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Messages - Kudistos Megistos

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Completely Unrelated / Re: Yet more Korea fail
« on: 2011-06-28 19:51:32 »
Why does everything have a South Park episode?

Wait, did they make an episode about Korean penises, too?

I fondly remember the Japan one; it was made when SP was still occasionally funny.

NB. The episode was called "Chinpokomon". Guess what "chinpoko" means.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Yet more Korea fail
« on: 2011-06-28 19:41:53 »

Koreans have small ちんちん. I'll let you guess what that word means.

It would explain why they're so angry and why they feel the need to overcompensate by being so jingoistic.

Kudistos, you misunderstand me. Alabama has low rates sometimes, yes. My point was all along that how dare you call us inbred when most likely I am smarter than most people making the arguement by a LARGE degree.

I doubt that many people take the inbred thing seriously.

Then again, you do have some pretty small towns over there, and I doubt there's much migration. Even if you're not all marrying your sisters, some of those towns must have small gene pools.

And yes Kudistos Ive been to college, dropped out to move to califonia. Was going as  a Computer Systems Analyst.

Community college?

Im very poor, and also on disability for extreme Bipolar.

Poor thing. I'm from a poor family too. Possibly poorer than yours. (you can't be that poor if you spend so much money on your rig and on pot). I've had my share of difficulties, too. Perhaps greater than yours.

But I managed to get into Oxford. Without trying very hard, TBH. (although that mentality bit me in the arse when I was actually there)

Don't brag about how intelligent you are and then start making excuses as to why you have nothing to show for it other than being the only person in BFE to take an SAT.

I have problems, I have been a horrible decision maker in my life. If I would have correctly applied myself I would have tons of stuff to show you guys for the sake of argument

Woulda shoulda coulda.

I could have been the king, if I'd just applied myself.

I want you to understand that I do not see myself any better than anyone else(overall, I cant help but have a slight ego over my intelligence, which may or may not exceed anyones here, it doesnt really matter)

O RLY? That's exactly the impression you give. Every other post you make is showing off about something or another. You even went as far as to say that you thought no-one here had a better SAT score than you. (does that mean you think you're the smartest person here?)

Such behaviour is likely to make people want to challenge you.

Moreover, I see myself WORSE than most people, as mentioned I have made horrible life decisions, been in jail twice, was in so much trouble in school that I had to take my GED to avoid 1.5 years of alternative school(hell).

Even when you say that, you do so in a way that makes it sound like you're boasting about how badass you are.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Yet more Korea fail
« on: 2011-06-28 19:18:33 »
I found this Korean forum in english - can't remember where it was for the life of me - and it was dedicated to how bad foreigners are, and how great Koreans are.  There was a board for Chinese, where people found unflattering article on crazy shit done by Chinese people, and then extrapolated the inferiority of the entire ethnicity based on their findings.  Ditto Japanese, Veitnamese, any sort of -ese or -ish that was in the news, and that they paid attention to.  I really liked the board on whites, and on traitor girls marrying older white men (or in some cases horny evil white men stealing the flower of naive Korean virginity).  I mean, it's like they have no grasp of the concept of spin, or bullshit, or any of the really wonderful parts of having truly insane discussions in the public forum (and by forum I mean society in general, not just internet forums).  I can see them viewing gay marrige, having no idea what to think of it (vague images of insults to their masculinity swirling in their head), and then turning en masse to the oldest male in the room for thier opinion.

There is one reason, and only one reason, for this behaviour


That reminds me, I found another forum - Islamic Awakenings, or something like that - that did the same thing, but with non-Muslims, specificially Jews and Americans.  One article about a guy who put his baby in a blender while drunk prompted one young Muslim to wonder why the USA didn't outlaw alcohol, considering all the harm it does and all the crime that could be prevented, were it outlawed.  Fucking hilarious.  Demonstrates no knowledge of American History or understanding of human nature.

Hey, don't you remember how much success they had the last time they banned alcohol? ;D

So, anyone like pork chops?

Overrated. I hate having to deal with the little bits of bone. Gammon is far superior.

I know of a child with "minor" autism (whatever that means) who not only tried to fool with a canine's anus, but apparently played with her sister's vagina (yep) while she was sleeping. This is nothing new to me.

mfw Louisiana

I think the ironic thing is you and your pal seem to always have a go at hermoor for being weird and yet you seem to be more obsessed with him than he is with you.

But I'm in love with him! :-*

No-one else has ever made me laugh so much. ;D Except Rowan Atkinson.

I now regret asking that. >.>

It's all your fault! You broke the forums!

But I hope this gives you an idea of how much trouble he caused here. Your question is being answered very thoroughly!

He said time and time again that his problem was with Jari.

That hussy!

He told me that I was the one he hated the most!

That dumbass lulzipedia was very much a large cause of his returning. Not to mention, he DID leave us alone when Jari lost his position as admin. Mind you, I'm not defending Hermoor's actions, I completely acknowledge that he was a problem that needed dealt with, I'm simply claiming that Jari totally mishandled the situation and was a large part of the reason it lasted so long. Hermoor may have responded of his own will, but Jari very deliberately goaded him and actively encouraged him to return.

Pfft, I considered it all to be rather amusing.

And I don't recall you complaining at the time. I wonder why that could be? Could it be that you simply go along with the people who are in power in the forums? Surely not!

And another thing! You should know that the way the nastier troublemakers have been dealt with under the current administration is by giving them what they want if they cause enough trouble, rewarding Hermoorish behaviour.

Perhaps if I want the mods to do something, I shouldn't explain what I want and why I think it would be beneficial to the forums. Perhaps I should should flame everyone and post screenshots from 1 Guy 1 Jar. That seems to be the way to get things done.

But hey, if you want, continue the historical revisionism in which Hermoor was the only person who did anything wrong and the only one who has to take responsibility for his actions.

He was the one who started everything. He was the one who escalated everything. He was the one who kept coming back for more.

And where did anyone imply that anyone else was not responsible? No, no, everyone who isn't Hermoor needs to take responsibility for their own actions. We're agreed on that. The only thing on which we differ is the question of whether Hermoor should take responsibility. I wish to treat him as an independent human being dealing with other independent human beings. You seem not to think this way.

You seem to have chickened out of our duel. Remember, you were very much threatening to kill me. I offered you the chance. So, shut up, or put up, bitch. ;D

Hey, you made him do that!

I mean, Jari... as an admin.  You couldn't make it up! LOL

I don't seem to recall anyone other than you or Hermoor complaining at the time.

I don't seem to recall anyone other than you, Hermoor and some random person I'd never seen before celebrating when he left.

Every single time Hermoor is mentioned, the same people crawl out of the woodwork and attempt to bring Qhimm's down to the sad level it was once at. 

I hope you can see why it's ironic that you should make this complaint.

You too bring up past grievances whenever a certain person's name is mentioned.

Wait, do you believe in chivalry?

I believe in sarcasm.

DLPB isn't claiming that he wouldn't have been a problem, just not as much of one. The fact of the matter is, he was given far too much attention for his antics. With the current management, he probably would have stayed gone after his first or second banning. Jari liked to toy with him, though, and that's a large part of the reason he continued to return, and continued to escalate so many times.

He'd already gone way over the edge by the first time he was banned, when Jari was not an admin and had no formal powers. He didn't get much worse after that.

But hey, if you want, continue the historical revisionism in which the targets of Hermoor's mindless hatred are actually the bad guys and Hermoor doesn't have to take responsibility for his own actions.

Listing to the way you people talk makes me think that you believe people were grabbing Hermoor's hands and forcing him to type nonsense. Everything he did was of his own will.

I don't think homeschooling equates to social awkwardness.
As long as your kids are involved in community sports, groups, etc they will still have ample interaction with peers.
There are also network homeschooling options. You can have a group of parents working together, with designated subjects. You can print curricula for coursework covered each year, and create your lesson plans following regulated standards.
When being homeschooled, kids are never held up by "slow learners" in the class. And if they have trouble grasping something, they are provided individual attention.

Obviously it's not for everyone. I doubt I'd have time or money to stay at home and teach my own children, if I had them. But it's not necessarily a life-debilitating decision.
If you're smart, but live somewhere without good education options. Rather than send your kids off to sub-par schools, you can ensure a good education.

Geez, people sure love picking fault with the thing used as an example rather than addressing the point itself.

If people are so butthurt about homeschooling being brought into disrepute, then I shan't use it as an example any more. That doesn't change the point. If these children are being sheltered from society and kept ignorant of social norms, they won't be able to fit in when they grow up.

It would seem that they are being homeschooled, but their homseschooling is unlikely to be the idealised homeschooling that people are talking about here. They're not being raised by normal parents (or parents who pass for normal where they live) and their homeschooling isn't going to teach them what behaviour is considered acceptable by people outside of the homeschool. Quite the opposite.

The truth is hermoor would not have been as bad as he was except for the goading and baiting which brought him back again and again.  he was a complete ass the last time he was here but I think all could have been avoided or at least a huge amount of it had we had the mods we do today.

Oh, is that the truth?

Then why has he been banned from other forums? Why is his YouTube channel filled with comments from people angry at some hateful, ignorant ting he has said? Are the people at qhimm behind that, too? Is it our fault that he does nothing but flame everywhere he goes? Did we turn him insane? Did you not consider that this might just be Hermoor's true personality?

At every point, Hermoor escalated the problem. At first, people were trying to discuss things civilly in that FFX thread, but he had to resort to nastiness. When he got a little back, he became worse still. He was always the one who went one step further, always the one who made things nastier than they were before.

The only way in which your statement could be true is if we interpret it to mean that he never would have caused a problem here because the current moderation style would have led to him getting permabanned halfway through the FFX thread.

Jari (who has also gone off the deep end)

Because it's OK to be nasty to some members, but not to others. Especially if they're girls.

Funny thing is, I have this feeling that if any of us actually saw Hermoor in person... we'd be able to kick his ass without breaking a sweat.

That should go without saying. He's obviously a timid bullying victim IRL, and I suspect his household is abusive (if not physically, then psychologically). Hermoor is probably the way he is because he was picked on and was never able to fight back.

He's likely to be in quite poor shape, too. I'm betting that he's short and has a skinnyfat build.

Looks like you fit the statistic of peepz not graduating =/ Only one in my entire high school class dropped out.
I know he was being sarcastic. Your home value's are a little inflated cause of lake front property.  I look at the whole of Alabama, and to be quite honest, its terrible... Minus the extra large chunks of bank owned foreclosed property. The price for land is super super cheap ($40,000-$60,000) even the "mansions" you linked where not that expensive... $2mil for lakefront 1.2 acre property is sweet! Why are they giving it away for so little? that happens to also be the most expensive one!

You know what 2 mil gets you in NY? A condo =/ on the second floor....2000-4000 square foot :P

In London, that much money would get you a cardboard box.

Those houses are the cheapest I've ever seen. Fuck, you can buy a mansion in Alabama for less than the price of a small house where I live. Looks like no-one wants to live there...

Have not located my test results, but have located my GED results(and before you attempt to make fun of that, let me explain)
I got my GED at 17 because I was getting into a LOT of trouble at school, and one day when in ISS(in-school suspension) I told the teacher my mother would b*tchslap her. They took this as a threat to a board employee and attempted to make me spend my last year and a half of school in alternative school.So I went ahead and got my GED)

Also found were all the documents about me skipping grades, and gifted classes, and a short story I wrote at 4 years old in preschool using 7th grade+ grammar. So I can take a quick snapshot of any of these upon request. Still searching for SAT and ACT.

I have yet to see any evidence of impressive achievements; all you've talked about is being ahead of kids your own age in a sub-par school district. Big whoop. You don't even mention ever going to college.

Nope, you still look like a big fish in a very small pond (more like a puddle) from where I'm standing.

Stop trying to show off; you're not impressing anyone.

Wait, why third world?

1. They have much higher birth rates and population growth
2. They're the ones who have a problem with the current use of resources and therefore the ones who would benefit the most from population control
3. They can't fight back

In the 3rd world war, everyone's country gets equally bombed to shit.

That's not true. Poland will get bombed the most.

Not as fun when the reactions aren't genuine.

What makes you think the reactions aren't genuine?

Make no mistake; most subs don't have an especially high pain threshold, and they dislike it at the same time as liking it.

Exactly.  And who do we blame for that?  Her parents.

Exactly. And why are her parents failures?

Because they raised her in a bubble away from the real world and never taught her how to behave. As a result, she goes around pissing people off and people hate her.

No matter how much money she has, it must bother her that she is so widely hated and ridiculed.

This genderless child will, like Paris Hilton, end up being a figure of fun to all of its peers when it grows up. Everyone who doesn't beat it up for being different will laugh at it for not knowing social norms.

And as I said earlier, this child isn't really getting the freedom to choose. It is being influenced by its parents, even if they're not trying to influence it. I'll wager that their influences will cause it to be a less functional member of society, since they are likely to unwittingly encourage behaviours that will be troublesome in the real world.


Cupcake, you silly boy.

Do you really think anyone will believe that Hermoor managed to correctly spell the name of a mythological figure? You should have spelt it "Hermvgpkisfdjlkgnfd". Then we might have believed that it was him.

Getting what you want isn't the secret to happiness.  If it was, then Paris Hilton would be the happiest person on the fucking planet.

She doesn't get everything she wants.

She wants love and respect. She gets neither. Because she's a spoilt fucktard.

Ah ha ha, I was waiting for that.  Thanks for making me smile.

When it comes to happiness, you can go as extreme as you want, provided it doesn't impact the happiness of others.

But you can't.

Or rather, acting however the hell you want will always cause trouble with other people some way or another, and those other people will want to modify your behaviour, thus making you less happy.

People who are homeschooled are better equipped to do those things.  So, if homeschooling your kids and allowing them to acquire their values from their parents better equips a child to function in modern society than our public school system does, then taking that to an extreme - letting their child experiment and eventually chose it's own gender - should be more so.  Mostly because it allows the child to learn about themselves, and what makes them happy, so they can make rational decsions later in life as to what they want to do with their life.



What's a "Hermoor"? o.O

The most insane troll in history.

I can't adequately describe him to you, because you won't believe me, and I can't show you what he did, because the moderators covered up all the evidence of his misbehaviour (thus making it easier for him to gain sympathy).

He has been banned from multiple forums, spends all day fighting on the internet, is a neo-Nazi who wants to live in the forest having sex with blond Vikings, who thinks he is the next Jesus and can teach everyone the secrets of life (he thinks these secrets have been revealed to him) and who wants to destroy these forums. He has said many times that he wants to kill members of these forums. This isn't a case of jokingly saying "I'll kill you" and not meaning it; he really wants to kill us. I have never seen a human being with such a huge ego, and I have never seen anyone filled with such hate. What I have told you doesn't convey even a tenth of the evil that is Hermoor; you have to see him to believe it.

If you ask the mods, they'll tell you that he is a poor innocent victim of cyber bullying who should be given another chance. Sure, the last ten times he came here he threatened to kill us and spammed the forum with porn and gore, but he might behave himself next time.

All your talk about integration into society is bullshit.  It's meant to create people who will respect authority for it's own sake, out of ingrained habit.  The world won't end if more people thought their gov't was full of shit.


Most people want to have a partner an raise a family. This requires having a job, unless you're the heir to a massive fortune, and having a decent job requires a decent education. This all requires having a basic knowledge of how your society works. If you don't have that, you'll have a very hard time, unless your goals in life are to live in your parents' basement and play FF7 all day.

I said that their situation would be more extreme than that of home-schooled children; these kids have no opportunity to learn the norms of society. Their parents probably teach them the opposite of how to function in society.

If you don't learn enough to at least pay lip service to social norms and you're not a fantastically lucky or talented super-genius, you'll be a permanently single career underachiever at best, and at worst you'll have to live in the forest foraging for nuts. You might meet Hermoor.

I dont recall getting a topic locked, Id like to see it though, maybe you are right.

I will dig up my old test scores in a bit and take pictures, needless to say I blew the whole state away.

Can't wait to see this.

I love how you say "blew the whole state away"; how hard can it be to be the smartest kid in Alabama?

As far as Jacksons Gap stats, you cant look at those, this isnt even a town....
You need to look at Alexander City, AL. Its 5 mins from here and is where I was educated and born.

I love how Americans use the word "city". That's barely even a small town.

And please accept my most gracious apologies. It seems that you were educated in a town with a population of 15,000, where only 1/3 of the population failed to graduate from high school. Clearly, a cosmopolitan city full of geniuses!

As far as the southern baptist thing goes, no I wasnt raised strictly religious. But I know many who were, and they are good people. They dont let their 10 y.o do drugs or even be in a position to know what drugs are or get into that.

That lovely town where you were educated has a very high crime rate and a lot of murders.

I have many faults(drug use) But I have never seen some of the appalling things I saw in cali.
I also met a 14 y.o. crackhead...... Plus Homeless EVERYWHERE! They mustve made good life decisions.

Pfft, big cities always have more extremes. They have more extremes of prosperity, too.

As apposed to Alabama, I have NEVER ONCE seen a homeless in this state, although FEW do exist in Birmingham/Montgomery/ Maybe Mobile.
It seems like 25% of cali's population is homeless.

I'd love to see some stats on that California figure. You're claiming that there are almost 10million homeless people in California.

And maybe the reason why there are so few homeless people in Alabama is because the houses only cost $10?

I dont know how much travelling you guys have done, but I have lived in 6 different states now and some far from the south. The south wins. All other people do is speculate and say inbred, and thats how you will always think of it in your ignorance. Why not gather enough info before you make such a grossly misstated opinion?

Your experience of those different states seems to be very limited. You're basing your opinion of the whole of California, a state bigger than many countries, on the few months you spend living in a crack house.

True, California has some of the worst poverty spots in the Western world, but it also has some of the best places to live.

I really like the people who say:

guy # 1: *critisizes Islam*
guy# 2: OMG YOURE RACIST I hope they behead you, you nazi you!

It's hilarious.  It's like, you're either a blameless victim Madonna and child, or you're Super Hitler; there is absolutely no middle ground, and no shades of gray.

And Hitler had a lot of good things to say about Islam; I'm not sure why critics of it should be called Nazis.

Indeed, Hitler's schmoozing of Middle Eastern religious leaders is part of the reason why anti-semitism and anti-Israel sentiment is so strong over there.

Unobservant? Towards what?

Their church. Adherents make up 53.2% of the Slidell population, but only 11.3% of Slidellians attend Catholic services. Barely 1/5 of the town's Catholics practice their religion.

i know, but my pc copy was stolen in the airport along with my bag and that was a 2 years ago, now its hard as hell to find the pc version anywhere. got no choice but to download it.... But i appreciate your help.

Best story I've heard in ages.

I didn't know there were 67 registered sex offenders in Slidell. You'd think it'd be on the city page or something. >.>

Your town has a disgraceful crime rate in general.

And I lol'd when I saw how unobservant your Catholics are. ;D

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