So, I think I might have discovered a hideous bug here... Although it's a big maybe. Regarding the "Compile Multi-P bones into a single file" feature. Long story short, I need this because I'm working on a battle model and it doesn't accept multiple parts on the same bone.
So, I've got a two-part model and the two parts need to use different textures. Problem is, when Kimera compiles them into a single file (it leaves the parts as different groups so it can use multiple texture slots, which is exactly what I need), the UV map of the second part seems to get all messed up. I can't even use Biturn to convert the new file into 3DS and check if there's a pattern to the UV mess-up, because Biturn doesn't recognize the file anymore.
Has this happened to anyone else? Are there any nice workarounds? I currently have a mesh that looked like a head a minute ago, but now looks like a pile of vomit no matter which way around I try and flip the texture.