Project forums > Team Avalanche

[Tutorial] How Palmer works - Get New Fields into game

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Mayo Master:
Awesome, thanks a lot.


--- Quote from: SpooX on 2013-08-08 16:05:42 ---2013 Steam Version
Identical to 2012 SE version.

--- End quote ---
The only real changes between the two was replacing the DRM with Steam's DRM, and some install directory stuff that only really affects game converter. Modding them should be identical.

SpooX you rock. Saves me the time doing one myself. I dont have any tools or even the game installed anymore so it was going to be a pain.

Mayo Master:
A small note about unpacking the files:
I downloaded Ficedula's LGPTools first, but it didn't work because it was missing Ficedulla.dll.
Then I downloaded Aali's ulgp v.06, but I had a bug (?) with it: the command window was self-closing as soon as it was opening. Does Windows 8 have anything to do with that?
Then I downloaded Aali's ulgp v.07 with GUI, and this one worked fine (super-easy to use), so this one has my recommendation.
Went through part 1 of SpooX's tutorial without problem, testing colne_be3.


--- Quote ---Then I downloaded Aali's ulgp v.06, but I had a bug (?) with it: the command window was self-closing as soon as it was opening. Does Windows 8 have anything to do with that?
--- End quote ---

I have the same problem on Windows 7.


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