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Messages - Hoboayoyo

Pages: [1]
The IRO seemed to do the trick, thanks a bunch!

Thanks, anything I can do to provide help?
-Oh yeah, the 3 party fight, I forgot about that.
Aires is alive and Vincent is not recruited.

When playing the event before the fight with Bizzaro Sephiroth there is a quick fade to black where you would adjust your party, but there is no party selection page. When picking the option to arrange your party again before Bizzaro there is also no party set up screen. When you do decide to fight him there is no dialog from other party member and the fight tries to load only to stop at a black screen playing the same music with no change. This seems like a NT issue because I've ran ff7 standalone, without 7th heaven and even reinstalled it ff7 and added NT and still have the same issue. My thought is that skipping the party management scene only gives you Cloud and the game doesn't know how to handle that, or there is an issue with loading the bizzaro fight in general.
Any thoughts?

Releases / Re: FF7 NT bug round up.
« on: 2019-12-04 15:15:07 »
Ah, will check that out, thanks.

Releases / FF7 NT bug round up.
« on: 2019-12-02 21:12:21 »
Please let me know if there is an easier way to report these.
-Fav ff mod, brave new world made me sad :(
 - Arrange mode only
Visual issue.
On this screen on Mt corel, cloud becomes giant when the rest of the characters are on screen. I think when you progress and come back cloud is normal size.
Limit breaks
Yufi's clear tranquil does nothing with mp, restores HP which is still really helpful.
Areith: Breath of earth does not heal, only does it's esuna effect.

Only fought 1 demon wall and seemed pretty normal, I think im supposed to fight 2 at once?

When fighting the physical part of Lambda(red one on the right side of the screen) physical attacks don't do a lot of damage. it has 16 k health and it seems like its supposed to be weak to physical attacks (magic part is weak to magical attacks, quake 2 does ~1k). Cloud does around 300-400 and yuffie does around 80 with I think the wind elemental shurikin which it could be resistant too, barret does 200.
Was I supposed to element earth for my weapons?

Right, that makes sense. Going through Mt Corel and dealing with damage is a lot more manageable now.

Thanks for the reply. I noticed in the video I linked its an aranged v1.5 but the boss in the video is called Illuyankas? 
As a tangent, what was your thought for enemy adjustment to account with the system mechanics? Like, Arrange seems to really not want you to be in the front row unless you have a plan going, barrier is a must have for many fights but even some heavy hitting bosses will rip through you even with that extra defense. And did you take into account for how vanilla ff7 did its enemy progression through each area? Like how temple of the ancients is the area where enemies pretty much peak with the highest magic defense in the game.
Sorry if these questions don't make any sense.

As the title says. 
During the fight at roughly with 2/3 rds of his health left he basically stopped attacking me.
He was slowed and my guys had haste but the only moves he did for the rest of the fight were Mbarrier, the bubble trap move (where you cant move and have to be magic hit to get out) and he used midgar wave once outside of his death attack. Besides that be basically just stood their and let me wail on him with 200 dmg w/ magic spells. I was lucky because with his 14 K health pool I wasn't sure how i was gonna pull through. I've also noticed on other videos of the fight his name is Illuyankas and its called Illuya wave. Any thoughts?

Got it to work, thanks.
I know I put it in mod\textures at one point and starting moving it around, I think a combination of GL settings and texture placement might of caused it to not load properly.

Thanks for the fast response

# ff7_opengl-0.8.1b config file

## If you just want to play the game, these are the only options you'll want to change.

# set the window size (or fullscreen resolution) of FF7
# 0 means use original resolution in window mode, your current desktop resolution will be used in fullscreen mode
# preserve_aspect adds black borders as needed to preserve a 4:3 aspect ratio
window_size_x = 0
window_size_y = 0
internal_size_x = 3840
internal_size_y = 2160
preserve_aspect = on
fullscreen = on

# mod directory
# subdirectroy of mods/ where textures will be loaded from
mod_path = Textures

# check your Nvidia/ATI/Intel control panel settings if this option doesn't seem to work
enable_vsync = on

# allow FF7 to use linear filtering for its textures
# some things look slightly better with this option on, but alot of textures just lose their detail
# only affects low-res textures, high-res replacements will still be filtered where appropriate
linear_filter = off

# plugin used to play music, VGMstream requires a set of looping .ogg files in the music/vgmstream folder.
# If no music plugin is loaded the game will play MIDI as usual but FF7Music will NOT work.
music_plugin = plugins/vgmstream_music.fgp

## All the little extras that weren't part of the original game, default options include only trivial bug fixes.

# make all dialog boxes transparent, same effect as the transparent dialog boxes YAMP patch
transparent_dialogs = on

# include armor in magic defense calculation
mdef_fix = yes

# minigame fixes

# post-processing shader, used to apply fullscreen effects
post_source = shaders/All_Bloom2Dark/
enable_postprocessing = yes

## Don't fiddle with these unless you know what you're doing.

# enable alpha blending for textures without an existing blending effect
fancy_transparency = yes

# display frames per second counter in upper right corner
show_fps = on

# display some real-time debug information
show_stats = off

# store external textures in a compressed cache for increased performance
# compression is not lossless, some artifacts may appear when this option is in use
# texture cache does NOT update automatically if the source image changes, however, deleting anything from the cache
# will cause that file to be recreated from the source
compress_textures = no

# max size of the texture cache to hold in RAM, in megabytes
# don't set it any higher than 1GB unless you want your game to crash
texture_cache_size = 768

# use pixel buffer objects to speed up texture loading
# might crash horribly on ATI cards but should work for NVIDIA users
use_pbo = yes

# use mipmaps (anisotropic filtering) for high-res textures
use_mipmaps = yes

# replace FF7's default framelimiter timer source
use_new_timer = yes

# plugin used to play movies, FFMpeg is the only choice for now
movie_plugin = plugins/ffmpeg_movies.fgp

## These options are mostly useful to modders and should not be enabled during normal play.

# read files directly instead of using LGP archives
# for example; if FF7 is looking for aaab.rsd in char.lgp, this option will make it open direct/char/aaab.rsd first,
# if this file doesn't exist it will look for the original in the LGP archive
direct_mode = on

# show every failed attempt at loading a .png texture
show_missing_textures = off

# extern additional library
load_library = Multi.dll

I've watched the video and read the instructions on how to do it, but I cant get the remako mod to work. Other mods do work for 7th heaven, but I cant get teh texture mods to work. 
Steps i've done   
Ran the ff7 game converter, ive renamed a usb as the ff7Disk 1 and that created it just fine.   
Installed 7th heaven, 1.56 and 1.54 and set up the proper file path accordingly.   
set up Gl driver configurations / ali driver configurations (this looks ok, might not be 1-1 like the guide.   
Installed the yuv.frag file  and put it in the shadders folder   
put all of the texture files of remako into the mods folder   
did not import the fvm's for now   
went into both versions of 7th heaven and imported the iro files and launched. 
  other mods work, this one does not, ive also encountered the weird error code 5 because of the new windows 10 updated and had ff7 exe launch in 680 by 420 or whatever. any ideas? ive been at this all day.

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