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Messages - Fraggoso

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I forgot to upload the csharp.dll file with the latest update.
here you can download it:

You also want to untick merge tileset or you don't get the individual tile layers split up instead of one image.

Yeah the button is sadly hidden. You've to tab and hit enter.
Or you can do it, like I did it, one by one if you go to fields background and go to background editor.

I extracted everything with hades workshop and imported it back with it as well.

Thanks maki! Very much appreciated.

I looked at the ncgr files and it seems there's only map files stored as normal png.
I also found the tutorial pictures and basically everything that's written with graphics but I can't find any character textures.

Do you know where the character textures are stored?
Are they stored in the dat file you mentioned above?

@Lein without a tool that's not possible at all at this time.

Sorry I didn't bought the game yet but I thought it had a container file!
Sorry for the hassle I will take a look into the png files of sort. :)

I'll try to upload the update and also the notifications everywhere, that includes here and Steam as well.

Sorry couldn't upload yesterday.
Today  definitely.

Thanks a bunch, Dclem.
I'll release the update later this day.

Sadly it's a whole package, but I guess in today's time of internet this shouldn't be any real problem.

If anyone could test the Chocobo Locations (Chocobo Dreams e.g.) that would really help me a lot.

I also asked in the modding subforum for FFIV:

Is there a tool that can unpack the resource file and repack them back?
I want to mess with my graphics pipeline to get rid of the big pixel/3DS look of the textures.

I couldn't find anything so far. :/

Oh Jesus here we to again...
I'll only ask one thing: why the f u c k does anyone really want a very high encounter rate?
Random encounter are a bad design decision. I hate it how I can't avoid them (in the psx era) unless there's  gf or materia which can prevent it.

You can split them rather easily with Gimp.
Just open all layers like faulked mentioned. Load your png at the bottom.
Select the first layer and right click on it and select alpha to selection.
Click on your imported png at the bottom and CTRL + C for copy , CTRL + V for paste and CTRL + SHIFT + N to paste the selection as a new layer which is listed on top.

That way you cut the selection from the layer out of your png.

I hope that helps.

Support / Re: FF9 Sound Mod official thread
« on: 2017-05-31 07:26:08 »
If I'm not mistaken, you can't just delete the texture information or else the remaining icon is aligned wrong.
Tirlititi posted a fix which ca be made though trough the CIL Code.

I saw those too.
btw, was there an update to them backgrounds or not?

No, not as of now.
I want to go trough the whole Game at least once now and see for myself as the community did already a great job but now no one post anything broken (which is positive of course).

I tested everything till end of Disc 2.
Encountered some "broken" textures (black tiles) and some, which are just somewhat ugly but can only be repaired if I dive deeper in doing the masks manually, which I'll not do at this time.

Besides that everything is really looking great (at least for me). :)
I maybe will upload a whole package, like version 1.1 as I'm done with testing which shouldn't take that long with fast forward.
A patch can only be done with the next version of Hades Workshop and that depends completely on tirlititi and the time he has. :)

Please refer to as this thread here has nothing to do with that particular problem, Lein.

@Topic It seems there're still some broken NPC textures. I encountered two problems:
1. When you're chased by the drill in Fossil Roo. The Textures are all messed up. In the battle scene everything is okay, though.
2. When you're chased by the Bandersnatcher(s). The Textures are all messed up. In the battle scene everything is okay, though.

Besides that I could test everything till end of Disc 2 and those are the only things that caught my attention.

In the steam version it's as tirlititi says:

Ok I got a problem, I tried removing the lines you said in the cracked version of the game, this one 0x6000B43. And now the game stops working the moment I launch it. Maybe it's because I'm using the "cracked" version of the game which is some older unpatched version of the game that it doesn't work. Or maybe I made some mistake either way I just need this for the steam version, maybe someone could help me out, open up hades workshop, disable cheats and remove the icons then share the file on here so I could send it to my buddy.  :|

If not it's ok but yeah it would be nice since I clearly don't know what I'm doing. :(

I don't think someone will be able to help you since you use a cracked version.
Use your steam version instead. Like I said, the files tirlititi mention are in the updated version.

At last someone released a partially working version of the scaled Battle GUI.
GDI gave the permission to share it her as well (and maybe spread the word so people can finish his work).

I'm not the owner and or maker of the mod and I also couldn't test it as I don't use Memoria as of now.

I still see it under 0x600091F  on my end. :/

Analoge Movement needs to be fixed as well and some bugs needs some community love, too.

Open HW, load the launcher.exe and select your language.
Then navigate to CIL Code and below Macro. "Disable Cheats" -> Apply Macro -> Save Steam Mod.

Navigate to your FFXI Folder, you should have a new subfolder in there called "HadesWorkshopMod". Copy all folder into your main FFIX install folder and you're good to go.

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