« on: 2022-06-18 04:16:26 »
60 FPS too fast but 30 FPS is abit slow also theres a delay when a character runs to the enemy animation hit then damage applies, this isnt the first time someone had this problem back in 2016 i believe.
these are the mods im using.....
7th Heaven Version:
# [Tsunamods] Cosmo Memory
ID: 2e4c6623-97b9-4d5c-b2f3-b4f24f06a911
Version: 1.011
Is Active: True
"Menu Sounds" (Sound) = "Dissidia Sounds" (1)
"Voiced Attacks" (Grunts) = True (1)
"Field Ambience" (FA) = True (1)
"Battle Ambience" (BA) = True (1)
"Movie Sounds" (FMV) = True (1)
"Field Footsteps" (Footsteps) = True (1)
"World Map Footsteps" (WM) = True (1)
# [Tsunamods]Modern Spell Names
ID: 8c1020f8-562c-4a1e-87ab-dd328c0aa567
Version: 1.61
Is Active: True
"Spell Names" (Spell Names) = "New Threat 2.0" (3)
# Borderless FF7
ID: 7350eb7e-6b4f-4a9c-8a70-28d6304f8ce7
Version: 1.00
Is Active: True
# 60/30 FPS Animations for New Threat 2.0
ID: c8234df3-ff27-4df4-8cb2-70e7bb021d78
Version: 1.01
Is Active: True
"New Threat 2.0 FPS Mode" (Mode) = "30 FPS Mode" (0)
# 60 FPS Gameplay
ID: c0d1e191-a251-465d-8a3c-a3be5366d849
Version: 1.10
Is Active: True
"FPS Mode" (FPSMode) = "Full 30 FPS" (2)
"Field mode 60 FPS Fix" (FlevelFix) = False (0)
# [Tsunamods] Avalanche Arisen Battle Textures
ID: c33191b1-439d-4536-9c70-cc5f6957dfa2
Version: 1.0
Is Active: True
"Textures" (battle_bg) = "Avalanche Arisen" (1)
# Remako HD
ID: 58fa1e13-0b18-4172-87c3-56ff3195083c
Version: 2.0
Is Active: True
"Remako HD Battle Textures" (BattleTextures) = "1 - [4x Upscale] Remako HD" (1)
# NinoStyle Chibi Field Models
ID: 4055f4be-1edc-4b40-acef-5a69e41a032c
Version: 0.245
Is Active: True
"New character models" (fb) = "on" (1)
# NinoStyle HD Field Models 1.7
ID: 4c4678c6-fc59-4a4e-9744-83ca6d448073
Version: 1.7
Is Active: True
"Cloud" (Cloud) = "Nino Cloud" (1)
"Barret" (Barret) = "Nino Barret v3.0" (1)
"Tifa" (Tifa) = "Nino Tifa" (1)
"Aerith" (Aerith) = "Nino Aerith" (1)
"Red XIII" (Red XIII) = "Nino Red XIII" (1)
"Yuffie" (Yuffie) = "Nino Yuffie" (1)
"Cait Sith" (Cait Sith) = "Nino Cait Sith" (1)
"Vincent" (Vincent) = "Nino Vincent" (1)
"Cid" (Cid) = "Nino Cid" (1)
"Sephiroth" (Sephiroth) = "Nino Sephiroth" (1)
"Zack" (Zack) = "Nino Zack" (1)
"Other" (Other) = "Nino Other" (1)
# Remako HD
ID: c4660557-8668-4dbc-a45c-80e2574c0088
Version: 2.0
Is Active: True
"Remako HD Field Textures" (FieldTextures) = "1 - [4x Upscale] Remako HD - CaptRobau" (1)
# Team Avalanche Fields
ID: 15b0e094-4c5b-4031-9e9c-991dbd7ae158
Version: 1.0
Is Active: True
"Team Avalanche Fields" (TeamAvalancheFields) = True (1)
# New Threat 2.0
ID: efc4bc61-7f80-4635-b583-f52c5c9d239f
Version: 2.0995
Is Active: True
"Choose" (gameplay) = True (1)
# Scene Redux
ID: e69c43ca-1704-4dc5-9e2c-f17989b38e79
Version: 1.31
Is Active: True
# Armorvil sound replacements
ID: 7dafacde-3d9f-44c6-810d-7b4978194424
Version: 1.0
Is Active: True
# Symphonic Remasters: Redux
ID: e17f6212-2f51-4c51-b2e3-ca3bafcf2b6b
Version: 2.01
Is Active: True
"===Battles and Enemies===" (BattlesPlusEnemiesHeader) = "" (0)
"Attack of the Weapon" (oggweapon) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Birth of a God" (ogglb1) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Fanfare" (oggfan2) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Fight On!" (oggchu) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"J-E-N-O-V-A" (oggchu2) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Jenova Complete" (oggpj) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Let the Battles Begin!" (oggbat) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"One-Winged Angel" (ogglb2) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Shinra, Inc" (oggsinra) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Those Chosen by the Planet" (oggcephiros) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Those Chosen by the Planet (2)" (oggcintro) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Those Chosen by the Planet (3)" (oggnointro) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Turks' Theme" (oggrhythm) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"===Characters===" (CharacterHeader) = "" (0)
"Aerith's Theme" (oggearis) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Barret's Theme" (oggbarret) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Cait Sith's Theme" (oggketc) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Cid's Theme" (oggsid2) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Descendant of Shinobi" (oggyufi) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Red XIII's Theme" (oggred) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"The Great Warrior" (oggseto) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"The Nightmare Begins" (oggvincent) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Tifa's Theme" (oggtifa) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Who... Am I?" (ogghen) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Who... Are You?" (oggyume) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"===Game Moments===" (GameMomentsHeader) = "" (0)
"Continue" (oggover2) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Countdown" (oggro) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Debut" (ogggeki) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Ending Credits" (oggroll) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Fanfare (Special Move/Pose)" (oggfanfare) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Good Night, Until Tomorrow" (oggyado) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Launching a Dream Into Space" (oggsadsid) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Mako Cannon" (oggcannon) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Other Side of the Mountain" (oggguitar2) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Rufus' Welcoming Ceremony" (oggparade) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Steal the Tiny Bronco!" (oggjyro) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Stolen Materia" (oggyufi2) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"The Destruction of Shinra (Pt. 1)" (oggriku) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"The Destruction of Shinra (Pt. 2)" (oggsi) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"The Prelude" (oggpre) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Words Drowned By Fireworks" (oggdate) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"===Minigames===" (MinigamesHeader) = "" (0)
"Electric de Chocobo" (oggelec) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Fiddle de Chocobo" (oggfiddle) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Fort Condor" (oggcondor) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Jackpot!" (oggcrwin) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Tango of Tears" (oggcrlost) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"The Chase" (oggchase) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"The Highwind Takes to the Skies (Intro)" (oggmogu) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Win/Place/Show Chocobo!" (oggodds) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"===Movies===" (MoviesHeader) = "" (0)
"Beginning Movie" (intromov) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Ending Movie" (outromov) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"===Places===" (PlacesHeader) = "" (0)
"Anxiety" (oggkurai) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Bombing Mission" (oggob) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Buried in Snow" (oggsnow) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Cosmo Canyon" (oggcanyon) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Costa del Sol" (oggcosta) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Dear to the Heart" (oggtender) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Desert Wasteland" (oggrukei) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Don of the Slums" (oggcorneo) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Farm Boy" (oggbokujo) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Flowers Blooming in the Church" (oggearislo) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Forested Temple" (oggjukai) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"From the Edge of Despair" (oggjunon) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Gold Saucer" (ogggold1) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Honeybee Inn" (oggbee) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Hurry!" (oggaseri) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Hurry Up!" (oggaseri2) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"In Search of the Man in Black" (oggdun2) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Infiltrating Shinra" (oggsinraslo) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"It's Hard to Stand on Both Feet!" (oggsido) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Judgment Day" (oggld) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Lifestream" (oggboo) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Listen to the Cries of the Planet" (oggiseki) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Lurking in the Darkness" (oggayasi) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Mako Reactor" (oggmakoro) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Mark of a Traitor" (oggsadbar) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Mining Town" (oggcorel) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"On Our Way" (oggmati) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"On That Day, Five Years Ago..." (oggtm) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Open Your Heart" (oggsiera) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Provincial Town" (oggmura1) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Reunion" (oggmekyu) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Shinra's Full-Scale Assault" (ogggun) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"The Oppressed" (oggrocket) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Trail of Blood" (ogghorror) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Under the Rotting Pizza" (oggdokubo) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Waltz de Chocobo" (oggwalz) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Wutai" (oggutai) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"===World Map===" (WorldMapHeader) = "" (0)
"Cinco de Chocobo" (oggcinco) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Main Theme" (oggta) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Main Theme (2nd Half)" (oggtb) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"Secret of the Deep Sea" (oggsea) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"The Highwind Takes to the Skies" (ogghiku) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
"The North Cave" (oggkita) = "Symphonic Remasters" (1)
# [Tsunamods] SYW V5 Minigames Textures
ID: 50000000-5555-ff75-5775-520000000004
Version: 5.21
Is Active: True
"SYW V5 Minigames Textures" (SYWV5) = "FF7 SYW V5" (1)
# Minigames Textures and Models
ID: 12a0eef8-64f3-493e-ac93-f5717822439e
Version: 1.0
Is Active: True
"Textures" (Chocobo Race - Textures) = "1 - Grimmy" (1)
"Textures" (Coaster - Textures) = "1 - Grimmy" (1)
"Models" (Fort Condor - Models) = "1 - Strayoff" (1)
"Textures" (Fort Condor - Textures) = "1 - Strayoff + Grimmy" (1)
"Textures" (Motorbike Chase - Textures) = "1 - Grimmy" (1)
"Textures" (Snowboard - Textures) = "1 - Grimmy" (1)
# NinoStyle Bike Minigame Models 0.1
ID: 6932f604-96dd-4158-ac8d-c1523f77d127
Version: 0.1
Is Active: True
"minigames" (minigames) = "on" (1)
# [Tsunamods] SYW V5 Spell Textures
ID: 50000000-5555-ff75-5775-500000000003
Version: 5.00
Is Active: True
"SYW V5 Spell Textures" (SYWV5) = "FF7 SYW V5" (1)
# Coin Skill - Spell Textures
ID: 321a964a-9535-4e5a-8c90-2034a1afeb74
Version: 1.0
Is Active: True
"Coin Skill" (CoinSkill) = "27 - Transparent Metallic Blue" (27)
# Grimmy's Spell Textures
ID: 1e667b93-88a0-4b34-a973-a7a0bcf50cdc
Version: 1.0
Is Active: True
"Main" (Main) = "[4x Upscale] Grimmy" (1)
# Limit Break Textures - kela51
ID: 189f00ec-ec88-44bd-a2d4-05dd387db47d
Version: 1.0
Is Active: True
"Limit Break Textures by kela51" (LimitBreak) = "Version 2" (3)
# [Tsunamods]Finishing Touch
ID: c706f3c9-b6e2-41c6-a603-b8c2b03cbb4b
Version: 1.03
Is Active: True
"Dialogue Avatars" (Dialogue Avatars) = "Off" (0)
"Prelude" (Credits) = "Shinra Building 1" (1)
"Start Screen" (Start) = True (1)
"Game Over" (GameOver) = True (1)
"Avatars" (Avatars) = False (0)
"Menu Bars" (Bars) = True (1)
# [Tsunamods] Enhanced Stock UI
ID: 2b49d831-6556-41df-9ddb-d1a6e937f548
Version: 2.54
Is Active: True
"======Main Options======" (Main) = "" (0)
"Enhanced Stock" (enhanced) = "Enhanced Stock - Off" (0)
"All Status Visible" (status) = True (1)
"ESUI Start Screen" (start) = "Stock" (0)
"======Menu Options======" (Menu Options) = "" (0)
"Items + Materia Icons" (items_materia) = "Colored Items + Shiny Materia" (4)
"Cursor Style" (cursor) = "Finger" (1)
"UI Bar Thickness" (bars) = "Thinner Bars" (1)
"Font Brightness" (fonts) = "Bright Fonts" (2)
"EXP Bar Toggle" (nt) = "Exp Bars Enabled" (0)
"Field Dialog Box Style" (fds) = "ESUI" (1)
"Field Dialog Box Transparency" (fdb) = "Semi - Default" (1)
"Field Finger Cursor Visibility" (finger) = "Default" (0)
"World Map Position" (pos) = "Bottom Right" (0)
"======Battle Menu Options======" (Battle Menu Options) = "" (0)
"Battle View" (battleview) = "Optimized UI" (1)
"Battle Avatars" (ba) = "Show Names" (0)
"Transparent Battle Boxes" (tbb) = True (1)
"Minimalistic No Battle Boxes View" (nbb) = False (0)
"Help Box Transparency" (hbb) = "Stock" (0)
"======Controller Options======" (Controller Options) = "" (0)
"Controller Icons" (controller) = "Xbox Icons" (1)
"Icon Order" (controllerorder) = "1 - A:B/X:O - Cancel:OK - Std" (1)
"Button Mapping" (controllerxinput) = False (0)
# Gameplay Tweaks - Qhimm Catalog
ID: 7c989c70-8381-4a5f-a2d8-3d22dc8f6042
Version: 4.02
Is Active: True
"======Tweaks======" (Gameplay) = "" (0)
"Always Run" (Always Run) = False (0)
"Clock Fix" (Clock Fix) = True (1)
"Great Glacier Unlimited Steps" (glacier) = True (1)
"Increase Sense Limit" (Increase Sense Limit) = True (1)
"Invincible" (Invincible) = False (0)
"Lock Inventory" (Lock Inventory) = False (0)
"Lucky Cait Sith" (Lucky Cait Sith) = False (0)
"Lucky Tifa" (Lucky Tifa) = False (0)
"Save/PHS Anywhere" (Save/PHS Anywhere) = False (0)
"Sync Barret Opening" (Sync Barret Opening) = True (1)
"======Stats======" (Stats) = "" (0)
"AP Boost" (AP Boost) = "No Boost" (0)
"EXP Boost" (EXP Boost) = "No Boost" (0)
"Enemy HP Boost" (Enemy HP) = "No Boost" (0)
"Enemy Level Boost" (Enemy Level) = "No Boost" (0)
# Wictoriously Avatar Pack
ID: 3b5974ce-4b74-41c4-8aab-74c8a8ffc812
Version: 1.0
Is Active: True
"Aerith" (Avatars - Aerith) = "wictoriously" (1)
"Barret" (Avatars - Barret) = "wictoriously" (1)
"Cait Sith" (Avatars - Cait Sith) = "wictoriously" (1)
"Cid" (Avatars - Cid) = "wictoriously" (1)
"Cloud" (Avatars - Cloud) = "wictoriously" (1)
"Cloud Young" (Avatars - Young Cloud) = "wictoriously" (1)
"Red XIII" (Avatars - Red XIII) = "wictoriously" (1)
"Sephiroth" (Avatars - Sephiroth) = "wictoriously" (1)
"Tifa" (Avatars - Tifa) = "wictoriously" (1)
"Vincent" (Avatars - Vincent) = "wictoriously" (1)
"Yuffie" (Avatars - Yuffie) = "wictoriously" (1)
# NinoStyle Vehicle Models 1.63
ID: 66b1c2d2-a5ee-436e-8bba-3930a0e709ad
Version: 1.63
Is Active: True
"Buggy" (buggy) = "Truck - NinoStyle" (3)
"Chocobo" (chocobo) = "NinoStyle" (2)
"Highwind" (highwind) = "NinoStyle" (2)
"Submarine" (submarine) = "NinoStyle" (1)
"Tiny Bronco" (tiny_bronco) = "NinoStyle" (1)
"Cargo Ship" (cargo_ship) = "NinoStyle" (1)
"Gelnika" (gelnika) = "NinoStyle" (1)
# NinoStyle World Models 1.501
ID: 572513f1-bea7-4c33-85dd-a43290de841b
Version: 1.501
Is Active: True
"Cid" (cid_world) = "Cid" (1)
"Cloud" (cloud_world) = "Cloud" (1)
"Tifa" (tifa_world) = "Tifa" (1)
# Combined HD World Textures
ID: 4ab84d33-8514-4696-b02a-ba6491f87a43
Version: 1.0
Is Active: True
"World Textures" (World Textures) = "[Retexture] FeliX Leonhart + Grimmy + Ste41k" (1)
# NinoStyle Battle Models
ID: 93936eff-acee-42bd-9148-d20506b9d730
Version: 1.65
Is Active: True
"Cloud" (Cloud) = "Nino Cloud" (1)
"Barret" (Barret) = "Nino Barret v3.0" (1)
"Tifa" (Tifa) = "Nino Tifa" (1)
"Aerith" (Aerith) = "Nino Aerith" (1)
"Red XIII" (Red XIII) = "Nino Red XIII" (1)
"Yuffie" (Yuffie) = "Nino Yuffie" (1)
"Cait Sith" (Cait Sith) = "Nino Cait Sith" (1)
"Vincent" (Vincent) = "Nino Vincent" (1)
"Cid" (Cid) = "Nino Cid" (1)
"Sephiroth" (Sephiroth) = "Nino Sephiroth" (1)
"Jessie Mod" (Jessie Mod) = "No Change" (0)
"Other" (Other) = "Nino Other" (1)
also [Tsunamods] SYW V5 Worldmap Textures keeps failing tp update and theres was another mod failing to update so it should be looked into to make sure all mods can be downloaded/updated without fail.
let me know if any of these mods dont work together, i also tried deleting Hext folder from the FF7 folder because someone said that fixed the animation delay but it didnt it only stopped new threat from working.