Final Fantasy 8 > Releases

[REL] FF8Launcher 1.4

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Download: FF8Launcher 1.4

FF8Launcher (formerly known as "Plug-in Manager") is a simple application which manages the use of various add-ons created by myself and the Final Fantasy VIII community.


* 1. Extract FF8Launcher.exe and the Add-on folder to your Final Fantasy VIII directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VIII).
* 2. Extract msvcr100.dll to your system32 directory (e.g. C:\WINDOWS\system32) or your Final Fantasy VIII directory.Interface:

* Start Game - Starts FF8.exe with the selected add-on(s).
* Re\De\Select All - Re\De\Selects all items in the list.Using magixts' DirectX 6 hook is possible with some common sense (though I would recommend Aali's graphics driver).


* 1. Place dx_hook.dll and config.cfg in the Add-on directory.
* 2. Change the settings in config.cfg with Notepad.Note: The 8-bit Paletted Textures can be changed from 0 to 1 (off/on) and the Custom Resolutions can be changed from 0 to 20 (640x480 to 2560x1920).

List of Add-ons:

* Hard BETA - Todo: Description.Note: The Hard add-on will decrease the player's melee damage by a factor of 1.5, increase the level of enemies by a factor of 1.1, and increase the melee damage of enemies by a factor of 1.1; this does not effect magic damage. PLEASE GIVE ME FEEDBACK AND REPORT ANY ERRORS!

Download: Final Fantasy VIII 1.2 English
Download: Final Fantasy VIII 1.2 English (NVIDIA)
Download: Final Fantasy VIII 1.0 Spanish (NVIDIA)

For those of you that did not understand how to utilize the information in my previous thread, I have made a simple program to do it for you.

Multipatcher must be in the same directory as FF8.exe!


- Change the damage cap to 65,535.
- Change the HP cap to 32,767.

To run the application you must open cmd.exe, navigate to your Final Fantasy VIII directory, and run the program with the appropriate arguments.


-all - Apply all the patches at once.
-damage - Apply only the damage patch.
-hp - Apply only the hp patch.


C:\Documents and Settings\User>cd "C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VIII"
C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VIII>multipatcher -all

I strongly suggest making a copy of your original FF8.exe before applying these changes.

Are you planing on releasing an nvidia version? If not i'm sunk haha

This is very cool, however...

--- Quote from: hellbringer616 on 2009-07-27 18:32:20 ---Are you planing on releasing an nvidia version? If not i'm sunk haha

--- End quote ---


Anyway, nice work, I love seeing FF8 mods!

Great! This makes Omega Weapon a joke with the right junctions!


--- Quote from: Masa-Buster on 2009-07-27 19:17:47 ---Great! This makes Omega Weapon a joke with the right junctions!

--- End quote ---

I imagine a strength capped Squall could unleash a potent frenzy with Lionheart.  :evil:


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