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Messages - levantine

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Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9991)
« on: 2023-02-13 19:27:51 »
I'm looking for the doc that list all change on limit breaks and last weapons, does anyone got this?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9991)
« on: 2023-02-12 19:33:19 »
thx for the answer.
I'm pretty familiar with ff7 (done many party with new threat 1.5)
I finally decided to play with the hard mod, because I want strong ennemies lol.
Haven't gils on the other hand is a few frustrated early, I feel forced to steal a lot to compensate that (but I don't morph, I hate this mechanic in ff7...)

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9991)
« on: 2023-02-11 23:19:59 »
Hello, loving ff7 and new threat and i'm discovering the 2.0, is there a big difference between standard and hard mode?
I like challenge, but not the point that you earn no gil and get more exp in hard mode, is the standard mode have some challenge or it is quite easy and I should go to hard mode for having epic fight? thx for the answer.

Hello Calisto,I find a bug in your mod.
During cd2 in the prison when Irvine apear with master class to shot galbadian soldier (just before rinoa kick her ass lol), during this animation, Irvine haw no head, and just after game crash.
I manage to passed this by uninstal the mod, pass this sequence, and them re instal the mod (no conflict with geforce ability by done this).

A quick question about rinoa, in vanilla game it's better to not learn the early angelo skills for having a better chance of proc his last one in end game.
Is it the same in this mod or I can learn every pet magazine I find?

Back to say that all work perfectly with the downgrad method but well looks like our Calisto resolve the problem for last version :)
Thx you dude ;)

Looks like a real threat to play this mod since SE last update x)
Thx an other one for your answer, will try this when I have some time

Thx a lot for your answer, could you post the instruction here? I can't find it on the discord

Hey Callisto and forum. So I'm having a big issue with the EFIGS file on the remastered version of ffviii. I installed the Demaster folder fine about 3 weeks ago, and the changes were made to the game (spells in inventory in the beginning, double draw point, etc.) So I played through the game, not really thinking anything of why enemy magic attacks were hardly doing any damage to my characters. Lo and behold, later in the game I hit for 9999 capped damage and I finally realized I did something wrong, I forgot to install the EFIGS file. So I went back, patched the regular EFIGS.dll file with the EFIGS.ips file in the mod using the link, replaced the original file with the modded file and changed the name back to "EFIGS.dll". The game runs perfectly fine until I get into a battle. The characters ready their weapons, and then the game crashes with a message saying "an unknown exception has occurred." I can toss the backed up original EFIGS.dll file back in and the game runs normally, but without break damage limit, magic damage balanced and no draw cap. I'm wondering if anyone has a solution to this issue or can tell me what I did wrong, because I want the end part of the game to be as difficult as possible.

Hey, I have this error too, can anyone help?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.991)
« on: 2021-10-21 08:59:42 »
Ok so that's normal, thx for the answer, I was wonder because in NT 1.5 there was thoose 2 fights

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.991)
« on: 2021-10-20 10:01:02 »
Hey I got an other question about a missing batle :
<spoil> Is it normal that when I enter to the gongaga just after getting the buggy, turk should be there and fight you, but in my playthough there was nobody when I enter to the forest (playing with the last version of NT). </spoil>

7th Heaven / Can't access to game driver
« on: 2021-10-17 14:13:37 »

When i'm in 7th heaven and click in game driver in settings, i have a message error that tell me the data key is absent to the dictionnary and the app will be close.
What can i do for going to the game driver setting?
I need to go in for remove the horrible black bars ^^
Thx in advance

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.991)
« on: 2021-10-17 11:39:42 »

Could someone please give me this list of all changes to the ultimate weapons for each characters?
Thx :)

ps : oh, and is there any skill that break 9999 now ?

@Tempest : see my poste at the page 20, you'll see that the BGH251F2 is not as hard as you think in the Lionheart mod ;)

@Callisto : Is Angel Wing so much strong in the lionheart remastered mod? I was plan to use Rinoa in my team, but I don't want to play with someone who break totaly the difficulty you put in :/
Did you find something that's allow physical attack break the cap like magic or it's something that you still working in? Fear that fighters would be useless compare to magicians in end game, espacially for someone like me who don't use so much limit break.

@Dealer1993 : Indeed we have a different playstyles ;) , mine is more classical : 1 fighter, 1 mage dps and 1 support, try to keep them high hp as I can
I'm at the end of disc 2, we will see how are futur bosses with my playstyle hehe

@Dealer1993 : *NotE that I'm playing lionheart mode
Sorry for missing a letter "E" that cause misunderstanding, so yes I play to the lionheart mode, never play to the standard Ragnarock mod i wanted to start directly with the lionheart one ;)
Surprise that we encounter different experience with BGH251F2, as I said in my case, this boss wasn't too difficult with the strategy I used (the same as Callisto said, buff/heal at the begining until the boss auto-nerf himself).

@Dealer1993 : I beat them 2nd try too, but this fight was really hard, on the other hand, BGH251F2 in Horizon wasn't too hard, at the begining of the fight he hit hard, but after some times his attacks looks "broken" and so he inflicted less damages, so at the beginig full heal and buffs, after some times, just use thunder and buffs, I'm surprise that for you this one was the "hardest fight so far" oO (not that I'm playing lionheart mod).

@Callisto : Okay finally I win the fight against ranjin and fujin key was to
Spoiler: show
 associated slow to prevent from this status
, that made the fight possible, but even with this it was really hard, dispel + ranjin special attack was totally frustrated x)

@Tempest : About Kiros card, there is a document in the folder you downloaded that explain how to obtain Kiros card :
"Instead of the Minimog card, you need to lose the Quezacotl card to the Card Queen to initiate this sidequest. This creates the Kiros card, which can then be found at Winhill Inn instead of Deling City streets."
Just wanted to say that the man is indeed in the inn (or auberge), but need to do something in the inn for appear him

@Dealer1993 : Ah yes maybe, I don't know, I'm french ^^
About bonuses, I think it's a mistake that cactuar have them, Callisto said that he don't want this in his mod (and I totally agree with this, because as you saw, have the bonuses anable make character overpowered)

@Dealer1993 : No I don't, but I played the reloaded mod, and in this one a lot of boss (even all of them lol) were totally broken ^^

@Callisto : Ok thx for the spot I will check it for grind a litle.
Weakness change constantly?? Wow This bosss is very stronger as I thank ^^
I Okay the loste cards where lost in the porting xD, no problem for the inconvenience, I know that your mod is still in development ;)

Also, need to speak about the fight against Ranjin and Fujin, in my opinion this fight need a nerf, because they where too fast and hit too strong for me, or maybe it's because I was underlevel for this fight (Squall was 32, Rinoa and Zell where 24 in memory).
Or maybe it's because a strategy that I did not found need to be applicate here (the only trick I found is to draw G-force, but even with this they where too strong).
Batle was too long, and too frustrate because of ranjin one shot squall full hp, and Fujin who buff and debuff as hell.

Edit : Was thinking about 1 or 2 trick that could help for killing them, so maybe it's me and they don't need a nerf, will check it when I could ;)

@Callisto : I find the boss for the sidequest petpal vol5, but they totally destoyed me lol, I think I need to do this sidequest later in the game (I'm after Horizon actually), also I still not found the lost cards in deeling city, I get back to the galbadya hotel and check where the timber maniac where (I mean in the room) but there is nothing :/

@Callisto : Thx for your answer, was fear to miss them but it's not the case, actually I just beat Norg, this boss was quite difficult due to his buff/healing

Hello, someone can tell me how to get petpals vol 5 and 6?
Callisto said this :
can be obtained by completing new sidequests in Deling City and Balamb Garden, respectively.
But I don't really understand wich sidequests he is talking about...
Thx for the help.

Also about a deling city sidequest, where can i find the lost cards of the old man?

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