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Messages - Manakaiser

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General Discussion / Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« on: 2019-07-02 10:26:17 »
I think the true to the spirit comment and a few others are silly indeed, but hes definitely not paid by SE hes been a huge ff7 fan for forever, theres a full playlist of him playing ff7 original and gushing about it constantly, and hes overall been fanboying alot about ff7. Hes just excited and doesnt mind/ just likes the changes i guess. Kinda evident hes just sortov fanboying in excitement in this vid too i guess.

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-07-01 14:05:42 »
Oh ok I misread when glancing over, I read "backgrounds" not "battlegrounds"; As for that ai upscale; Thats very interesting would not have expected that being used even for 3d asset textures in the gurrent gen of ai scaling in any commecrcial release, although the case is very specific and fringe in terms of application (china only shield only). But Sadly it has to be said though that upgrading 3d textures with Ai cant even remotely be compared to prerendered backgrounds/multi asset encompassing 2d textures sot its a while out until those will be done reliably and therefore in a commercially viable manner; didnt really think too broadly in terms of usage possibilities.

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-07-01 12:10:25 »
I can 100% agree that there is a 0 percent chance that they will redo the backgrounds other than a bicubic filter or something similar like we have already seen in the preview shot with squall and quistis in the garden hallway.
Redrawing them completely would actually cost a very significant amount of money and require massive amount of work, and the chances of a company using AI tools like ESRGAN to upscale are also 0 for various reasons (especially in a commercially released product), massive inconsistency among others. This only leaves filters slapped over the existing ones.

Its a real shame but I would almost say understandable / no surprise.

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-07-01 07:18:33 »
This is very nice news; I think its awesome even if the voices end up being subpar. I would use them even if they were bad just because its an intertesting feature.

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-06-29 06:02:57 »
You sound just like DLPB.  A total cynic.  You two need to get a room and let the rest of us enjoy it for what it is.


General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-06-28 22:00:49 »

Also new hi-res in-game screenshot where you can have a closer look (particularly the job done on backgrounds).

Or lack thereof.... What a joke im highly disappointed but i expected to be as soon as I heard "remaster" so it pans out. Simply too lazy of a cashgrab. I can apreciate a good cashgrab (with smallest possible investment, but still enough to positivley notice, for comparatively big cash gain)  but this is a lame one.

And the squall is shockingly bad indeed; Friendly Anime-boy kingdomheartsy type squall. I expect the transition form the opening fmv with the mature looking squall to the medbay bedroom with this model to be particularly silly.

General Discussion / Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« on: 2019-06-28 21:28:19 »
While i see where youre coming from and agree with the paragraph about monetary incentive in principle (personally i never disagreed with it in the first place), this wasnt about why they made this remake and wether or not they were doing it for the /for the love of the fans, but merely about your assumption of the majority of fans expectations and them being fulfilled or not.

Your position was/is based on the factors: Qualities of source material, why it gained so many fans in the first place, and the fact that this is a remake of said source material, which at first glance makes the stement that most fans didnt want what we seem to be getting a logical conclusion. And without data to the contrary I would have tended towards agreeing with you / coming to the same conclusion.

The problem is that you still draw your conclusions from logic even though experimental/conclusive "data" is already available which shows that this is not how it plays out/ended up playing out effectively/after all. This "data" (being the relatively overwhelmingly positive widespread reception) simply didnt confirm the hypothesis and ended up showing us where the logic didnt pan out (much like with any scientific experiment where the tests dont end up confirming the hypothesis). In this particular case it seems to be the part about what ended up remaining important to fans regardless of what drew them in originally. It seems that (much like with anything else in life actually) the majority 1: Has relatively superficial expectations and 2: has different quality standards and preferences than you assumed (and possibly myself if i had thought about this for a bit before any real data was available) 3: Values visual nostalgia above most else.

Now its late and i dont want to go in too deep but to quickly go over the points you mentioned; Considering what exactly we ended up getting and it still being received as it is we can conclude that most fans didnt put their emphasis on:
Wether it was strict to the source or heavily reimagined
About translation accuracy
Concrete content of story additions (guardians of fate sounds like a retarded addition indeed btw)

And rather seem to care for:
Relatively superficial nostalgia ("I used to love tifa" "Cloud is a badass" "I remeber first time in midgard" etcetc)
Visual Fidelity (seems to be particularly impactful to a grand majority)
Modernised mechanics (wether or not they are objectively good is another topic and irrelevant to this question) that superficially reference the source material but give off a "fresh feeling" (there is "materia", The "classic" limit breaks are back, "oh i remember this boss", "cant wait to see jenova in HD" etcetc)

Overall it seems that nostalgia combined with heavy modernisation on all fronts is what is most important to the majority of fans as opposed to accuracy towards the source material and general authenticity. Overall way more superficial factors than you assumed.

And while I am not necessarily saying that I agree the fans expectations, I will say that it seems that your expectations of the fans were set too High. "The masses are easy to please" seems to remain true here, and therefore your conclusion at the time of the statement wrong.

And this was the point of my comment regarding your statement about what "most" fans want.

Now this isnt to say that there might not still be negative outrage at some point with the introduction of new elements of any kind but at the time of this comment it seem "most" fans want(ed) this.

Now moving on from this on a lighter note: Its hard to put into words how much I hate the preorder/deluxe/whatever incentive exclusive summon dlcs. I Genuinly hope those wont be really exclusive but merely "get them earlier than when you unlock them in the game" Summons. Sadly I suspect the worst and It will probably be something along the lines of heavily timegated until free/ free upon release of episode 2 type of strawberries, or even worse paid micro dlc. This kind of stuff is borderline aggravating.

Reference shots for those who havent seen them yet:

General Discussion / Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« on: 2019-06-28 10:11:37 »
Oh yeah I agree with mostly everything you mentioned regarding this topic particularly the narrative that fans would likely be just as excited if it was in fact fully turnbased etc, its just really not what he said nor how he presented it which was emphasizing that this is not what (most) "fans" want(ed) or how they want(ed) it which is simply not true (unless he can provide any evidence of the contrary which im of course open to).

General Discussion / Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« on: 2019-06-28 06:35:20 »
You're right that most fans wanted this remake to be an update of the original.  They did not want it to be  completely re-imagined

While i dont have any particularly strong feelings regarding anything recently mentioned in this thread, this sort of caught my curiosity. I too would genuinely be interested where this idea/thought comes from because I find it odd. I mean I doubt you have any studies or large sampled randomized polls to reference here which is obviously fair enough and would be an unreasonable/silly expectation, but any explanations to actually back up this claim you present in such a strong/factual way other than feelings based/anecdotal ones stemming from exposure to what is a, in terms of distribution of opinion regarding this topic, potentially very biased echochamber (used in a relative and non derogative, but merely descriptive way here, replace with environment if it helps) that is the qhimm community (which apart from a few others is the central hub for modding the original game) or your close friends.

According to the public reception the majority of the fanbase is pretty excited about what has been shown so far of this remake. (unless everyone who likes this just "wasnt a real fan" or something silly along those lines, which i doubt you will claim as it would be easily refutable through various means of statistics). Also I am purely referencing the technical aspects regarding update vs reimagination and this is not taking into account the a bit more widespread/understandable mixed feelings towards the specific aspects of using an episodic format and shown/potential future dlc content, as your statement was clearly broader than that ( again reimagined vs update ).

And even if broad public reception woudnt be as strongly to overwhelmingly positive as it is, the term most, which is the one you used, means a strong majority and would actually require a moderate to strong negative (or at the very least mixed If you would want to go with the "they will take what they get but still wouldve preferred" narrative) reception to be valid here, so I truly feel like you have no basis whatsoever to make this claim and as far as anyone looking at this objectively it is simply untrue.

General Discussion / Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« on: 2019-06-22 17:31:10 »
Pointing out what i deem exaggerated rhetoric is not aequivalent to defending the game at all costs or like a fanboy (especailly since I clearly am not emotionally invested which is often linked to what people refer to as fanboyism), not by any margin, so that line makes very little sense in the context. And actually its not me who needs to read/ word their statements properly; There is a fundamental difference between badly delivering a given story and "missing huge parts" (verbatum) of a story in a format that in fact stretches a given story out by a significant amount of time (and justifying that statement by wrongly allocated resources, which is only tangentially related as the lack of resources, given the format and context we talk about, would primarily affect quality of delivery), and that economics line was just silly/unnecessary btw.

The rest of what you said isnt really worth adressing and im sure you understand why (considering that big brain youre clearly confident to have :))

But ill promise ill just smirk in silence at any of your future replies  and keep my thoughts on them to myself, so lets just agree to disagree ::)

General Discussion / Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« on: 2019-06-22 16:02:57 »
You'll end up with huge parts of the original story being missed.

Expanding a small portion of the original story into a full game (which is true independent of the amount of resources inversted into visual fidelity) leads to huge parts of the original story being missed? Elaborate.
I also think it ruins the immersion of the story when you see your characters fighting something like this - as it then transitions to the main story and looks absurd.  In the original game,  you separated battle from story.  Here - it's part of it and looks stupid.

And no offence but this whole statement simply makes no logical sense from an objective point of view (best case scenario i could grant it being valid in your personal preference but you clearly didnt frame in that way). But if you think it does then please elaborate becasue standing like this it truly looks like a desperate attempt to be negative at all costs ^^

I mean dont take it the wrong way, (Imo) most of your replies cant be taken seriously due to obvious extreme emotional bias/attachment to the original, but they are usually relatively entertaining, but those 2 are just stilly ^^

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-06-19 22:24:39 »
that is an awesome/useful website I didnt know about; thanks for that link.

General Discussion / Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« on: 2019-06-19 22:20:57 »
These renders give me a weird cosplay vibe, cant put my finger on it, possibly "too realistic" or something, not sure how to put it but they feel off :P

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2019-06-18 06:58:17 »
You must have a potato computer if you went with a rendering farm for this (not in a negative way just in a computationally relatively nonheavy way) XD

On a more serious note, As mentioned in  Discord this is absolutely fantastic work. Great to see kalm being completed. Hope your break wont be too long becasue I cant wait to see more.

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-06-16 18:47:05 »
the more I look at those models in closeup the more I realise how small of an improvement they are over the original (in terms of model quality, to be honest in terms of design they might actually be a downgrade, everything looks too smooth/friendly/animey, again having a hard time figuring out how to put it:P).... this borders being called a slightly improved port as opposed to "remaster". Its weird becasue the first time I saw the trailer I though the improvement on the models was pretty decent but I guess it was just not having played in a long time combined with slight hypetinted glasses.

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-06-15 15:50:12 »
Agreeed squalls new model is absolutely terrible. He looks like a clichee anime protagonist and way too clean/friendly/boyish, dunno hard to explain.

Mine is an early beta i never got to finish so I highly advise againt it, i probably should remove the link to avoid stuff like this in the future (*edit* I removed the Links as I do not feel comfortable with people using it as I dont want to be responsible for a suboptimal experience since that goes against what motivates me to do Graphical modding in the first place, I initially just released the beta as a teaser for my scaling method so people could anticipate the actual release I was working on but Ive since moved back to ff8 where not only it works even better but more importantly where im dedicated to do the manual work necessary to get results I want); some fields are usable as they are but its riddled with bugs and a good amount is just bad.

Without a doubt you should use Satsuki, Remako is apparently 1.0 but its just as buggy as mine and on top of it the scaling method used is pretty bad (That whole project truly feels to be more councerned with getting attention than actual quality). My personal opinion and I understand that its harsh but I dont think its unwarranted; Naturally I can understand accept that people see it differently.

General Discussion / Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« on: 2019-06-14 22:56:42 »
For everyone who complained about Turn Based not being in the game - Tactical Mode solves that completely. You can play it like that, or as an action RPG


No, it doesn't.  They said the same kind of thing about ff12 and it was unplayable in the obviously non intended mode.  We can see with our own eyes what they've done to the battle mechanics.  Them pretending it isn't so is not conning me. 

Also, it's not about how many things you can find that are flashy or catchy - it's about pacing, writing, and soul. All of which the game already show a chronic lack of.

It always seems to be the case that before a game that shows early signs of some serious flaws is released,  people create a deluge of excuses and alternate explanations or else dwell on graphical power.  But for me personally, I already see all the reasons I'll dislike the game - even if others will end up loving it.  8)

- Also, they've stuck to inferior translations - like Cross Slash. Once again, they'll pander to "canon".  And I bet Genesis etc all get roped in.

 ::) :)

Oh and @topic thanks for the massive post kurando. Not gonna lie while I certainly anticipate this game to an extent, im not hyped enough to plow through it all so I gave up halfway through the list but I can certainly apreciate the effort put into it.

General Discussion / Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« on: 2019-06-13 20:29:35 »
While i agree with the load data, what im wondering regarding that though is how they will handle max level if you load you previous data;
It would be highly unsatisfying if the max level in the whole first episode which supposedly is around 50-60 hours long would be lvl 20-30 and if you can get to lvl 99 then will max level after episode 2 be 200? (and it would be equally unsatisfying and lot more immersion breaking (and sadly likely) if the "load data" only loads ruddimentary strawberries like quests completed and choices made and everthing else gets reset. (i find those kind of load data scenarios almost pointless) like in mass effect where it was basically an almost useless feature but it worked there because the games narrative was handled differently and wasnt a previous story with set progression split up) badly worded but you catch my drift hopefully.

Also curious how they will handle stuff like normal gear/weapons in the same veign; like will the best sword in the whole first episode be the 3rd buster sword (you can see at least 2 in the trailers eleased so far) or will you get to high tier weapons. I dont want to have a proper endgame only in the last episode, endgame and leveling for superbosses is one of my favorite parts of rpgs. All of that and much more is one of the major issues (whole progression in all aspects) i see with the episodic format.

General Discussion / Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« on: 2019-06-12 22:26:30 »

Those renders are pretty crisp though, but for some reason i think aeriths face looks a bit weird/off.

first game = first episode

General Discussion / Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« on: 2019-06-11 16:27:49 »
One thing even i am genuinely worried about is that any kind of eventual dodging mechanic will be too powerful and/or badly implemented, although from the trailers we´ve seen so far fortunately dont suggest that
(I mean wtf @ ffXV it was not only idiotically implemented (keep button pressed opposed to timing it) but also pretty much an instawin button disregarding undodgable attacks which went the other direction that on some of the harder enemies like naglfar being capable of consistently oneshotting you, forcing you to basically spam revive to win unless you are maxed out)

Thats a pretty good point I didnt think of although it goes hand in hand with the 6 months anyway considering the release date of the remake and the ps5 release, but yeah True it will likely stay exclusive until a bit after ps5 launch.

General Discussion / Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« on: 2019-06-11 14:41:08 »
Well, calling it absurd to have that view is way too harsh, and doesn't really make sense (bad choice of the word absurd). I agree that FF7's combat falls short on how it was realized in the game. Too easy, too many ways to exploit, too many overkill attacks, <insert more "flaws" here>, etc. The biggest problem is that you don't really need to explore the combat system to beat the game. Upgrade your equipment, heal often and pretty much everyone and their grandparents can beat the game. All of the above may not be bad in itself, but it really undermines everything the combat-system has to offer. Anyone who has worked on tools, mods, or even played mods, know how much more potential there is in the battle system. It just wasn't realized in the game.

Personally, I think the action style combat looks stupid. It's really, really hard to take it seriously considering it's supposed to look realistic. In turn-based, you know that the combat you see on-screen isn't actually what happens. It's an abstraction of what really happens. When it's action based like this, how you should interpret it is vague. Is this how it really happens? Do these character really survive several machinegun shots to their bodies?

The realistic approach could look dumb if it was turn-based too, don't get me wrong, but it would depend on how it was implemented. But we've now seen how they are doing it with the action approach and it looks stupid. Imo they shouldn't have done the realistic style, and they would have avoided this "problem" altogether.

Sorry don't like to hang out specific people, but these comments really make me smh. It would be a waste not to make it action oriented? What about FPS fans? Or puzzle-game fans?

On the feminist Tifa thing... Doesn't she look more like a thing feminists would shriek about in the new desing? A mean, that mini-skirt + socks look like a school-girl fetish thing.

Thats a fair opinion overall and i can apreciate that some people just dont like it for subjective reasons (I really just have issues with attempts to reason the dislike with appeals to objective complexity being far superior in the original, which is simply not the case) even though I personally disagree, partly for the reasons you mentioned yourself (about the turnbased potentially looking equally silly with such a visual fidelity/artstyle, and that the potential of the system is not what matters but what was effectively realized through balancing and whatnot in regards to me calling it absurd to say it required any intellect. Fair point that absurd might be too strong but you understood what i meant so no worries here).

We fully agree on arguments like the fps part etc that you mentioned (that some people seem to make? havent looked much into opinions except this topic but that FPS part in particular must be a VERY fringe opinion no? :P) being idiotic, and seemingly on the tifa too.


100%, only question is how long after the console release. This game was a huge investment, anyone interested in it who owns a console will likely get it in the first 6 months, SE doesnt have an exclusivity deal with either console manufacturer, only a possible on console first agreement and most importantly they would lose a massive amount of money by not brining it to pc at some point not too long after console sales have dropped significantly due to market saturation, and any large publicly traded company doesnt make financially detrimental decisions like that.

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