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Messages - markul

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I have investigated too the posibility to make the japanese language compatible with 7th heaven. But its complicated. Main problem is that the japanese text-fonts, needs a lot of symbols (characters) to be used , for example if the english textfonts needs 1 set of symbols, japanese needs 6, and the ff7 english version seems to be limited to only 1 block. So after think a lot how to break that limits or make some tricky change , i only have two posibilities, if someone wants to keep going with all of this:
1-In the FF7 PSX the texts characters came from the file Window.bin, in FF7 PC the texts came from a .png files from menu_us.lgp (usfont). If in someway the PC version could be forced to use the window.bin file to print the characters, maybe it could use the window.bin file from the PSX japanese game
2- This requires a lot of work and the japanese version will lose the texts with color. The idea is : the english version has two .png files that has all the english characters, the equivalent to 1 set of symbols, but we can use the other files that contains the same block of symbols but in other color. But as i said this would require to remap the .png files ,the window.bin (the font space values), and replace every japanese character ingame with the combination of  color-character, for example   i know that the character  ç its only displayed if in makou reactor  use this  {CYAN}*{CYAN}. An unknown problem its if its posible to use this technique in the Wall Market and Proud Clod tool.
I hope this could be helpful to someone

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace (ENG -SPA)
« on: 2024-03-11 13:46:49 »
Hola amigo.

En primer lugar enhorabuena por tal tremendo mod.

Bueno, te comento, tengo un problema que no me deja avanzar.

Resulta que ya jugué a tu mod des-enlace hace algún tiempo y no tuve problemas.
Ahora que me apetecía re-jugarlo he dado con un par de errores que no aparecían cuando lo jugué por primera vez.

No se si es por la nueva versión o que pero, ciertos momentos del juego aparecen en inglés como cuando te cogen los turcos, en las conversaciones con el presidente Shinra
antes de la cárcel.

Pero el error más grave es cuando salgo de la mina de mitrilo, después de pasar los pantanos, en vez de salir el evento con Elysa y la batalla contra Caos, sale el evento con Yuffie que te roba toda la matería y apareces en wutai, la lucha contra el dragón de Corneo ya es casi imposible dado el nivel pero logré derrotarlo, por cierto, las conversaciones con corneo en el monte también están en inglés.

Cuando termina el evento no puedes hacer nada dado que te quedas atrapado en las islas sin posibilidad de volver y no puedo seguir avanzando.

Sabrías como arreglar esto???.
Buenas,  es como si algo impidiese que ciertos cambios que hace el mod se aplicasen ,los textos en ingles, ¿los nombres de los personajes te aparecen en color blanco?
¿Has probado a desactivar los otros mods y ver si sin ellos se ejecuta esa secuencia y descartar que no sea por un conflicto con otro mod? ¿Tienes actualizado el 7th heaven a la ultima version?Prueba a ejecutar el 7th Heaven como administrador por si acaso también, por probar.
EDIT: Si quieres, contacta conmigo por Nexusmods si no consigues resolverlo, por aquí creo que tus mensajes no se verán hasta que los apruebe un moderador.

Tells you if its used in any map(but does not tell you wich one) of the flevel , but, if you want to quickly check if a variable is used in one map you can use the "Find" tool.

That worked, thanks, I swear I looked and it was empty originally, I guess not though.

Is there like a speardsheet of variables somewhere that state if they're usually free or not? And which ones are temporary and get reset when you exit the screen?
Myst6re put the variable manager to check the variables that are used in the flevel. But there are more that are used in the game, be careful  . Variables bank [5]/[6] are temporary, for example.   

Try other variable in the selection of the choice.Maybe the one that you are using is already used for other things in the map , maybe animations.

Gameplay / Re: [FF7PC] (Spanish) New Threat Mod(V1.5)
« on: 2024-01-23 15:51:11 »
hola! me uno a la peticion Markus , hay prevision de traducir la 2.0? seria genial!
Por ahora no me ha dado ningun fallo, y ya he llegado a fuerte condor ese. Tienes pensamiento de traducir la 2.0 de new threat?
No esta entre mis planes,la verdad. Hubo algunas personas hace tiempo que parecían interesadas en traducirlo por su cuenta ,pero parece que eso no llego a nada.
Este año tenia pensado (intentar)terminar un proyecto con el que estaba y ya dejarlo. sé...le preguntare a Sega Chief por su permiso para traducir la nueva versión(la considero un mod distinto a la 1.5) y si no hay impedimentos, veré a ver....quizás algún día se me vaya la cabeza y me ponga con ello. Pero eso, no prometo nada....

Gameplay / Re: [FF7PC] (Spanish) New Threat Mod(V1.5)
« on: 2024-01-01 08:57:41 »
Hola Markus, tengo asi configurado estos mods, sabes si son todos compatibles para pasarme el juego asi?

Buenas Klirioth, perdona por tardar tanto en responder.
En principio si, el SYW UI ,no se si puede o no dar problemas, no me suena ese mod. El de los 30/60 FPS deberia ir bien, siempre que no actives una opción que se llama "field mode 60 fps fix", esta opción sobrescribe unos cuantos mapas,entre 4 o 5 supongo , (por que arregla algunos bugs de los 60 fps) y en la partida esos mapas te aparecerán en idioma ingles, si no te importa eso ,puedes activarlo y te ahorrar otro tipo de problemas con los 60 FPS .

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace (ENG -SPA)
« on: 2023-12-31 13:02:29 »
The game gives me an error message and shuts down when Sephiroth flies away on the cargo ship before the boss fight with Jenova Birth.
I dont get that error.
 Try to disable all the other mods in that part, or one by one to detect the one its causing the crash.

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace (ENG -SPA)
« on: 2023-12-29 16:07:53 »
I just updated to the newest version this morning. I already saved over the file where I was stuck in Wutai. I started from an earlier save and turned off the mod until I got throught the mythril cave and saved it. I restarted the game with the mod back on and I was able to continue the game to Junon. It was frustrating, but I got it. That would be a fix to look at.
That error should not be in the last version(i fucked up some versions back) . Turn off and on the mod could cause problems in the future.I suggest you to cross again for the exit of the cave to trigger the event,if not, could trigger in the future(with unexpected results), because in some points of the mod its mandatory to go again to the cave.

EDIT: if still appear the sequence of yuffie , there is a weird problem there :/

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace (ENG -SPA)
« on: 2023-12-29 04:35:36 »
I'm stuck on wutai island. I entered the mythril cave after crossing the swamp where the midgar zolom is and after I talk to the turks and exit the cave it switches right to yuffie stealing our materia and warps us to wutai. I'm supposed to exit the cave and head toward rocket town, but it warps me straight to wutai. I beat corneo and try to leave wutai and get stuck where the river starts where I'm supposed to have the water plane and it's not there.
Did you save in wutai? If yes, send me your save file to return you to mythril cave. The encounter with yuffie after that cave its an error, should jump other sequence.Do you have he last version of the mod ( If not, close 7th heaven and check if ask you to update the mod.

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace (ENG -SPA)
« on: 2023-12-17 12:08:53 »
I looked at your screenshot and i can't find those graphic hauls mods you used for your mod on that screenshot you showed me
Some of them are from Nexusmods or maybe removed from the Qhimm catalog.

EDIT 25-12-2023:New version uploaded with fixes. Tested until Mt Nibel. Added auto-solve function in the puzzle of the postgame ,after 4 attemps.

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace (ENG -SPA)
« on: 2023-12-16 17:21:53 »
what Graphic haul mods do i need to make this mod work 100% pefectly?
I use, normaly, this mods . Enhanced Stock UI is mandatory if you want to use the option that activates the big avatars in the dialogs (the "Alternative font text" option).Be careful if you use the 60 FPS mod,dont activate the "60 FPS fix field mode" option:

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace (ENG-SPA)
« on: 2023-12-14 19:19:43 »
'Full' English version available. I uploaded it to my catalog, still in beta, because i didnt test it completly, only some critical points of the mod and some functions.
Happy holidays to all :)

WIP / Re: FFVII: Shinra Archaeology Cut
« on: 2023-12-08 08:27:39 »
Cool project, hope you been able to finish it. People need more gameplay mods :D . Restore some cut content of the game it will require big changes, so keep motivation high  :) .

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace
« on: 2023-11-29 16:57:04 »
Maybe in December-January, i will have a 'full' english version. Its not a retranslation, im gonna use the OG english text, i dont have the skills and knowledge to do something like that ...   If someone have some advice (some mandatory texts that i must doble check in OG ff7) i will apreciate it :/    *Quality not guarantee ,but its better than nothing :P *

EDIT: Flevel and Kernel done . Now scene.bin files. Im gonna do the same as i did when i translated NT , dialogs and attacks , im gonna translate them, but the names of enemies, im gonna keep it still in spanish( i have my reasons )

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace
« on: 2023-10-30 18:22:51 »
New version 0.9.4:
-Some fixes in dialogs
-New avatar designs(with 8 variations to select) for every OG and mod exclusive playable character.

WIP / Re: [FF7 PC]Shei-kul Avatars
« on: 2023-10-29 20:32:18 »
Mod Released:

EDIT: Reuploaded with less resolution(better now :)  )

The problem is that 7th heaven does not work with the Japanese version. The program crashes when it does not detect english files and folders.

WIP / [FF7 PC]Shei-kul Avatars
« on: 2023-09-28 18:04:55 »
We are working on a new mod to update all the portraits of the game. I will publish it in my catalog of 7th heaven when its finished:

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 crashes after reaching Nibelheim
« on: 2023-09-23 17:03:38 »
It seems that its trying to load some new model in that maps. Reinstall your ff7 to clean any posibble mod that you could have still installed in the ff7 folder  . You are using 7th heaven ? Check if you have files in  C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\direct\flevel  , delete all of them , if you have more files in C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\direct\  folders, delete them also.

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace
« on: 2023-09-02 09:23:03 »
Another great work of Shei, cant wait to see the rest. But the ingame image quality its not as good as the original :(

I made some design changes in the Triple Triad minigame, its better now i think.(Still dont like the back image of the cards, was a weird test with an AI) :/

Edit: Also working (deciding)in a new way to show the dialog avatars :

By next year I hope to be able to release 1.0.

Hi! i want to replay some of the firsts FF from 1 to 9 and  i was thinking what is the best version for every game to play it.
For example, there is the original game, but also there are versions for PSX,PSP, PC, PC mod, the pixel remasters.....  :-\ I dont really know what should be the best option to replay this titles. Anyone can give me some advices?
Thanks   :D

Releases / Re: G-Bike style new model
« on: 2023-08-20 18:40:23 »
In my PC environment, if I use 7th Heaven, Aerith will go to the ground. :|

The iro data for 7th Heaven has been updated and uploaded
I'm curious if other people will use it and see if Aerith will dive on the ground.

It may be a problem of the file hosting site that the installer cannot be uploaded, so I will try it on another site at a later date.

Hey Aerith! That's the ground! No holes! ;D

xD Poor Aeris, the game wants her underground ASAP!
I guess its an animation problem, delete the rvda files in the .IRO,  that should work O_o
Well, the files **da you dont need to put it in the .IRO (if you put it maybe could cause incompatibilities with the 60 FPS mod :/)
EDIT: For the installer, are you uploading it compressed as ,for example .rar ,right?

Releases / Re: G-Bike style new model
« on: 2023-08-17 07:04:42 »
Thank you for letting me know how to update the file.
I've been busy lately and haven't had much time.

However, since Aerith is complete, I will put off the creation of the weapon and add Aerith for the time being.

7th heaven was able to be installed, but what, Aerith is going into the ground!
I would like to know if the same thing happens in other environments.

¿Uh? Thats strange. You put all the files of the Aerith model in the two folders(Battle.lgp and battle) and add the lines for Aerith in the configuration file? If you want put here a link to see the mod compiled with the changes you made  to see what happens or by private message.

Finally, I installed it for Steam, but the Steam version is not sold in Japan, so I can't confirm the installation.

Also, the other problem is that I uploaded the zipped installer, but for some reason the link didn't work.
I don't understand why I can't download.

It would be great if you could let me know if it works!

Once Aerith's weapons are finished, Barrett will be next!
You upload the program with the new changes, but when you uploaded dont let you to download your own file?

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace
« on: 2023-08-01 20:42:42 »
Version 0.9.3 Changes:   
   -New sequences with extended story of Nova and Captain Galbadia (New combat in Corel and in the Whirlwind Maze a new combat and boss model).
    -Changed one of the bosses of the challenge simulator.
    -Fixed a bug that did not hide Meteor in the Postgame.
    -Resolved the "Truck mistery" in the battle against Palmer O_o.
    -Changed the Source assignment system, to make it more agile (now you can assign all the Sources at once to a character, if they have accumulated).
    -Revised the retranslation of the game (several corrections and readjusted many original dialogues and new stories).
    -Adjusted some magics (like White Wind) and some erroneous text of magics.
    -Temporarily disabled avatar images in the dialogs.
    -Some minor adjustments and corrections that I forgot because it took me so long to update :/

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