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Messages - Merglasch

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Hi, first of all thx for this great mod, I have a lot of fun with these new menues in my fresh playthrough :D

Adding a suggestion/question/feedback: Is it possible to scale down the combat UI? With its current size its really hard to see whats going on ( especially the moment you open some selection windows) and most importantly it regularly covers up the selection pointers on enemies/allies. Consequently my combat looks a bit like this:

"Hmm...taken some damage so lets cast vita, lets navigate to spells, next page, there it is. Wait who would be casting? Can't see because the window is covering it. Close the window, ah it's Selphie, navigate to the spell again. So who is low? Damn, can't see the selection pointer and can't see the names in front of the hp bars because of the window. What do I do? Well there is the list of names in window thats covering stuff up, so let's use that. But who was the critically low one? I think something amazing just happened but I couldn't see because half my screen is covered in UI. Ah, let's just heal squall...dang it, he was full up..."
I admit that I am a bumbling noob in comparison to the many ff8 veterans around, but I'd love it if this aspect could be improved somehow.

Also about the font I have switched back to the 3.2  one, as the new font just seems very good for Titles to me. It wants attention. Problem for me with using it for all the text was I didn't know where to look.  Everything wanted attention, so it was exhausting to read.

Thx for listening and thx again for upgrading the lovely ff8 so my eyes don't burn as much anymore when playing it on my 4K tv ;)

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