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Messages - Kitaka

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Troubleshooting / FF7 PC Adding a new playable character
« on: 2024-11-02 14:45:11 »
I couldn't find any topic regarding this, so here goes:

Is it possible to add new playable "Party Characters"? As in complete with custom stats, level curves, etc...? Or is this stuff completely hard coded?

What I want is to basically add one of the numbered "Sephiroth Clones" as party characters at one point in the game. He would get his field model, battle model, animations and everything from the already present Sephiroth party character, if possible.
I know that new Limits would be pretty much out of the question for this case.

I'm familiar with the Wallmarket kernel editor, though until now I've only edited weapons, materia, items and text. Any help would be much appreciated, though ofc I'd first love to know if my idea is even in any way possible.

Weapon models can be changed more easily but requires tools like Luksy's ULGP or similar; unpacking the battle.lgp and then renaming some files should do the trick. In this case, you want to make a copy of the file called SACK (this is Sephiroth's Masamune) and rename it to RTCK (cloud's buster sword). The files that go from RTCK to RTCZ are all of Cloud's weapons and can also be replaced in this way, just bear in mind that RTCZ, the Ultima Weapon, applies some hard-coded shading effects to represent its HP property; changing the damage formula in the Kernel.bin will not disable this shading filter.

Sorry to bother you again, but regarding the model change, I've got a few further questions (managed to replace the Murasame model with the Masamune).
I'm currently using a sort of "submod" for New Threat 2.0, which features a bunch of kernel edits, and I'd like the battle.lgp file to be foldered in there. Though it doesn't seem to work without some tinkering I'm unaware of.
I've tried adding the file via 2 folder structures. First I've tried battle/battle.lgp, second I've tried data/battle/battle.lgp. Since these two didn't work, I've made a backup of the vanilla file and added my modified file into the game folder.
I assume I would need to edit the mod.xml file somehow, to have the submod's file overwrite the vanilla one.

Also, I wonder if it's possible to add another playable character that you could recruit. I though of trying to have one of the Sephiroth clones join the roster (which would functionally pretty much just be Sephiroth) at about the end of the second disc, with custom level curve, stats, etc... I know there are a few mods (such as NT) that let you have Jesse as temporary party character (probably via some hacky solution, which ofc wouldn't apply for my use case, since Sephiroth has a field model, full-fledged in-battle model with all necessary animations, etc).

Sorry again for asking all of this basic stuff, I've just hit a dead end with the search function on this forum. There might be some sort of comprehensive tutorials for modding the game, but for the life of me, I can't find much.

(Sorry for late replies)

Innates are unfortunately handled through Character AI in the Kernel.bin, the tool for which does not have a ready copy-paste function (unlike the scene.bin editor for enemies, which uses the same AI editor but with extra features like that). Changing them will be a case of copying all the values into notepad, deleting them, then manually readding the desired innate one value at a time.

Weapon models can be changed more easily but requires tools like Luksy's ULGP or similar; unpacking the battle.lgp and then renaming some files should do the trick. In this case, you want to make a copy of the file called SACK (this is Sephiroth's Masamune) and rename it to RTCK (cloud's buster sword). The files that go from RTCK to RTCZ are all of Cloud's weapons and can also be replaced in this way, just bear in mind that RTCZ, the Ultima Weapon, applies some hard-coded shading effects to represent its HP property; changing the damage formula in the Kernel.bin will not disable this shading filter.

For materia placements, you use the Makou Reactor tool; there are some steps. The first is to set a group for the materia, this is to store scripts and set a model + anim to. The 2nd is to set the scripts so that the materia model is placed on coordinates on the map, and handles the interact event of picking it up and acquiring it. You can generally copy a Materia's 'group' and paste it onto another field provided there are less than 16 model groups on it already, then update the values like Group Id, add a model, placement coordinates etc. as needed.

Thank you for the detailed answers, much appreciated!

Hey, I've got three questions:
1: which file you have to modify to change a character's innate? E.g. if I wanted to remove "deathblow" from Cloud's innate, or have Tifa "reanimate" with 100HP instead of 1HP.

2: is it possible to change weapon models? Let's say I wanted Cloud to use the Masamune model (Sephiroth's sword) for his Yoshiyuki weapon.

3: how do you change the placement of collectible Materia on the field? New Threat changes around some of the Materia, and Type B even adds completely new placements (like Counter Attack in the first reactor mission).

thank you for the amazing mod, btw. It's really nice to have a fresh experience for the game

Graphical / Masamune model swap for Cloud's weapons
« on: 2024-10-20 19:51:20 »
Hey, I couldn't find anything on this topic, so I figured I'd ask.

Is it possible to switch out one of Cloud's weapon models for the Masamune model? I've tried via the Wallmarket tool (Kernel editor), but just taking one of Cloud's weapons and replacing the relevant "Model ID" and "Attack Tex" codes doesn't have the desired result.

EDIT: I've found the solution for this, thanks to user Sega Chief. If any reader also wonders how to do it, refer to the New Threat Mod release topic, page 474

Try use New Threats IRO intact.
Extract just the kernel files then edit, create new iro just place at the very top of mod list.
7thheaven has a load order.  most likely another modification is being loaded before your own one.

Thanks for the help. I understand how to do what you described in gerneral, but I'm not sure how to do it in practice.
I assume that I cannot just extract the NT2.0 files via IroNite, edit just the KERNEL.bin and kernel2.bin files to my liking, then pack only these files into a basic iro and have it work?
I'm also playing with the multi-linked slots option, so I have to edit both the normal kernel files and the optional multi-linked files.

I did all that, started a new game, and now none of the changes are actually applied (with my custom iro at the top of the load order in 7H). So I assume that I have to actually pack more that just the two sets of kernel files, so that 7H correctly loads the "mod".
Edit: never mind, I needed to also copy and modify the mod.xml file to actually activate the multi-slot materia option. It now all works as expected. Thanks again!

Hey, I'm using New Threat 2.0 in conjunction with Postscripththree's Gameplay Tweaks and edited NT's KERNEL files via the WallMarket tool (mostly some starting item/materia and stat changes, with weapon description changes).

Now, the KERNEL.bin changes all work as expected, but the kernel2.bin changes (weapon descriptions) are just not showing up ingame (but do show when I'm editing the modified KERNEL.bin file via the WallMarket tool).
Any idea what could be the culprit? Would appreciate any help.

My complete mod list, for reference:
-(Tsunamods) Wizard Staff
-(Tsunamods) SYW Unified Battle Textures
-(Tsunamods) SYW Unified Field Textures
-(Tsunamods) SYW Unified Minigame Textures
-(Tsunamods) SYW Unified Spell Textures
-(Tsunamods) SYW Unified Worldmap Textures
-(Tsunamods) Enhanced Stock UI
-60/30 FPS Animations
-60/30 FPS Animations for New Threat 2.0
-Axlrose's Blender v1
-Mouth Replacer
-New Threat 2.0
-Postscriptthree's Gameplay Tweaks
-cmh175 HQ FMV Pack
-FFNx FF7 Music

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