The one thing I did find that is in 720p is an eidos montreal logo on youtube. I fugre you could extract it and use video editing tools to remove the montreal moniker. As for the squaresoft logo, I'm sure there are high res iterations of it already online. All that would be left to do is animate it and convert it to Indeo avi.
Yea I get it. But the original eidos logo for FF7
If I'm not correct isnt that the codec FF7 uses for its FMVs?
jenova_e.avi Italianjenova_e.avi Russianjenova_e.avi Spanishending2.avi Italianending2.avi Russianending2.avi Spanish
copy fcar.avi car_1209.avi /y
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII]"MoviePath"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Square Soft, Inc\\Final Fantasy VII\\Movies\\"
You're welcome.