Final Fantasy 7 > FF7 Tools
[PSX/PC] Shop Editor - White Chocobo (v0.7b)
Updated to v0.7b! Alright, LZS decryption is gonna be a tad difficult...
Anyway, this program provides an easy to use GUI for modifying shop data and item prices in ff7! You can add, change or remove items, armor, weapons, or materia to or from any shop in the game, and specify the sale price. There's even a feature to change the Master Materia Price Multiplier. Here's a screenshot:
It's not exactly on par with NFITC1's work, but for my first time dealing with the win32 api, I'm proud of it. I plan on releasing new versions on a fairly regular basis and adding functionality whenever I have the time.
You can download the latest version of the program in .zip format here
[FileFront mirror]
* Load FF7.exe - load a copy of ff7.exe, to be modified
* Load SHOPMENU.MNU - load a copy of SHOPMENU.MNU, to be modified
* Apply Changes - save changes to SHOPMENU.MNU, or ff7.exe (and create a backup)
* Save Names - save changes to shop and item names (shop and item names are stored in whitechoco.cfg)
* Restore Backup - Restore backup ff7.exe made by previous save
* Shops Tab - Edit shop data
* Prices Tab - Edit prices of items and materia
* Modify items sold in shops
* Modify number of items sold in shops
* Modify shop type (title displayed in shop window)
* Modify item/materia prices
* Modify master materia price multiplier
* Added Compatibility for modded/unpatched/international versions of FF7.exev0.6.1b
* Fixed bug with Master Materia Price Multiplier edit boxv0.6b
* Added PSX SHOPMENU.MNU support! (WhiteChoco no longer prompts you for ff7.exe at startup)
* Added feature that checks files for a signature if the filesize doesn't match
* More GUI optimizationv0.5b
* Added price editing functionality
* Added master materia price multiplier editing functionality
* Optimized code and GUI layout
* Removed "Read Only" option from file open dialogv0.4b
* Altered code so that security permissions do not have to be added to files manuallyv0.3b
* Fixed bug that made the program not store materia properly
Known Issues
* Program sometimes crashes when File...Load FF7.exe is clicked. I don't know why, but if this is happening to you, just hit alt+L instead
Oh, and if anybody would be so kind as to go through and identify and update all of the shop names, and send me your whitechoco.cfg file, that'd be great. This program is confirmed to work in Wine.
Immortal Damyn:
Do you have any idea how much I love you? do you?
...Thanks to you, I must now change my pants
Immortal Damyn:
Ok, I'm getting an error when I try to run it telling me it can't find cygwin1.dll
Okay, try downloading it again. I included cygwin1.dll in the archive.
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