Project forums > FF7Voice
FF7 Voices - assessing interest
--- Quote from: sunz on 2014-07-08 03:37:15 ---I think you should just focus on main character voices first only and NPC's till last would be more manageable and efficient.. Not sure if my voice will go with any character and I think my phone mic is better than my webcams would need to use noise removal software
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Ironically, it's probably easier to do a lot of the background NPCs, because they often just have a couple of lines and don't really interact with the party, so you can record them independently without having to make it sound right in response to / alongside the party's dialogue.
But nobody's really interested in downloading a project that voices a bunch of the random NPCs and not the main characters ;)
But before casting main characters, we're back to the question of who can direct the project - because without that, the project goes nowhere; and really you have to give that person final say on casting anyway.
I can do the directing, as long as someone else does the management (the casting, getting a list of lines, etc). I'd also be willing to help out in some of the management, perhaps coming up with audition lines and maintaining the audition forum threads and stuff like that.
Hello, I'm that famous person you've never heard about >_>
So, I'm here because I live with the Mayo Master... so I kinda been hearing a lot about the project. I was wondering if I could help in anyway. I spent three years of my life preparing and training to be a professional, honest to goodness voice actress... and then I moved to a country where I cannot work because I have a pronounced foreign accent. YAY.
But I do have some experience with this kind of projects, so I dunno if I could help.
My normal speaking voice has a slightly country accent. (Southern united states.)
If that could help with any characters or npcs id be down. Would consider a main character as well if it. (I could alter my speech to mask the accent easily.)
Ive been looking to give back to this forum in some way for awhile now!
@Akabi, @Lionsmane - thanks; keep an eye on this thread and hopefully you'll hear any news if there is any...
--- Quote from: Shard on 2014-07-08 15:35:11 ---I can do the directing, as long as someone else does the management (the casting, getting a list of lines, etc). I'd also be willing to help out in some of the management, perhaps coming up with audition lines and maintaining the audition forum threads and stuff like that.
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Thanks. Since you're already running the FF8 project, perhaps you can clarify for us exactly what management jobs we need somebody to step up and do?
Covarr's indicated he doesn't mind handling admin, collating files and verifying they're named correctly, and so on. I'm certainly fine to help on the technical side of things - making a central file repository available, setting up any hosting that's required, and altering the tools to make life easier for whoever's running things. What I don't have time to do necessarily is the ongoing project management - e.g. setting up times for recording sessions, checking who's available, planning what scenes will be recorded based on who's available (with a backup plan for when some people aren't available after all...) - is that the sort of job we need someone to do?
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