Final Fantasy 7 > FF7 Tools

[PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.1.0)

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Hi. New to this place. Uh, I've got a question about the Map Editor. Whenever I create an edit to the palette of a field in the palette section, it doesn't save when I click the save button under the file button.

If I was unclear about anything, let me know. Thanks.

Thanks  ;)

Hi, I wanted to ask if with this program it is possible to add additional sentences to the game.
like at the beginning of the game when Cloud gets off the train and add a cartoon with a sentence.
it's possible?


Release of Makou Reactor 2.1.0. This is a minor release with mostly bug fixes.


- General: maplist fixes
- General: New dialog to select which chunk to export + ability to select which chunk to export in mass export dialog
- General: Trying to fix Android version opening issues
- Background: Fix black colors on some backgrounds
- Background editor: Fix adding new tiles to backgrounds
- Background editor: Add export/import tile button for easiest modification with an external editor
- Background editor: Add html color code in the color picker + some improvements
- Background editor: Trying to fix issues when editing backgrounds with offset layers
- Background editor: Fix saving modified backgrounds, and warn when the max amount of tiles is reached per layer type
- 3D Model: Uniformize model animation values in PSX format with values in PC format
- 3D Model: Add a better detection feature to convert model list and animation list from PSX version to PC version
- 3D Model: Fix add animation crash in the model manager
- 3D Model: Add export animation feature in the model manager (PS version) to create an animation file in PC format
- Field Scripts: Fix bad jump conversion on modifying scripts
- Field Scripts: Add "CHAR" opcode editor with model preview
- Field texts: Add more context on exporting texts in XML format
- window.bin: Fix in the font editor when modifying a letter
- Internal: Moving text encoding/decoding to FF7tk (sithlord48)
- Internal: Some code updates (sithlord48)
- Internal: Upgrading Qt to 6.6.3
- Internal: Upgrading FF7tk to 1.0.0 (sithlord48)
- Internal: CI updates (sithlord48)


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