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Topics - Kitaka

Pages: [1]
Troubleshooting / FF7 PC Adding a new playable character
« on: 2024-11-02 14:45:11 »
I couldn't find any topic regarding this, so here goes:

Is it possible to add new playable "Party Characters"? As in complete with custom stats, level curves, etc...? Or is this stuff completely hard coded?

What I want is to basically add one of the numbered "Sephiroth Clones" as party characters at one point in the game. He would get his field model, battle model, animations and everything from the already present Sephiroth party character, if possible.
I know that new Limits would be pretty much out of the question for this case.

I'm familiar with the Wallmarket kernel editor, though until now I've only edited weapons, materia, items and text. Any help would be much appreciated, though ofc I'd first love to know if my idea is even in any way possible.

Graphical / Masamune model swap for Cloud's weapons
« on: 2024-10-20 19:51:20 »
Hey, I couldn't find anything on this topic, so I figured I'd ask.

Is it possible to switch out one of Cloud's weapon models for the Masamune model? I've tried via the Wallmarket tool (Kernel editor), but just taking one of Cloud's weapons and replacing the relevant "Model ID" and "Attack Tex" codes doesn't have the desired result.

EDIT: I've found the solution for this, thanks to user Sega Chief. If any reader also wonders how to do it, refer to the New Threat Mod release topic, page 474

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