Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods and Modding Framework-The Reunion [R06f]  (Read 3085287 times)


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I just got to Junon and did the big fish boss fight and the CPR minigame... 4 times. Every time I tried to do the CPR minigame I lost, and it seemed really weird that I was having so much trouble with it,

I'll agree that you should get 3 chances in one go before the Game Over - but Weapon mode 2 and above are tailor made to be difficult and unforgiving in some places - this is a choice you make by using Weapon 2 and 3 - both of which are in VERY early stages and totally incomplete, which answers most of your other questions.

(Quick completely unrelated side note cause I just had a look and no one else has mentioned it yet but: the latest hotfix (5) seems to have broken default run? everything else is working smoothly though, so it's not a huge problem)

See The Reunion Database and please read the first post on how to send bug reports.

which I don't think are specifically the mods fault and aren't the point of this comment

Doesn't matter - I need the app.log / Reunion.log / crash.dmp file to be sure.
« Last Edit: 2019-12-29 19:01:20 by DLPB »


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This should finally put this annoying bug to rest!

Hotfix 6:

Please place ddraw.dll and aali.dll in the root folder and ffmpeg_movies.dll in The_Reunion\Program_Files


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Bug report on Hotfix 5 - Game can hang when in control of Aeris in Midgar.

After seeing that president shinra is dead and meeting roofus for the first time, player is put in control of Aeris, and when you touch the elevator door to progress, the game can hang on the 69 floor scene, and you never see Aeris walk onto the elevator.

Interestingly, this is not 100% reproducible, sometimes it happens first time, other times I tried walking on and off of the elevators repeatedly and it would happen, or I restart the game and try again. Mostly on the closest elevator. One time on the furthest elevator door I observed barret + tifa walking around at the top of the screen briefly (as if still in the cutscene), before the screen changed to the elevator field, but no Aeris character was there, and then it hung on the elevator scene.


Windows 10 18362
Intel i7 8700
Gtx 1080TI
« Last Edit: 2019-12-30 00:46:58 by Timber »


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Hotfix 6 is literally above and fixes that :P


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Hotfix 6 is literally above and fixes that :P

Nice! You are too quick.

While testing the above elevator I just noticed a few more bugs/inconsistencies, these are probably issues from the original game but I know you like fixing those:

- When exiting the glass elevator, the light that shines from the open door turns off too early (before you leave the elevator). Entering the elevator works fine though.
- Player can enter the left elevator, in which case the boss battle is on the wrong side and doesn't make sense.

60fps battles issues:
- The elevator boss battle looks really jerky, probably the case that the background and the 3D elevator itself aren't animating at 60fps.
- In the fight with rufus, when he grabs helicopter to fly away, clips through the helicopter pretty bad (May also be issue with original game?)


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- When exiting the glass elevator, the light that shines from the open door turns off too early (before you leave the elevator). Entering the elevator works fine though.
- Player can enter the left elevator, in which case the boss battle is on the wrong side and doesn't make sense.

ha - that's a cool find. Not sure what can be done about the latter...  it would involve switching the battle itself and updating so it all made sense [not easy] - or forcing an elevator door to be "broken" - a bit cheap.

60fps battles issues:
- The elevator boss battle looks really jerky, probably the case that the background and the 3D elevator itself aren't animating at 60fps.

Is this interpolated or non interpolated or both?  There are a lot of issues like this.

- In the fight with rufus, when he grabs helicopter to fly away, clips through the helicopter pretty bad (May also be issue with original game?)

Not sure what you mean by clips  - but there's a known issue with jerky motion.


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This is using interpolated, I dont use non-interpolated.

When I say rufus clips through the helicopter, I mean that his whole body phases through the helicopter as it takes off, instead of hanging below the helicopter as intended. The PSX original looks fine:


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Field script error, probably in original game, could be fixed with a dialogue change:

When you first get to Shinra HQ and take the direct approach through the front door, you can optionally go to the Accessories shop on the second floor, and a small cutscene will play when you talk to the clerk - (Barrett talks about how they aren't going to rob the store, they are here to rescue someone). If you do not see this cutscene the first time, then later after the Rufus fight, while controlling Aeris, you can talk to the clerk and the same cutscene starts where Barrett is talking about how they are here to rescue someone, even though Aeris is right in front of him.


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When it's not a bug with Reunion, please place report on the main bug thread:

If I had to name all the bugs I've found with field, I'd be here all day.  Make sure it's a Reunion only issue before placing here.

As for that bug you mentioned... pretty sure it's resolved with New Translation - the dialogue changes.  Though perhaps the issue here is that it still happens on escape ?
« Last Edit: 2019-12-30 05:13:59 by DLPB »


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I downloaded the hotfix, but it's still happening to me.  I'm not sure what I'm missing?  Regardless - thank you very much for your time. 

Latest pastebins -
(save file unchanged, for convenient access if needed)


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with your save the damage is permanent as youve now saved tifa as member 0.  I'll correct your save and send back.

Nope...  when I load it here, Barrett is in charge of the team.  Are you sure you have placed those files in the correct places?  Make sure ddraw.dll especially is the new one from Hotfix 6 and in root.
« Last Edit: 2019-12-30 16:04:29 by DLPB »


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@Zaeri  I cannot replicate the junon scrolling issue... and I need to know exactly when it should scroll as the field code indicates it only does it at specific points.

Fixed it.
« Last Edit: 2019-12-31 01:41:34 by DLPB »


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To clarify - when you say root folder you mean steamapps/common/FINAL FANTASY VII  right?


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I just got up to the part where you need to catch a chocobo to cross the swamp, and once i caught it I was surprised to find that it appears as white/grey with yellow patches on the world map.

Here is a photo:

Guessing this is some sort of shading issue with the model overhaul model? Or did I find the ultra rare inbred chocobo?


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May also be the shader I supplied.  Try to turn off post processing in the ini and see what happens.  Experiment and find out what causes it.

I'm not a fan of the inbred choco theory.  ;D
« Last Edit: 2019-12-31 00:59:06 by DLPB »


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To clarify - when you say root folder you mean steamapps/common/FINAL FANTASY VII  right?

I mean the one where ff7_en.exe or ff7.exe is.  That above looks right.

« Last Edit: 2019-12-31 02:24:53 by DLPB »


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I'll agree that you should get 3 chances in one go before the Game Over - but Weapon mode 2 and above are tailor made to be difficult and unforgiving in some places - this is a choice you make by using Weapon 2 and 3 - both of which are in VERY early stages and totally incomplete, which answers most of your other questions.

Not to be snide but "Weapon mode 2 and above are tailor made to be difficult and unforgiving" wasn't advertised anywhere, "Minigame updates" and "Further Field updates" are all that is said about it in the Mod Options doc, and here on the Forum the description is "Its aim is to provide a balanced, professional, and fair update to the game's difficulty." (Emphasis my own), followed by "Most difficulty mods have, in my opinion, got the balance completely wrong. They've ended up making the game a chore, rather than a fun experience." and "Weapon tries not to inflate difficulty artificially through high HP amounts or cheap gimmicks." (Emphasis my own)

I'm aware that it is very incomplete, but had up until that point found it's changes an across the board improvement, so figured pointing out that that particular difficulty spike felt like a chore and a cheap gimmick might have been worthwhile. My bad.

Doesn't matter - I need the app.log / Reunion.log / crash.dmp file to be sure.

I don't have those files for the off-handedly mentioned random crashes because after they happened a few times I deleted everything and did a fresh install, as I assumed it was a problem of my own design. They've not happened since, so I'm inclined to agree with myself.

See The Reunion Database and please read the first post on how to send bug reports.

As the hotfix had just been posted recently and there were no comments mentioning it, I shoehorned the mention of Default Run not working into the end of my comment which was still pending mod approval just to put mention of it out there quickly, for in case anyone else was having the same problem and wasn't sure if it was purely single case, less a bug report and more of a bug announcement, especially since for all I knew you could have intentionally temporarily disabled to fix something more pressing and I was the only one not in the know, I'm hardly a regular and certainly not a coder after all. But by all means I'm happy to do it now.

1. An explanation of the bug - Default Run is not working. It is set to "y" in the mod options, but off the world map Cloud only walks unless Run is held. changing Default run and changing it back have had no effect on it.
2. Does the bug happen at same point more than once? - Yes, it is in constant effect, the very feature has ceased to function.
3. App.log (found in root folder)
4. Reunion.log (found in The_Reunion folder)
5. crash.dmp (found in root folder)
6. Your save file from just before the crash or hang

Files (Minus Crash.dmp as I did not see one, ostensibly due to not having had a crash since doing a clean install):

Have a Spectacular day.


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In that case, I am certain that the files are in the correct place. 


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I just got ff7 on steam and really liked this mod, but it doesn't appear to be working for me, I installed it just like it said to (on the folder that has "ff7_en.xe") but the game just loads normally, i've tried launching it from steam, from the "ff7_en.exe" and the "ff7_launcher.exe".

The only thing I could find was a "The_Reunion.log" which said:
Warning: No valid registry entry was found.
Are you sure Final Fantasy VII is installed properly and that this is a legitimate copy?

Is there something I did wrong? Something I can do to fix it?


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wivesq.... something is very likely wrong on your side as ive proven 100% that the game loads correctly with those files. might be worth sending me a screenshot of your root folder and joining discord.  @war read the first post.
« Last Edit: 2019-12-31 11:53:23 by DLPB »


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@war read the first post.

I'm sorry, i'm very new to FF, FF modding and the forum in general. What do you mean by the first post?

I have read the first post but the only thing that I can make out of it is that it should work in the steam version.

Are you saying that I should convert the game even though I have the english steam version?

Again, I apologize for the inconvenience of helping someone who just bought his first ff game.


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I'm sorry, i'm very new to FF, FF modding and the forum in general. What do you mean by the first post?

I have read the first post but the only thing that I can make out of it is that it should work in the steam version.

Are you saying that I should convert the game even though I have the english steam version?

Again, I apologize for the inconvenience of helping someone who just bought his first ff game.

I'd recommend installing Hotfix 6 and trying again. Check back a page or two for a download link by DLPB. That fixes a number of issues, including yours.


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you need hot fix 6 installed. see first post on this thread and read part about reunion database


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After a long while, I was able to install R06 along with the hotfix. Now the controls don't work, and the only key active in game is the Enter Key


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This might relate to the above post. I reinstalled FF7 earlier, then R06. If I start the game through Steam, I have the newer models and translation but my controller doesn't work. The text is also slightly overlapping so that it's still legible but looks too cluttered. If I open FF7.exe in the root directory, a file that's dated from 1998 rather than 2020 (the date of the new installation files such as FF7_en.exe), then it all works as planned, the controller works and the text is displayed as intended. Is this intentional or is it meant to work fully when running through Steam? If it's not meant to work like this, it occurs to me that several years ago I had the 7th Heaven mod thing installed. I thought this was a totally clean install but maybe there was still some old files in the Steam game directory (one being that exe from 1998) and that's caused this problem. I don't want to reinstall everything if this is how it's meant to work, though.