Basically Mandatory > 7th Heaven
Startup issue because of Menu Overhaul mod
First of all, I wanna thank this community for creating these mods/tools to enhance this masterpiece (FFVII) to look much better than before & to thank EQ2Alyza for gathering all these mods in one tool, So Thank you everyone. /bow
I'm having an issue with Menu Overhaul mod. My game will crash at startup while this mod is active.
This is my 1st time using a mod and I have bought this game like 2-3 days ago from steam and my steam folder isn't in a system HDD/folder. (It's in D:\Steam)
I'm using almost all mods except:
Red Werewolf
Difficulty and Story
because I don't need them.
After trying many settings I gave up ; ;
What I have tried to fix it:
* I have changed the Screen Resolution.
* I have deactivate all mods except the MO but my game crashed at startup.
* I have tried to change the order in my active mods but no luck.
* Tried to activate all mods with the right order.
* uninstall/install the mod.
I'm using Windows 7 64bit.
Steam folder in D:\Steam.
My setting is like the one in here:
You can find all my logs here:
I really want to fix this issue because the MO looks amazing from what I have seen in the YT videos.
If you need any file/image just let me know and I'll post it here asap.
Thank you in advance.
Been 2 days since I have posted this thread but seems no one know how to fix my issue or they are busy ; ;
I'm still trying to find a way to use the MO mod.
I searched this forum but I didn't find anything related to my issue.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Does the game launch with other mods activated and MO deactivated? Does it launch through 7H with no mods activated?
Does the game launch with other mods activated and MO deactivated?
Yes. but I'm not using all the mods.
Does it launch through 7H with no mods activated?
Hmm, this is confusing. Your game launches from 7H with mods activated but MO deactivated. However, it doesn't launch from 7H when nothing is activated.
Can you close 7H and launch the game with ff7.exe?
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