► STORY ◄ 
"Tracing the six-year
struggle of a group
who vanished into the
shadows of history..."
"Six years before Meteor's disastrous impact with the planet, a fierce
struggle breaks out between the Auditing Department of Shinra's
General Affairs Division the Turks and an anti-Shinra
organization known as Avalanche. Through this conflict quickly
spreads to consume the world, few are aware that a battle to protect
the planet is taking place that transcends the two groups' mutual
aggression. Here we uncover the shady truth behind the history
leading up to the "assassination" of Avalanche's leader..."
10th Anniversary Ultimania, Revised Edition PP. 148–159. English translation by TurquoiseHammer
2004 Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII
Chapter 1: Those Who Lurk in the Dark of Night (Midgar, Sector 8 - [ν] - εγλ 0001/2/30)The Beginning of a Drawn-Out Feud
A newly recruited Turk has been assigned the customary first job of patrolling Midgar’s Sector 8. Though it promises to be no more than glorified orientation, the mission quickly takes a turn when an armed militia suddenly appears. The group—an anti-Shinra organization named Avalanche—is aiming to blow up Mako Reactor 8. Thanks to the support of a senior Turk named Reno, crisis is temporarily averted. However, Avalanche now heads for Junon, where they plan to assassinate President Shinra.
[Image caption:] The war is over and peace has settled over the city. According to Tseng, the team’s leader, the first mission—patrol duty—shouldn’t present any problems.
[Image caption:] The sudden and unexpected offensive causes a panic at the Turks’ head office. However, the unit’s chief, Veld, keeps his composure and issues orders with a cool head.
[Image caption:] Shears, one of Avalanche’s higher ups, appears on the scene and manages to overpower Reno in no time at all.
Chapter 2: An Assassin Smiles in the Light of Day (Junon - [ν] - εγλ 0001/2/30)A Crisis of Unrelenting Attacks
Acting on Veld’s orders, the members of the Turks make their way to Junon, where they undertake the mission of escorting President Shinra while he’s in town to deliver a television address. The Turks mop up Avalanche’s forces when they invade a hotel and safely deliver the President to the press room in the Junon branch office. However, a blackout suddenly occurs while he’s giving his address; Avalanche has sabotaged the venue in an effort to interrupt his speech. When power is restored, a dubious character appears without warning in the press room. His name is Fuhito, a member of Avalanche’s top brass. Just after he departs with a brazen laugh, it’s revealed that Avalanche has seized control of the mako cannon. What’s more, its barrel is aimed directly at Midgar….
[Image caption:] President Shinra has a high opinion of the Turks’ capabilities. The protagonist resolves to live up to his praise.
[Image caption:] Fuhito offers some unsettling words as he takes his leave. Shortly thereafter, news breaks about the mako cannon’s capture.
[Image caption:] Losing his temper at Avalanche’s offensive, President Shinra orders that the “hero” be summoned.
Chapter 3: Blades Cross Under the Setting Sun (Junon - [ν] - εγλ 0001/2/30)A Meeting of Two Swordsmen
Following Tseng’s orders, the protagonist heads for the control room in order to wrest control of the mako cannon back from Avalanche. However, upon arriving they find that the Avalanche force inside the cannon has already been annihilated. Who could have done this? As the protagonist reels in confusion, a female swordsman suddenly appears in the control room and turns her blade on them. The woman’s overwhelming strength is too much for the protagonist to handle. Just when they’re on the ropes, Sephiroth makes his entrance. Elfe, the female swordsman and Avalanche’s leader, manages to block a swing from Sephiroth’s katana, but promptly withdraws when she senses she’s outmatched. Thus their superhuman duel draws to an uneventful close.
[Image caption:] The anti-intruder system senses unauthorized access and the security robots begin indiscriminately attacking friend and foe.
[Image caption:] Suddenly beset by a female swordsman, the protagonist tries to fight back, but the woman is protected by some sort of special barrier that shields her against all attacks.
[Image caption:] Confronted by Sephiroth, whose power is on a whole different level than hers, Elfe is forced to make a temporary retreat for the sake of ultimate victory.
Chapter 4: A Life Defined by Scars (Costa del Sol - [ν] - εγλ 0001/3/16)Fighting for Something Indispensable
Recognizing the danger Avalanche poses as an organization, Shinra decides to bring on more SOLDIERs to oppose them in earnest, and the Turks are tasked with recruiting candidates. However, when the Turks board the cargo ship after they’ve finished gathering prospective SOLDIERs, Avalanche raids the vessel under the command of Shears. Shears, the same man who gave Reno a bitter beat down back in Sector 8, frees the SOLDIER candidates and this time makes short work of Rude before heading off.
The protagonist is ordered to recover the escaped candidates and Rude and Reno make for the coast to get even with Shears. With each member’s reputation on the line, they head out to what must be done….
[Image caption:] Following their rookie instincts, the protagonist zeroes in on a bar where ruffians gather. There, they’re able to round up a sizable batch of SOLDIER candidates.
[Image caption:] Among the prospective SOLDIERs recruited is Azul, a man ever in pursuit of greater power. Perhaps feeling some fateful connection with the protagonist, he repeatedly challenges them to battle.
[Image caption:] After boasting that the Turks are no match for him, Shears is forced to admit he was wrong when he witnesses Reno and Rude’s impressive teamwork.
Chapter 5: The Dream of a Nameless Soldier (Midgar - [ν] - εγλ 0001/6/28)The Anguish and Resolve of a Righteous yet Powerless Man
In order to protect top-secret intel relating to SOLDIER, the protagonist is assigned to guard Professor Rayleigh, the woman in possession of the information. During the assignment, they meet a Shinra trooper named Cloud who’s also part of the guard detail. While cooperating with him on the mission, the protagonist is confronted by a unit of black-clad Avalanche soldiers under the direct command of Fuhito. Professor Rayleigh is taken captive by the soldiers and Cloud decides to act on his own and go after her. Witnessing Cloud’s determination to defend the professor’s life at all costs, the protagonist resolves to protect both the professor and the data she’s holding. However, they’re mercilessly waylaid by the Avalanche soldiers in black.
[Image caption:] Avalanche begins an operation to steal confidential information on SOLDIER. A mysterious unit directly under the command of Fuhito joins the fray.
[Image caption:] Cloud, who prioritizes Professor Rayleigh’s life, distrusts the Turks, who place greater importance on protecting the classified intel.
[Image caption:] Determined to protect both the data and the professor, the protagonist entrusts Cloud with guarding Professor Rayleigh and fights the black-clad Avalanche soldiers on their own.
Chapter 6: Tonight in a Pure World (Midgar, Sector 8 - [ν] - εγλ 0001/12/22)A Sorrowful Christmas Eve for Two Lovers
Rude has been acting rather strange lately, going off somewhere as soon as his duties are done. Taking on a “mission” from Reno, the protagonist trails Rude and sees him chatting with his love interest at a bar. Upon hearing the results of his investigation the next day, Reno rushes over to the bar at once. While there, Reno grows suspicious that Rude’s girlfriend Chelsea is working as a spy for Avalanche—but Rude is aware of her true identity as well. On the night of December 24th, Rude waits for his lover to show up as Reno and the protagonist undertake a monster-slaying mission….
[Image caption:] Rude turns down Reno’s invitation and heads off somewhere on his own. Reno is overcome with curiosity about his partner’s mysterious behavior.
[Image caption:] A monster extermination assignment suddenly comes in. Reno is concerned about Rude’s predicament, yet has no choice but to do his job diligently.
[Image caption:] Even after Reno tells him not to meet up with Chelsea, Rude shyly continues to wait for her.
Chapter 7: Darkness Blots Out a Diffuse Glow (Icicle Inn - [ν] - εγλ 0002/1/14)Sable Battle Puppets That Do Not Die
A pair of SOLDIERs stationed at Shinra’s outpost in Icicle Inn have fallen out of contact. On a quest to find Avalanche’s base, the Turks finally arrive at the outpost only to find it already in ruins. Tseng concludes the destruction is Avalanche’s doing and instructs the other Turks to investigate the surrounding area for a full-size base.
Having discovered a facility that appears to be the enemy’s stronghold, the protagonist rescues the missing SOLDIERs found deep within the compound. They defeat an attacking black-clad soldier and are about to make an escape when Fuhito appears before them. He plans to compensate for the death Shinra has inflicted on the planet by taking the lives of those involved with the company. His terrible ambition revealed, he aims his gun at the Turks.
Note: The Immortal “Ravens” Unit
The black-clad Avalanche fighters are in fact a unit of immortal soldiers known as “Ravens.” They’re essentially Avalanche’s version of SOLDIER, endowed by Fuhito with superhuman power. Possessed of a fighting ability surpassing even that of SOLDIERs, they continually revive in the face of defeat to stand in the Turks’ way.
[Image caption:] SOLDIERs Sebastian and Essai have been newly stationed at an outpost. Despite their considerable capabilities, they’re rendered powerless by black-clad Avalanche fighters and knocked to the ground.
[Image caption:] Catching wind of the Turks’ infiltration, Fuhito orders the “Ravens,” a unit directly under his command, to take care of the intruders.
[Image caption:] After rescuing the two SOLDIERs, the protagonist joins up with a fellow team member investigating the base. Together, they try to make their escape.
[Image caption:] Having escaped the enemy stronghold, they’re confronted by Fuhito and his black-clad Avalanche soldiers. It turns out [the Raven the protagonist fights] is the same enemy they defeated earlier.
[Image caption:] Fuhito coolly disposes of a man under his charge, saying it’s for the sake of reciprocating the life taken from the planet. The Turks are struck speechless by his inhumane behavior.
[Image caption:] The long-haired woman who saves the protagonist and their teammate’s skin is one of the new Turks Veld has been busy recruiting. She acts as a guide and leads them to a temporary camp.
Chapter 8: A Light That Will Not Yield to Darkness (Icicle Inn - [ν] - εγλ 0002/1/16)Newly Created Darkness
Deeming the Avalanche facility in Icicle Inn to be an essential base of operations, Shinra commences an operation to destroy the compound. The unit assembled for the task includes SOLDIERs Sebastian, Essai, and Zack. With three SOLDIERs on the job, the mission is sure to be a success. The unit marches forth in high spirits, but a worn-down bridge gives way and the protagonist and Zack tumble into the depths of a ravine. The two find their way out through a cave and make to rejoin with the rest of the unit, but find it decimated upon finally catching up. A Shinra soldier who barely managed to survive informs them that they were ambushed by Ravens and Sebastian and Essai have been taken captive.
Sneaking into the enemy’s base, the protagonist enters the test tube room where the two SOLDIERs were being held the other day. There, they once again find Sebastian and Essai… but something is off about them. They’ve already fallen prey to Fuhito’s dark designs.
[Image caption:] Zack encourages the others to work together and ensure the mission is a success. With three SOLDIERs on their side, the unit is suffused with a sense of confidence.
[Image caption:] Separated from the rest of the unit, the two make their way out through a cave. Along the way, Zack expresses interest in the Turks as if there’s something bothering him.
[Image caption:] The fact that they were ambushed and attacked by surprise must mean that Avalanche had a line on Shinra’s movements. Not surprisingly, Veld is hard pressed to hide his bewilderment.
[Image caption:] The protagonist is assailed by a pair of SOLDIERs who are supposed to be their allies. Eerily discolored, the two mercilessly let loose a battery of attacks.
[Image caption:] Rufus tries to take President Shinra to task for the information leak. The President, on the other hand, says that Veld is the one to be held accountable….
Chapter 9: An Uncertain Step Forward (Junon - [ν] - εγλ 0002/2/1)A Ray of Hope Shines Forth amid the Turmoil
Bearing responsibility for the information leaked to Avalanche during the previous operation, Veld has been dismissed from his position as the Turks’ leader. Now in direct command of the Turks, Heidegger, the director of Shinra’s Public Security Division, assigns the unit to guard duty in Junon. However, Heidegger refuses to issue them any concrete instructions. As if to finish off the leaderless Turks, a large contingent of Avalanche troops raids Junon. Heidegger continues to issue haphazard directions as Junon inches closer to falling. Just as the Turks despair, an order from their long-awaited leader shines forth like a ray of hope.
[Image caption:] Heidegger smugly assumes command of the Turks after Veld’s dismissal. The Turks grow frustrated with his dismissive attitude and sole focus on running his own army.
[Image caption:] Tseng expresses his dissatisfaction that Veld took the fall. However, Veld turns a deaf ear to Tseng’s complaints, telling him he’s no longer a Turk.
[Image caption:] The protagonist asks Reno for support fending off the Avalanche force that’s appeared at the harbor, but Reno is also busy fighting back a large contingent of enemy soldiers.
[Image caption:] Veld is finally moved to action by the crisis his subordinates are facing. Hoping to regain command of the Turks, he brings his case directly to President Shinra.
Chapter 10: The Aim of a Lofty Eye (Midgar - [ν] - εγλ 0002/6/17)A Gloating Mad Scientist
Four months have passed since Veld was reinstated to command, and the Turks have returned to the way they were. The Shinra Building becomes overrun with monsters Hojo is using as specimens in his research. Charged with getting a handle on the situation, the protagonist heads for Hojo’s laboratory only to find Fuhito there recruiting Hojo to his cause. Hojo is intrigued by what Fuhito has to say and goes along with Avalanche of his own will. The Turks pursue the helicopter in which Hojo is riding, but their path is blocked by one of Hojo’s specimens—a dragon. With a desperate crisis looming, the “hero” makes another appearance.
[Image caption:] Hojo’s research on monsters is a closely guarded secret known only to the company’s top executives. The Turks are tasked with putting out the proverbial fire.
[Image caption:] Avalanche’s goal is to recruit Hojo to their organization. Fuhito manages to entice Hojo with a gift of information about “rare research material.”
[Image caption:] If the information Hojo possesses were to leak, Shinra’s corporate neck would be in a noose. In order to recover Hojo as quickly as possible, President Shinra orders that Sephiroth be dispatched.
[Image caption:] Hojo’s wish to test his specimen’s power in actual combat is granted by Fuhito. Face to face with a massive dragon, the protagonist struggles to believe their eyes.
Chapter 11: A Sprint Toward Freedom (Midgar Slums - [ν] - εγλ 0002/8/9)A Chased Girl Chooses Her Way
Enjoying their first day off in a while, the protagonist loses their way while unwinding in the slums. Eventually they find themself at a house surrounded by flowers, where they encounter Aerith, a young woman being pursued by Avalanche. The protagonist comes to the girl’s aid and the two hide together until Shears appears and takes Aerith away with him. When the protagonist heads to a church in the slums to rescue Aerith, they find the leaders of Avalanche assembled there alongside her. After learning why Aerith is being targeted—because she’s an “Ancient”—the protagonist encourages her to strike out and find some place where she won’t be hunted….
[Image caption:] Pursued by Shinra and Avalanche alike, Aerith is leery upon meeting the protagonist, who aims to keep her from falling into either’s hands.
[Image caption:] Perhaps wishing she could escape her life of constant pursuit, Aerith inquires about the world beyond Midgar.
[Image caption:] Able to hear the voices of the planet, Aerith senses something within Elfe. Shortly after, Elfe is seized by her illness and Avalanche is forced to withdraw.
[Image caption:] Tseng has been ordered to secure the Ancient, but he apparently has his own motives and is adamant that Aerith not be persuaded by force.
Chapter 12: An Awakening Rends the Peace (Nibelheim - [ν] - εγλ 0002/9/21)The Hero Leaps into the Bowels of the Earth
The workers at Nibelheim’s mako reactor have all ceased communication. Charged with discovering the cause, the protagonist heads to the reactor to investigate, but they’re promptly forced to retreat after confronting an unexplained horde of dragons. After reporting the situation to Tseng, an investigation unit is dispatched with Sephiroth in the lead. The protagonist asks Tifa, a girl they met up in the mountains, to serve as a guide and escort the investigation unit where it needs to go. However, Sephiroth’s behavior is utterly changed after the unit returns from the mako reactor. Several days later, he perpetrates a terrible crime, setting fire to the village of Nibelheim. In order to put an end to Sephiroth’s rampage, the protagonist follows him as he heads for the mako reactor….
[Image caption:] The protagonist tries to draw close to the summit of Mount Nibel, where the mako reactor lies, but they’re swept away during the descent and ends up having to climb a steep mountain path.
[Image caption:] The way to the mako reactor winds like a maze. Requiring a guide to lead them along the convoluted mountain paths, the protagonist requests help from a local girl named Tifa.
[Image caption:] Zack and Cloud, among whom the protagonist has previously fought, are also part of the investigation team. The three gladly reunite after such a long time apart.
[Image caption:] The protagonist follows after Sephiroth and makes their way into the depths of the mako reactor. There they find Cloud collapsed on the ground while Sephiroth….
Chapter 13: An Old Wound Disturbs the Calm (Nibelheim - [ν] - εγλ 0002/10/1)A Nightmare Buried in the Darkness
Nibelheim has been reduced to ashes and Sephiroth has vanished into the depths of the mako reactor. Tasked with getting a handle on the situation, the Turks set out to rescue any survivors. Meanwhile, the protagonist is ordered at Hojo’s behest to investigate Shinra Manor. The mansion has gone unused for quite some time, and mysterious phenomena are a common occurrence. Veld hurries over to Shinra Manor and the protagonist heads for the laboratory with him. Along the way, the two somehow get lost in a realm of illusions. Amid the visions, Veld’s bloody history is revealed. What happened in his past is now repeating here in Nibelheim…. Confronted with the dark side of being a Turk, the protagonist questions the state of the organization.
[Image caption:] Upon arriving in Nibelheim, Hojo sees Zack and Cloud still alive after their fight with Sephiroth and is struck with an idea for a new experiment.
[Image caption:] The two are supposed to be in Shinra Manor, yet somehow find themselves in Midgar. The protagonist receives a sudden phone call from Tseng where he says the same things he did during the first mission.
[Image caption:] The tragedy Veld accidentally caused in the past was covered up by his own hand. All those with knowledge of the incident met an untimely death in Shinra Manor.
[Image caption:] The Turks are bewildered when they receive orders to cover up the incident by silencing the survivors and restoring the town to its former condition.
Chapter 14: Each Party’s Hopes and Resolve (Wutai - [ν] - εγλ 0003/1/3)A Temporary Conclusion
Having finally tracked down Avalanche’s headquarters, Shinra instructs the Turks to blow up the enemy’s base. Meanwhile, Avalanche has also gotten word of the Turks’ movements and prepares to fight back to the bitter end. Despite encountering strong resistance, the protagonist manages to plant explosives in the enemy’s hideout. With the help of Yuffie, a young girl averse to Avalanche’s continued presence in Wutai, they attempt to escape from the enemy’s stronghold. However, they’re attacked by Elfe and the other two leaders of Avalanche just before they reach the exit. With the explosions already beginning, it’s only a matter of time before the building is reduced to rubble. To make good on their escape, the protagonist must challenge Elfe and the others to battle.
[Image caption:] Somebody leaks information about the Turks to Avalanche. Who could this person be with such a good handle on the Turks’ movements?...
[Image caption:] Thanks to Yuffie’s help, the mission is a success. However, when Yuffie realizes they work for Shinra, she voices her resentment and runs off.
[Image caption:] President Shinra rejoices upon hearing Avalanche’s headquarters have been destroyed and its leadership disposed of. It would seem this drawn-out conflict has finally come to a close….
Chapter 15: Far Beyond the Reaches of the Sky (Rocket Launch Base - [ν] - εγλ 0003/4/11)A Torn Ticket to Outer Space
Despite Avalanche’s apparent destruction, the public’s faith in Shinra has been shaken. In light of this, President Shinra decides to hold a public rocket launch ceremony to restore trust in the company. The protagonist also makes their way to the base, serving as Rufus’s guard. However, on the eve of the launch, an incident occurs and one of the oxygen tanks is stolen. It turns out the remnants of Avalanche are secretly plotting to sabotage the launch ceremony. Nonetheless, Cid, the man who will pilot the rocket, refuses to give up on his dream of reaching outer space, and the discord between President Shinra and Rufus only deepens.
[Image caption:] Avalanche has not perished after all. Under the command of Shears, a leader who was supposed to have been eliminated, the members of Avalanche target the Shinra No. 26.
[Image caption:] Determined to make a show of power, President Shinra attempts to force the launch ahead. He refuses to heed his son’s suggestion to suspend the launch.
[Image caption:] Cid is also eager for the launch and has a new oxygen tank prepared. He leaves it to a trusted mechanic to check the status of the tank….
Chapter 16: The Muddy Current of Inevitable Fate (Corel - [ν] - εγλ 0003/5/8)An Unexpected and Shocking Reunion
After receiving news that Avalanche—the organization they were supposed to have obliterated—is regrouping at the Corel Mako Reactor, Shinra immediately orders the Turks to recapture the reactor. With the help of a local miner named Barret, the protagonist makes their way through the mines and infiltrates the mako reactor’s interior, at the center of which they find none other than Rufus. What’s the vice president doing in a place like this? As Tseng and the others stand by perplexed, Veld comes rushing in. But the next moment, the Turks find themselves completely surrounded when Avalanche shows up. Just when things are looking desperate, Elfe hears Veld’s voice and suddenly succumbs to one of her fits, losing consciousness. Seeing the strange state of his leader, a reckless smile appears on Fuhito’s face….
[Image caption:] Barret is so caught up in his excitement about the mako reactor that he mistakes the Avalanche soldiers for personnel working on the facility.
[Image caption:] Rufus has somehow ended up in the heart of enemy territory. Whatever the situation, the Turks must do everything they can to protect him.
[Image caption:] Elfe’s lost memories finally come back to her—memories of a dark and dingy laboratory, of peaceful days spent with her father, and of the village of Kalm consumed by flames.
[Image caption:] Fuhito gazes at Elfe’s collapsed body with satisfaction. After speaking some ominous words, he takes his leave with Elfe in tow.
Chapter 17: Snarling Chaos Bursts Forth (Corel Mako Reactor - [ν] - εγλ 0003/5/8)Inherited Hopes and Resolve
The detonator Fuhito rigged up causes the Corel Mako Reactor to explode. Unable to escape in time, the protagonist awakens on the bottommost level of the reactor. There they encounter Shears, who was betrayed by Fuhito and injured after being pushed into the depths of the reactor. Together, the two set about trying to escape. As they make their way, Shears tells the protagonist about his past, about Fuhito’s ambitions, and about his feelings toward Elfe. He stirs himself up, vowing to rescue her, only for the reactor to begin crumbling in earnest. With steel beams raining down and the pathway collapsing beneath them, Shears abandons his chance at escape and takes drastic action….
[Image caption:] Shears says that he’s familiar with the layout of the mako reactor’s interior. Entrusting him with guiding their escape, the protagonist makes common cause.
[Image caption:] Shears recounts his past. He was living out his life as a hard-hearted bandit until he met Elfe, who showed him the path he must follow.
[Image caption:] In order to ensure they escape from the collapsing mako reactor, Shears thrusts the protagonist forward with all his strength, entreating them to take care of Elfe….
[Image caption:] Meanwhile, Veld absconds from the Corel Mako Reactor. President Shinra declares the penalty for this man who knows so many company secrets….
Chapter 18: A Roar That Echoes Through Heaven and Earth (Cosmo Canyon - [ν] - εγλ 0006/10/30)Dark Designs Turn Anew
The protagonist wakes to find themself lying in a hospital bed. At a loss for what happened, they’re brought up to speed on everything by the companions who’ve been looking after them. The protagonist learns that they lost consciousness after sustaining a serious injury during their escape from the Corel Mako Reactor. Three years have passed since the mako reactor explosion, and the Turks are currently under orders to eliminate Veld after he vanished without a trace….
The protagonist returns to active duty a few months later and is tasked with capturing a beast belonging to an endangered species. When they head to the mission area along with Reno, they come across Avalanche, which was thought to have paused its operations. It turns out the organization has resumed activities with Fuhito at the helm. After defeating the Avalanche soldiers standing in their way, they finally catch up with the beast they’ve been looking for. Just then, another beast comes rushing in and pounces on the protagonist.
Note: The Reason for Veld’s Execution Order
Because the Turks are privy to so many of Shinra’s secrets, they’re required to stay with the organization until their death for the sake of securing confidential information. It’s no surprise, therefore, that Veld is targeted for elimination after absconding while still alive.
[Image caption:] The protagonist awakens with a materia clasped in their hand. It’s the one that was entrusted to them when Shears saved their life escaping from the Corel Mako Reactor….
[Image caption:] According to Hojo, on whose behalf they’re carrying out the mission, the target is a tiger-like beast with a flame on its tail that’s capable of human speech.
[Image caption:] Avalanche has been turned into an army of Ravens by Fuhito. They give the Turks a difficult time with their remarkable combat skills.
[Image caption:] Nanaki and Dineh, who both reside in Cosmo Canyon, are soon to take part in a planet-appeasing ritual only members of their race can perform.
[Image caption:] In search of information he desires, Fuhito presses the planetologist Bugenhagen for answers. His reckless plan is at last gaining speed.
[Image caption:] The Turks finally discover the endangered animal they’ve been looking for. However, the beast desperately fights back in an attempt to protect its companion.
Chapter 19: Choices at the Beginning and the End (Nibelheim - [ν] - εγλ 0006/12/19)The Endpoint of Straying Convictions
Research specimens who’ve broken out of Shinra Manor must be apprehended. Tasked with recapturing the victims of a heartbreaking incident from their past, the protagonist’s doubts about their duties as a Turk are rekindled. These reservations only deepen when they learn that the escaped research specimens are two friends they formerly fought beside—Zack and Cloud.
Curious at least to know what the research experiment entailed, the protagonist sets out alone for Shinra Mansion, where they encounter none other than Veld. Despite being under orders to eliminate Veld, the protagonist offers to cooperate with him. Together the two search for the special materia required to save Veld’s daughter. However, they aren’t the only ones trying to find them….
Note: Shuriken (F) and Zack’s Relationship
Shuriken (F) becomes a playable character only from Chapter 19 onward, which means she never gets the chance to fight alongside Zack in Chapter 8. She did, however, make Zack’s acquaintance at an earlier point during the events of Crisis Core. As such, the conversation she has with him will play out in a unique way.
[Image caption:] The “experimental specimens” who escaped from Shinra Manor are in fact two men the protagonist formerly fought alongside—Zack and Cloud.
[Image caption:] Cloud has succumbed to a severe case of mako poisoning due to the effects of the experiment. The protagonist lets the pair go and heads for Shinra Manor.
[Image caption:] Veld reveals that he parted ways with the Turks in order to find some means of saving his daughter Felicia.
[Image caption:] In a room in the basement of Shinra Manor, the two encounter Vincent, a former colleague of Veld’s. He tells them the location of one of the special materia before returning to his slumber.
[Image caption:] The Turks waver between two opposing sides—Shinra and Veld—but ultimately pledge their allegiance to the latter.
Chapter 20: The Price of Going Forward (Gongaga - [ν] - εγλ 0007/2/10)The Choice of One Father
After being tipped off by Scarlet about the Turks’ breach of trust, President Shinra begins to regard the organization as a threat. Meanwhile, the Turks do as Veld instructed and seek help from Reeve before heading off to the mako reactor in Gongaga in search of the special materia.
Guided by Cait Sith, a robot cat under Reeve’s control, the protagonist sneaks into the mako reactor and engages with Avalanche, who are also there scouring for the materia. Just as a Raven is about to take off with the materia the protagonist finally managed to obtain, a lone man rushes in and swiftly defeats the would-be thief.
[Image caption:] Reeve agrees to help out the Turks, who’ve made an enemy of Shinra. His alter ego Cait Sith leads the way using his vaunted fortune-telling skills.
[Image caption:] Thought to have perished in the Corel Mako Reactor, Shears was in fact rescued by Veld. The two have joined forces and are working together now.
[Image caption:] Saving Veld’s daughter means exposing the whole world to harm. Veld struggles with what he should do, but manages to make a decision thanks to the support of those around him.
Chapter 21: Ready to Race for the Finish Line (Corel Prison - [ν] - εγλ 0007/10/1)The Bereft Strike Back
In order to save Veld’s daughter, the four support materia must be gathered and the “legendary summon” called forth. With the search for the materia proceeding at a slog, Tseng orders the protagonist to head for Corel Prison. Along the way, they rescue a nearly dead woman named Shalua and manage to obtain the materia they’re after. They later run into Avalanche forces, but manage to fight their way out when Veld and Shears come rushing to the scene. Their relief is short-lived, however, as Scarlet soon arrives with a host of Shinra troops in tow. She reveals she’s been ordered by President Shinra to eliminate the Turks and seize Veld.
[Image caption:] Shalua resents the Turks for taking away her beloved family and has only harsh words for her would-be savior.
[Image caption:] Tseng’s face grows grim when he learns of President Shinra’s plan to take Veld hostage and eliminate the Turks.
[Image caption:] Veld and his comrades fight back admirably against Shinra’s troops, but find themselves powerless against the company’s state-of-the-art weaponry.
[Image caption:] At last Veld falls into Shinra’s clutches. In order to liberate him, the Turks prepare to stage a desperate counterattack.
Chapter 22, Part 1: A Threat to Pierce the Very Heavens (Wall Market - [ν] - εγλ 0007/10/4)Fighting All Around
With the date of Veld’s execution drawing near, the Turks manage to ascertain where he’s being held and begin taking measures to rescue him. The protagonist is tasked with securing an escape route and boards one of Shinra’s trucks. Inside they discover a familiar face: a young woman they know named Elena has been kidnapped by Avalanche. Meanwhile, Tseng and his team go ahead with the rescue mission and find themselves up against an overwhelming Shinra force.
Note: The True Identity of Elena’s Older Sister
One of the playable protagonists, Handgun (F), is actually Elena’s older sister. If you play through Chapter 22 with her, she’ll have a special conversation with her sister in which it’s revealed the two are sisters, albeit not on the best of terms.
[Image caption:] In order to rescue Veld from captivity, the Turks attempt to learn where he’s being held. As they do so, a valuable piece of information comes in from Rufus.
[Image caption:] Elena works as a hostess at the bar where the Turks gather. The Turks all treat her with affection, yet she feels nothing but loathing for the organization.
[Image caption:] Tseng and his team fight for Veld with their pride as Turks on the line, but Shinra’s forces hound them mercilessly.
Chapter 22, Part 2: A Threat to Pierce the Very Heavens (Midgar - [ν] - εγλ 0007/10/4)An Emissary of Beautiful Despair
In order to save Elena from her Avalanche captors, the protagonist boards the train on which she’s being held. They succeed in rescuing Elena but are forced to give Avalanche the materia they’ve collected in exchange for her safety. At about the same time, Shears’s materia is also taken from him by Fuhito. With all four support materia in his possession, Fuhito is finally about to realize his ambitions. Zirconiade, the legendary summon that will consume the world in flames, rears its head at last.
[Image caption:] Fuhito confronts Shears and threatens to take Elfe’s life if he doesn’t hand over the materia.
[Image caption:] The Avalanche soldiers demand the materia while using Elena as a human shield. After devising a plan to recover them, the protagonist agrees to the tradeoff….
[Image caption:] After heading out to rescue Veld, Tseng and his team succeed in bringing their leader to safety. They renew their determination for the task that remains: defeating the summon.
[Image caption:] Fuhito’s long-held goal of returning all life to the planet finally nears fruition.
Chapter 23: On a Collision Course with Certain Failure (Midgar - [ν] - εγλ 0007/10/5)No Choice but to Cast Aside All Doubts
Zirconiade has been summoned in an imperfect state. The protagonist and their comrades chase after Fuhito, who plans to awaken Zirconiade to its complete form. Meanwhile, having succeeded in rescuing Veld, Tseng and his team head for the rendezvous point to meet Shears, but he’s nowhere to be found. Instead, Elfe appears pale and shaking. The next moment, Shinra troops under orders to eliminate the Turks surround Tseng and the others. In two remote locations, the Turks mount a desperate struggle with their very lives on the line.
Note: The Crime with Which the Turks Are Charged
The Turks are pursued by Shinra for abetting Veld’s escape, but they’re also charged by the army with supporting Avalanche. This charge, of course, applies to the actions of a certain Shinra official who was working apart from the Turks. President Shinra is ruthlessly trying to frame the Turks for that individual’s crime.
[Image caption:] Once Zirconiade assumes its perfect form, it will be impossible to defeat. The protagonist and their comrades try to stop Fuhito from achieving this with what little time remains.
[Image caption:] Elfe at last finds freedom after being seized by Fuhito at the Corel Mako Reactor. However, she’s filled with remorse for the crisis she’s inflicted upon the world.
[Image caption:] Rufus speaks with his father after a long period of silence. What could he be plotting?
[Image caption:] Veld and the others are finally cornered by Shinra troops. Promising to weather this storm, Tseng gives his answer.
Chapter 24: The Concerto Reaches Fever Pitch (Midgar - [ν] - εγλ 0007/10/5)Those Who Vanish into the Shadows of History
The end draws nigh as the Turks battle with their pride on the line. With the leader of Avalanche “assassinated,” Tseng and his team’s fight has come to a close. Meanwhile, the protagonist and their comrades head for the final showdown with Shears’s last request near to heart. No sooner are they seized by a profound sense of dread than their foe Zirconiade appears. The time has come to carry out their “final mission” as Turks.
[Image caption:] Reno is heartbroken after witnessing such an unthinkable spectacle and gives in to the grief of losing someone dear to him.
[Image caption:] Reminding themself they’ve gotten out of every bind they’ve been in so far, the protagonist heads for the final battle.
[Image caption:] A couple months after the incident comes to a close, the Turks are being subjected to an inquiry and held accountable for recent events. Just then, someone rushes to their aid….
(nd Kuraudo: Rufus appears at the Shinra Executive conference room - [ν] - εγλ 0007/12/9)WEAPON (Planet - [ν] - εγλ 0007. In the days following the defeat of Zirconiade) Created by the Planet in ancient times to defend itself.
Yet to be roused, they sleep beneath the earth.
Should they sense that the Planet is in danger,
they will awaken and relentlessly seek to destroy
anything that poses a threat to it.
Among them there is one called Jade WEAPON.
After the Turks defeated Zirconiade,
it came to consider them a threat
to the Planet and began hunting
them down.
Epilogue: Meteorfall (Midgar - [ν] - εγλ 0008/01/21)Reno, Rude, Tseng and Elena, and all the other former members of the Turks who had until then remained in hiding are helping with the evacuation of the citizens. End.
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Episode Tseng (Costa del Sol - [ν] - εγλ 1997 circa. Days before Kalm Incident)A Teacher and His Pupil Bonded by Scars
Tseng is still in the early days of his career as a Turk. Upon infiltrating a rival corporation’s ship to rescue a captive soldier, he learns that Shinra weaponry is being diverted to the black market. He sets aside the matter, however, and prioritizes freeing the soldier. Some time later, Tseng and Veld sneak aboard the enemy vessel to destroy the illicit weapons and erase any information pertaining to them. Partway through the mission, Tseng learns that Veld is in danger and once again lets his personal feelings get the better of him. Veld reprimands him and drives home that Turks must fulfill their mission by any means necessary.
[Image caption:] The true objective of the mission is to prevent information from leaking. Top priority should be given to preventing the weaponry from falling into the wrong hands. However…
[Image caption:] Veld chides Tseng for following his own conscience and ignoring the soldier’s wishes that he do what’s best for Shinra.
[Image caption:] President Shinra is furious when he learns that important weaponry has been siphoned from the company. He immediately orders Veld to bring the situation under control.
[Image caption:] Tseng again lets his personal feelings get the better of him and receives a scolding from Veld. As his line in Chapter 22 indicates, this experience proves to be a transformative one.
Episode Legend (Costa del Sol - [ν] - εγλ 0001/1/10)The Decision of a Man Who Renounced His Past
The date is [ν] - εγλ 0001/1/10. In anticipation of a new postwar threat, Veld dispatches Tseng to Costa del Sol in the hopes of reenlisting a former Turk. Tseng is familiar with the operative, a man named Legend whom he fought alongside two years ago during a mission to rescue a kidnapped arms dealer. During the operation, Legend for some reason flaunted his orders and was handed a long-term suspension under guard. Legend refuses Tseng’s request for the time being. A year later, on [ν] - εγλ 0002/2/1, Junon is raided by Avalanche forces. With Veld appealing to him directly, Legend consents to return to the battlefield….
[ν] - εγλ 0001
[Image caption:] Legend casually dismisses Tseng’s plea for him to reenlist with the Turks, challenging his old colleague to a test of skills.
[μ] - εγλ 1999
[Image caption:] The arms dealer whom Legend was tasked with rescuing was involved in a fateful incident that changed his life….
[ν] - εγλ 0002
[Image caption:] Seeing the Turks in crisis, Veld tells Legend that he needs his help in the fight against Avalanche and convinces him to rejoin.
Episode Reno (45th floor of Shinra Headquarter - [ν] - εγλ 0001/04)The Work One Must Do
Top-secret documents have been stolen from the archives of the Research and Development Division. As Reno and Rude investigate the theft in connection with SOLDIER’s mass desertion incident, news comes in that someone has staged an attack on Midgar. The work keeps piling on—clearing the urban area of enemies, apprehending the criminal who stole the documents—with Reno seeing to each task.
Note: The Story Connection with Crisis Core
Reno’s episode shows what the Turks are up to during Chapter 3 of Crisis Core (see p. 167), during which Genesis’s forces stage an attack on Midgar. Specifically, it peeks behind the scenes at Hollander’s theft of confidential documents, an incident also touched on in Crisis Core.
[Image caption:] Reno, who would rather be doing flashier work, bemoans the tedious and uneventful task of identifying which documents have been stolen.
[Image caption:] Reno heads for Sector 8 with Rude and Cissnei to take down security mechs attacking citizens in Midgar’s urban area.
[Image caption:] Seeing Zack arrive at Sector 8, Reno is filled with a competitive urge not to be one-upped by SOLDIER.
[Image caption:] Reno and Rude chase after the suspicious individual who stole the documents. As they continue their pursuit, they’re confronted by Genesis Copies.
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TURKS & MIDGAR LORE-Sector 7 undercity it's home to 50,000 people. - Source: Reeve, FF7Remake
-Turks office ("Auditing") it's located in level B3 (Basement 3 of Shinra Palace) - Source: Material Ultimania
-All the Turks live in company housing. - Source: On The Way To A Smile, Page 160
-All the Turks wear black suits, not blue, although each Turk can have their own way of styling and accessorizing it. - Source: FF7R Ultimania
-Ordinary citizens don't know who the Turks are, allowing them to blend in for special assigned missions. - Source: FF7R Walk Through Midgar
-If they fail a mission, they must write a formal letter of apology. - Source: FF7R Walk Through Midgar
-The Turks do have wiretaps. - Source: The Kids Are Alright
-Only a few selected Turks know the code to separate the plates. - Source: FF7R Walk Through Midgar
-The Turks say that how many Turks exists it's one of Shinra’s biggest secrets. - Source: The Kids Are Alright
-There was tensions between the Urban Development Department and the Turks (really, between most departments and the Turks.) - Source: The Kids Are Alright
-Sector 6 upper plate dropped due to an accident while building initially Midgar - Source: FF7R
-Junon's Mako Cannon: The Sister Ray. Its power is originally run by Huge Materia from the Junon Underwater Reactor, though later it is moved to Midgar so that it can be powered by the city's vast mako reserves.
(Please note BC plot hole: cannon's position not matching the trajectory to attack Midgar in Before Crisis)
-BC/CC error: depicting Tseng always with short ponytail. Ponytail should be longer from 0004.
-Zirconiade is being summoned close to Midgar Highway but it never get to destroy Sector 6 or any part of Midgar. - Source: FF7 Before Crisis
(Please note: FFWIKI is totally wrong about Zirconiade destroying Sector 6)
-BC Turks were dismissed, and there was a mass defection leaving just the four we have in the OG. - Source: Nojima "History of the Shinra Electric Power Company" InsideSE YT video 41:13
-However, in the BC ending, we can observe that Verdot and his comrades have returned to Midgar to lend a helping hand to Tseng, Reno, Rude, and Elena in assisting the citizens of Midgar as Meteor draws near.
-Cissnei is not wearing Turks' uniform anymore. Leader of the Gongaga Youth Coalition. She still in touch and answers to Shinra's orders while staying in Gongaga, her new home. - Source: FF7 Rebirth
(So that means other BC Turks might still be around as undercover sleeping agents in FF7R after Rufus' rise to presidency, but this is a mere supposition)
-1993: Tseng and Aerith meeting first time on her 8th birthday; Tseng is 16 years old.
-Reno and Rude interactions all over compilation titles including BC:
https://aitaikimochi.tumblr.com/post/636686431638667264 NOVELS LORECOMPILATION OF FF7 LORECC
-Crisis Core "Mail" (lore tidbits: Mako stones>Materia & Shinra News>Sector 4 and Shinra HQ external part are last on the construction schedule)
https://bit.ly/3Am2eAi-8 pages of worth translated keyword texts from CC Complete Guide, interesting for world-building:
https://thelifestream.net/lifestream-projects/translations/284/crisis-core-complete-guide-keyword-collection/-CC Ultimania - Scenario QA:
https://thelifestream.net/lifestream-projects/translations/340/crisis-core-ultimania-scenario-qa/-CC Mission Descriptions:
https://thelifestream.net/crisis-core/script-crisis-core-mission-descriptions-events/#seeking-priceless-items-Banora: was once one of the mako mining sites, but the work here led to the discovery of a mysterious enormous object (Emerald Weapon), and the current village was formed. Unable to explain at that time the Weapon they had discovered, Shin-Ra closed the mining site in fear and developed the village -- comprised of company employees -- to keep it a secret from outsiders. It was also used as a location to keep the staff of Project G under something of house arrest.
-Post Wutai war "Wutai Remnants" are a detached small group of Wutai army that is still confronting Shinra, they were gathered by The Five Saints of Wutai.
-Anti-SOLDIER Monsters: a detached Wutai force has trained monsters to specifically fight SOLDIER operatives. (Vajradhara)
-"CC Complete Guide includes a dev interview w question: Who Angeal's father is? The developers reply that Gillian met her husband after she was sent to Banora with the young Angeal, and Angeal never knew his mother's husband was not his biological father. The dev say that the idea of a marital relationship between Hollander and Gillian is a secret, leaving the possibility open that Hollander may be Angeal's unidentified biological father."
-"Lazard is the only known human Angeal Copy. There are several hints about Lazard being President Shinra's son. If Zack speaks to a woman outside Aerith's church until Ch 6, she will gossip about the President's affair with Lazard's mother. Also during Ch 6, the Shinra guard outside Lazard's office says Lazard reminds him of Rufus."
-Deepground was known only to President Shinra which created it. Also known by Heidegger, Scarlet and Hojo (as of "high rank people"). If Rufus was briefed after Shinra's death, that's unknown.
-"Only the DG SOLDIERs who have been injected with Genesis’ genes could become a Tsviet with a colour epithet." (CC Ultimania)
-Tsviets (an elite unit within Shinra’s secret military group Deepground) are looking for Protomateria.
-Protomateria = Ancient Materia, key to control Chaos & Omega.
-Chaos = sentient xenoforms residing among us.
-Weiss controlled by Hojo want to awake Omega Weapon.
-Young Vincent was assigned as Turks to protect Lucrecia.
-Lucrecia find out with Grimoire Valentine of Omega and Chaos through a Cetran tablet.
-Grimoire finds Protomateria and stagnant lifestream.
-Hojo modifies Vincent.Dubbed him a failed experiment.Lucrecia inject Chaos&Protomateria in terms to save him.
-Deepground Soldiers were born and bred to kill.
-Deepground Soldiers were freed 3 years prior DC events.
-Rosso killed 1000 soldiers in the aforementioned event.
-1985: Rosso, the first genetically-engineered child to be infused with Genesis's genes, is born in Shinra's Deepground facility.
-Weiss is born.
-1987: Also Nero (23 in DC) is born from the same mother of Weiss in Deepground as the result of experiments involving the injection of stagnant Mako into fetuses. As he was born, a void of darkness formed around his body, pulling his mother into it, never to be seen again. Nero is the only successful result of these stagnant Mako injection experiments.
-0000: Shelke (10) is kidnapped by Turks.
-0001: Azul (24 BC, 33 DC) join SOLDIER after Turks seeking SOLDIER recruits in Costa del Sol by force. (See timeline above)
-Rosso never saw the real sky (for the 1st time only in DC)
-Does Tsviet only consists of 5 people? (nd Kuraudo: 6 including Argento.)
Chiba: “What if there are people who survived?” That is something that we do not know. Since Tsviet is a name given to those people in DG who are ranked as Elites (nd Kuraudo: +Genesis genes), and those 5 people who survived through the last three years [FF7 to DC] are exceptionally stronger than normal warriors. In multiplayer mode, players can become Tsviets too.
-Patricia is the Deepground's supercomputer.
https://tinyurl.com/34rkkc8p ; there were 4 lobbies and supposedly 4 Restrictors in DC Online
http://tinyurl.com/y4m69j4f ;
(Pure White) Lifestream = spirit energy, is an ethereal substance "river of life" that circles the planet, giving life to the world and everything in it. Contains the essence of the planet and the memories, emotions, and knowledge of all who have lived on it.
Stagnant Lifestream = contaminated deposits of bioplasma that have overflown from the Pure Lifestream. It occurs naturally on the Planet and its purpose is to birth Chaos.
Negative (Black) Lifestream = Jenova malevolent thoughts remain lurking in the Lifestream. Jenova has been corrupting the Lifestream. Sephiroth called forth Negative Lifestream before his battle with Cloud began in AC. It was a Lifestream composed of those who had died of Geostigma. Their spirit energy became contaminated by the influence of Jenova's cells and was under Sephiroth's control. Kadaj, Yazoo, Loz also had limited control over this "Negative Lifestream," as seen when they summoned the Shadow Creeper monsters who were composed of it.
Geostigma = A disease spreading post meteorfall through a suspicious looking kind of black water. It enters into the bodies of those who have given up on life or are faint-hearted. Geostigma is caused by Jenova's genetic thought penetrating the body. The Lifestream had to help repel Meteor and thus breached the planet's surface and spread Geostigma. The spiritual energy of the dead who have Geostigma deviates from the normal circulation of life, and is incorporated into the Negative Lifestream to become part of the power that is eroding the Planet.
Black Water = Kadaj's Will
(Holy) Water = What's that rain that Aerith brought which cleansed people of Jenova's cells and disintegrated Kadaj, Yazoo, Loz? City-wide Great Gospel limit. Lifestream mixed with water.
Sector 0:
https://bit.ly/3Ad5QEnBC not considering DC
-Omega to be mentioned by Hojo?
-Fuhito is not aware if to kill all Omega appears?
-Toriyama acknowledge Fuhito and Elfe leaders:
https://twitter.com/aitaikimochi/status/1415536065314648064/photo/2 CISSNEI LORE-Cissnei's ID: GAI153
-Cissnei is confirmed to be 22 years old, 163cm, and Blood Type A
-Her weapon of choice is a large shuriken. She worked with Shinra in the past (Turks) and was friends with "that person" (Zack) and is watching over his hometown and his parents in his absence.
-Leader of the Gongaga Youth Coalition.
-She initially visited Gongaga after the reactor exploded as part of the relief effort, then ended up calling the village her home. Her past is shrouded in mystery, but her knack for both combat and leadership suggests she is no amateur. She employs those fighting skills while fending off fiends that have gone wild due to mako exposure.
Interesting Cissnei tidbit, FYI from Crisis Core Complete Guide:
An orphan housing facility run by Shinra as part of their charity
work. But in actuality, the children are put through harsh training
with the goal of cultivating future candidates for the Turks and
SOLDIER. Cissnei is also from this facility, and after enduring the
brutal training she was hired by the Turks. In Missions No. 205~210,
“Orphans Escaping”, children from this orphanage have escaped."
Just added this link above which has a lot of interesting tidbits for world-building:
Crisis Core Mission 205 - Category 7-5: Orphans Escaping
Boy in the Caverns
Several orphans broke out of a care facility run by
Shinra, stealing several accessories in the process.
The children have been returned to custody,
but the accessories have not been reclaimed.
Go to the area and collect all the accessories.
Eldest in the Wasteland
We have determined that one of the stolen
accessories is in the wasteland.
Head there and collect the item in question.
The child is highly trained and reckless.
Be mindful of the dangers in the area.
Kuraudo — 28/09/2021 14:12
Girl on the Desert Island
We have determined that an accessory stolen by
one of the orphans is on a desert island.
You must head there and liberate the accessory.
The care facility in question was built to protect
orphans brought from various locations by Shinra.
Second Son in the Wasteland
An accessory stolen by one of the orphans has
apparently been left in the wasteland.
Hurry to the site and pick up the accessory.
By the by, we found out why the orphans ran away–
chalk it up to the harsh training forced upon them.
Twins in the Caverns
An accessory stolen by one of the orphans is
apparently in the caves. Hurry to the site and pick
up the accessory. By the way, the orphans are set
to be assigned to various battalions that
correspond with how hard they have trained…
Youngest in the Wasteland
An accessory stolen by one of the orphans is
apparently in the wasteland. Hurry to the site
and pick up the accessory. Additionally, this
incident has prompted the executives to review
the care facility’s management…
source Crisis Core Mission Descriptions:
https://thelifestream.net/crisis-core/script-crisis-core-mission-descriptions-events/#seeking-priceless-items 更に付け加えると、BCでレジェンドを使いシスネを救出した場合「こう見えてもあなたと同じくらいキャリアは長いのよ」という台詞を言います。そしてレジェンド特別章から彼がタークス入りしたのは[μ]-εγλ 1999/11/10とわかるので、シスネのタークス入りもその辺りの時期の14歳であると予想しています。 from @re_cis
"I would also like to add that when you rescue Cissnei using Legend in BC, he says “I may look like this, but my career is just as long as yours." And since we know from the special chapter of Legend that he entered the Turks on 11/10/1999, we expect Cissnei to have entered the Turks around that time, at the age of 14." (DeepL Transl.machine)
SHINRA DIVISIONS► The Research and Development Division (Hojo)
► The Urban Planning Division (Reeve)
► The Space and Aeronautics Division (Palmer)
► The Advanced Weaponry Division (Scarlet)
► The Public Security Division (Heidegger)
-Shinra Public Security Forces: Armed troops. maintain law and order in the streets of Midgar. Their duties vary from small-time criminal apprehension to monster extermination (Shinra Security Officers)
-SOLDIER: Elite troops assigned to Shinra's Public Security Division. Those who pass SOLDIER's rigorous screening tests are bathed in mako and transplanted with Jenova cells to further enhance their physical capabilities. Units are assigned one of three ranks depending on aptitude, but even SOLDIERs in the lowest rank are not to be underestimated (Active-models SOLDIER: First Class, Second Class, Third Class. Passive-models SOLDIER: P0 Class)
-Deepground SOLDIER: Originally a medical division for wounded SOLDIER members. SOLDIER operators born from inhumane experimentation in a mad pursuit of power. They are confined to Shinra's top secret underground research facility, Deepground. Highest-rank: Tsviets who carry genes from Genesis and mako is always circulating through the outfit, constantly bathing the wearer
► The General Affairs Division (Tseng)
-The Turks unit of Shinra's General Affairs Division, a special Shinra task force often saddled with atypical assignments, such as scouting for SOLDIER recruits, escorting important individuals, spy work and assassination. The Turks keep to the company's ever-growing shadow, performing deeds best kept out of the public eye. Subclassification: The Turks (Affiliation: General Affairs, Auditing)
-Shinra's Records and Archives Division (FF7EC)
B20 - Advanced Weaponry: Testing
B16 - Advanced Weaponry: Inspection
B15 - Advanced Weaponry: Production
B14 - Advanced Weaponry: Maintenance
B13 - Advanced Weaponry: Development
B12 - Advanced Weaponry: Research
B3 - General Affairs: Auditing
B1 - Underground Parking
Shinra Building - Perimeter
1F - Entrance
2F - Atrium
3F - Elevator Hall
Executive floors
10F - Adminstration
20F - Research and Development
30F - Urban Planning
40F - Space and Aeronautics
50F - Public Security
59F - Skyview Hall
60F - Memorial Museum
61F - Visual Entertainment Hall
62F - Corporate Archives
63F - Recreational Facility
64F - Conference Rooms
65F - Hojo's Laboratory: Sublevel
66F - Hojo's Laboratory: Main Level
69F - Executive Suite
70F - President's Office
-FFVII Remake (
https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Shinra_Building_(VII_Remake_field) )
-Midgar Timeline: