x heavier than DXT1.
I transformed 40 skies to be half the size, but uncompressed by DXT1 (so I have a smaller resolution, but no compression. Size of the image is divided by 4 but no compression makes it 8 times heavier, so in the end, I hit a good compromise). I realized that some textures have a border of unused texture (4 or 8 pixels usually), so I did a script to account for that on these skies.
Now also made a screenshot of all the fight scenes in the game to check if I had some mistakes, and I improved some textures to be more seamless using some photoshop tools.

In summary, I:
-removed the black artifacts around transparencies
-optimized the size of the archive
-made it easier for future modders
-made some textures seamless (most skies...)
-improved some black gradients
-corrected some animated textures
-removed compression on some textures

Now I need your help to point out where things could be improved, or if there are bugs I didn't catch!


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #637 on: 2020-08-27 22:38:00 »
Hi everyone, and thanks for giving us these wonderful upscaled backgrounds and patch fixes, snouz.

Sorry if this has already been answered. I wanted to ask if there's gonna be multilanguage versions of the backgrounds where the text has been translated (I don't remember if FFIX has any, FFVIII sure does), specifically the text that appears on the screen when you enter a new area (i.e. "Evil Forest" in italian is "Foresta del Male"). Or if it's at least possible to retain the vanilla text just for the area's names while everything else is upscaled.


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #638 on: 2020-08-28 00:55:56 »
Hi everyone, and thanks for giving us these wonderful upscaled backgrounds and patch fixes, snouz.

Sorry if this has already been answered. I wanted to ask if there's gonna be multilanguage versions of the backgrounds where the text has been translated (I don't remember if FFIX has any, FFVIII sure does), specifically the text that appears on the screen when you enter a new area (i.e. "Evil Forest" in italian is "Foresta del Male"). Or if it's at least possible to retain the vanilla text just for the area's names while everything else is upscaled.
Steam version has 6 languages for area names. They're all upscaled in Moguri 8.2.


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #639 on: 2020-08-28 02:13:48 »
Ah! Sorry, I haven't even downloaded the mod yet. I was basing my assumption on the fact that I've watched some playthroughs with Moguri on Youtube, and they were in full italian (checked some french streams too) except the area names, BUT they were using an outdated version of the mod, so maybe that's why.

Another question: I've found an Audio fix in the Audio section of the FFIX releases, that brings the original PSX sound fx to the PC version, but a lot of what it used to fix has already been patched by the last 8 August Steam update.
Since it has the reflex sound fx fix, is it compatible with the game's last version and Moguri's last version without breaking anything?


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #640 on: 2020-08-28 06:45:35 »
i've been testing p0tat02.bin  :-D  and everything looks great so far, the skies of battle match how great the skies of the fields are

i've found a different bug that is unrelated, during festival of the hunt the "participant leads with 30 points" dialogue box is placed over the timer, so you can only see the time in battle or in a menu

edit: hopefully you dont mind some constructive criticism, i'm not a fan of the mountains in the world map

but so far IMO Moguri 8.2 is just as large of a leap forward from moguri 7 as moguri 7 was to the vanilla game, its THAT good... i'm mesmerized by the skies

that's the only reason i bring up the mountains - (once again IMO) they are not on par with the rest of the mod

and still no battle-related glitches that i've noticed

i've been working hard at making the perfect reshade settings:
little more tweaking and i'll edit this with the .ini
« Last Edit: 2020-08-28 15:50:28 by -Ori »


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #641 on: 2020-08-28 08:16:14 »
I would second the timer of the festival is blocked by the ingame leader dialogue. Also just noticed returning to the title screen does not skip logos. the logos will be skipped in initial load of the game however if your return to title screen in game... it wont.


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #642 on: 2020-08-28 21:21:26 »
I just watched a playthrough of a guy using the latest Moguri and Alternate fantasy.
I noticed some visual bugs, and also black bars on each side of the screen on a lot of scenes (but maybe it's just a bug from the guy's setup?).

here is a link to the pictures:

maybe some  are just little graphic bug that don't need a proper fix, but just in case I included them.


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #643 on: 2020-08-29 11:38:07 »
I just watched a playthrough of a guy using the latest Moguri and Alternate fantasy.
I noticed some visual bugs, and also black bars on each side of the screen on a lot of scenes (but maybe it's just a bug from the guy's setup?).

here is a link to the pictures:

maybe some  are just little graphic bug that don't need a proper fix, but just in case I included them.
Hey hi, I just checked the pictures... this is not moguri 8.2, but rather 7.xx, so an old-ass version I hadn't got my hands on yet lol
I corrected everything in these screenshots and much more since then : )
Who's the streamer? they need to be aware that they're playing a very outdated stuff, and to not advertise it as ""!


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #644 on: 2020-08-29 13:36:06 »
It's Brad Ocasio on Youtube.
I sent him your last post to prevent people to think it's the latest Moguri.
Because the video description was:
"Welcome back Folks! It's been a little while but had to get a few things worked out with the latest Moguri Mod update released in the last few weeks but everything is working amazing again! "

Thank your for checking and also sorry about that :/


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #645 on: 2020-08-29 19:06:01 »
I'm getting this weird blue cut-off bubble in the center of my screen and can't see the cursor:

What could be the issue?


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #646 on: 2020-08-29 19:07:08 »
Sorry, forgot to attach the image. Here it is:


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #647 on: 2020-08-30 00:54:29 »
In Cleyra, I noticed some screen issues on the left side.  Sometimes the vertical line was very visible.  Sometimes it was half visible, and would flicker.


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #648 on: 2020-08-30 02:30:56 »
Sorry, forgot to attach the image. Here it is:

Reinstalling the game and the mod will solve the issue (according to numerous reports)


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Re: [FF9 PC] Moguri Mod update 8.2 (LIVE ON OFFICIAL SITE)
« Reply #649 on: 2020-08-30 19:41:47 »
Sorry, forgot to attach the image. Here it is:

I just installed today and it's happening to me too. I'm also not getting any dialogue bubbles. Gonna try reinstalling everything like someone else suggested :/