Miscellaneous Forums > General Discussion
Final Fantasy VII PC - The Multilanguage Thread
It's be interesting to note which translations are based on what, for instance it's highly likely the original French, German, and Spanish versions are based on the English translation, the Portuguese fan version is in turn based on the original Spanish, and the Chinese fan version is based on the original Japanese.
so fancypantz seemed to get his answer in a PM, I however have the same problem.
I'm wanting to play in japanese, how can I go about doing this?
sorry for necro :/
Can someone get me the Steam video of jenova_e (sep with his mother) from Japanese release?
japanese language was never released on steam. i have it from the standard japanese non-steam version if you want
--- Quote from: Agahnim on 2014-01-13 17:15:53 ---japanese language was never released on steam. i have it from the standard japanese non-steam version if you want
--- End quote ---
Ah yes, of course. Yeah that one will do. It's the same video quality anyway, think they shared them. Upload it for me, I'd be v grateful :)
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