I have a text problem, with v0.50b
I installed FF9 > Moguri Mod > Memoria > Hades Workshop v0.50b
I used the original Assembly-Csharp.dll from an unmodded version of FF9, named it Assembly-Csharp_Vanilla.dll and put it in the Hades Workshop Folder.
I made only a single change, the name of the spell Fire to FireA just to test.
I clicked Save Steam Mod, "Spreadsheets(Memoria)" and "Raw Assets", saved to HadesWorkshopMod folder right inside FINAL FANTASY IX.
I changed Memoria.ini
FolderNames="HadesWorkshopMod", "MoguriFiles", "MoguriSoundtrack", "MoguriVideo"
When I load the game, all the spells are showing as blank names. When cast, they still cast but all names are blank.
If I delete HadesWorkshopMod folder, the spell names go back to being Fire etc.
If I mod a non-Moguri non-Memoria (unmodded) FF9 with HWS v0.50b, it works perfectly fine, I see the spell FireA.
Any idea what could have gone wrong?