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Messages - Manakaiser

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General Discussion / Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« on: 2019-06-11 14:03:42 »
The explanation is simple...  The combat system was perfect - the implementation of it was not.

With the remake - the whole thing is rotten.

that "simple explanation" is nothing but a "feels" argument.  Considering how strong and often you posted long rants about this remake here and in the other topic thats surprisingly underwhelming. Also that doesnt really adress the strong opinion you have about how this new system is dumb and low in braincell requirement opposed to the original (especially since you stated that way before any real info about the combat system was available but lets ignore that part lol).

"it was trash the new implementation is amazing.

The original ff7 was rotten."

would you take something like that serious? ^^

As for Tifa I agree that the feminst part is bs, all i think in regards to that is that the original looked better, purely from a personal visual appeal (if anything one could argue that the stockings actually increase the sexual suggestiveness of the orginal that is implied by the feminism ruined it argument).

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-06-11 11:38:19 »
so that we can buy it for 20€|$|£ instead of 40.  :evil:


General Discussion / Re: FF7REMAKE VR/XR E3 Demonstration
« on: 2019-06-11 10:53:31 »
dude... this is fckin sick man awesome job i love it XD

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-06-11 06:52:46 »
I mean its not exactly impressive but what do you mean by have nothing?? the replaced all 3d character models and wrapped meshes in and out of battle with dissidia inspried versions, hud also changed in resolution but not significantly (MCINDUS seed mod likely looks better than the remastered hud since hud modding wasnt really restricted in the steam release we have now anyway).

General Discussion / Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« on: 2019-06-11 05:15:06 »
I fully agree with tifas model being kinda unnecessarily tamed down wtih the long stocking socks; other than that though damn this looks absolutely fantastic im really hyped now combat looks extremely fun and the whole thing is visually absolutely stunning.

Cant wait to get DLPBs explanation on why this combat is all complete crap and am interested in how precisely the original scorpion battle (or rest of combat) is so much more tactical, braincell demanding than this lol (while restressing that the numbers are too flashy) ^^

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-06-11 05:11:01 »
the real question is will the fields be properly redone.

General Discussion / Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« on: 2019-06-10 14:55:25 »
Wild over the top numbers flashing all over don't lead to any brain cells being used.  And the story will also be hollywoodized nonsense. The voice parts I've heard so far and the scenes I've seen all point to it. But I've never had any hope for this tosh.

I also don't think it looks fantastic. I base my love of a game on intellect, story, and qualities that are more than just flashy visuals.  In that, I'm with EQ2Alyza.  To be blunt, I think it's shite. Shockingly shite.

Apart from the seeming obsession with flashy numbers i nowhere mentioned and the fact that ff7 combat requires equally 0 braincells (if you think about the materia system here its requirement of "braincells" for "tactical" use doesnt hinge on the combat system itself and can easily be implemented to same if not more tactical effect im an action based system, not that im necessarily saying that it will but from the trailers there is technically no way to tell that it wont which makes the point obsolete for now) if not looked at through fanboy eyes, this is too ::) of a statement to really warrant engaging in a debate about this due to clearly too much emotional involvement on your end.

I can agree that the story presentation seems to be dumbed down but since i fortunately know the story already this part is luckily irrelevant to me (not that the original ff7 story is that unique or deep in the first place once you look at the core of it....)

I like the original ff7 alot but i also certainly look forward to this remake.
We simply disagree then ^^

Im gonna go ahead and add my hot take to this; I think this looks fantastic and already way better than the orignal FF7 ever was including combat. While I agree that regarding more action orientented combat, ffXVs was particularily dumbed down/ simplistic and I hope that thisone (which it looks like to be) has a bit more depth to it than 3 skills per character and useless magic, i think its absurd to call FF7s combat anything remotely close to deep or complex which is often used as an argument opposing the transition to a faster direct input paced system.

Id say so thanks for asking, since ive started working on 1.0 and seeing the stark contrast/ improvement between the fields ive completed and the ones in this ive come more and more to the conclusion that this is just too beta to warrant being used in its state. I guess public betas for stuff like this dont really make sense considering how pivotal of an impact on the gaming experience they have.

Please use satsukis fields instead, this beta has zero bugfixing and a good chunk of the fields look terrible due to no manual oversight. i have moved back to FF8 fields so the the full release has been delayed indefinitely.

Gameplay / Re: Fight Summons to collect their Materia
« on: 2019-06-09 09:09:40 »
almost all of them; jk but kinda not.

*edit* kindov a shitpost, wanted to delete it but cant figure out how/ just cant. mods can remove this message if its a bother :P

Gameplay / Re: Fight Summons to collect their Materia
« on: 2019-06-08 08:21:38 »
from a technical standpoint its actually pretty easy/doable; the issue is that its alot of work and noone seems to have this as a priority for now =)

Thats actually not the reason. The waterfall animation cannot be animated under any circumstance through palmer generated (banded/cut) field files. Even if you export the waterfall, dont touch it and reimport it the animation is lost. Assumingly because it is generated through palette cycling or a similar technique that is being interfered with by the way external textures are injected. Doesnt really matter why, just thought id mention it.

I disagree with your observations. I still feel the remako bgs are more natural and closer to FF style. Your bg, imo, are too "sharp" and "perfect".

Ill preface this with dont take it the wrong way mate im just genuinely curious/confused;
In what world is false, and more importantly inconsistent false detail, janky lines across the board, large noise and heavy chromatic aberration (that couldve been cleaned easily; how do you disagree with that observation btw, chromatic aberration is either present or not this is hardly up to preference) closer fo ff7 "style" ?

Did you mayb not watch the screens in full size? Btw imo satsuki was actually pretty charitable in his choice of what fields to post comparison shots for :P

Misc. Tools / Re: Satsuki'S MicroBat Maker
« on: 2019-05-23 09:40:15 »
This is a very useful tool gj as usual; Cheers for that.

No Im not talking about original vs remako im talking specifically about examples that show the changes/improvements between beta and 1.0 and if possible in full resolution.

Could you mayb post a few comparisons between beta and 1.0

Now while im not saying that this is necessarily the reason why this applies to movies but I can tell you that generally speaking colors and brightness between out of game assets and ingame view generally changes and tends to be on the brighter side when displayed ingame; Possibly due to aalis driver but I dont really know "why"; just that its the case as shown in the following example:

Left Is in an image viewer and right is ingame display (disregard the "lights" themselves since most of them have overlaid lighting layers and rather look at the rest of the areas for example the top of the tower in the bottom right part):

General Discussion / Re: FF7 Remake Teaser
« on: 2019-05-10 13:40:47 »
It looks ferning awful. No turn-based battles meaning it's pure button mashing with no tactical depth (perfect for all the casuals out there), pathetic looking pseudo-realistic anime characters that look just like in the movie Advent Children and cringy fully voiced dialogue. No thanks. I already had some pretty low expectations though, so I can't say I'm surprised. I'm just glad there's still an active modding community so I can just enjoy the original with updated graphics that stay true to the original.

The reason (as i had that problem) is that converter assigns a specific drive letter to the disc when you install it and always expects the disc to be in that drive and your virtual drive likely created a different drive letter when mounting it again after reboot. Just a random bit of info for anyone else finding this topic through the search function to clarify that you dont have to rerun the converter when this happens you can just force a specific drive letter when mounting that is the one your disc was in when installing the converter.

That is in fact the reason, rtx needs cuda 10 torch.

install pytorch torchvision cuda100 -c pytorch

Incorporated some of the feedback and did some other changes.
Please consider that this is still very much WiP but it shows what im trying to do and im done for today/this WE due to time contraints ;/

Just a bit of an experiment obviously as It would take forevery to do this for every Field but ill try to do it for the ones with areas that have highly problematic AI upsclaing areas (which sadly arent down to models and present in all ESRGAN upscales due to source fields)
Hope you like it, Cheers.

wow the new screens look sick

Oh no worries this whole pack overall is very specific in general and the more i work on it the more it gets tailored to my specific personal preference, so i can see your point of view but Ill just mention that the windows and the areas around the lights look very different with the overlaying ingame lighting which are the areas you mentioned, this was less to show off the end result and more focused on the general capabilities of the prefilter and route of manual application I decided to take, so I started playing with it on this field even though Its not one that specifically needed it alot.
But i can see that a comparision with other upscale mods on maps where it makes more of a fake detail removing difference would have probably made more sense. I decided to refrain from doing any inter-mod comparisons before this update is finished though.
The one thing I actually might agree with is the window screen, my main issue with the non filtered one is the grainyness in some areas of it but yeah this whole thing isnt final anyway :P   

Ill post ingame ss a bit later.

Cheers for the feedback nonetheless.


or can you explain how you upscale the video, than i can make this 2 videos.
I can´t find anything how this work.

Upscaling videos really is fairly straight forward.

Use ffmpeg to split the individual frames from a video
Optionally/depending on the source: remove compression artefacts with the batch method of your choice; Use ESRGAN/gigapixel to scale
Use ffmpeg to recombine audio and images.

Its very simple with ffmpeg:

   ffmpeg -i $filename%03d.png -hide_banner (splitting)
   ffmpeg -framerate 30(or whatever you want) -i '%3d.png' -b:v 6393K video.mp4 (recombining to video)
   ffmpeg  -i video.mp4 -i -shortest -c:v copy  videoplusaudio.mp4 (adding audio)

Theres an all in one script for esrgan video scaling too but its alot slower and limits your options to remove compression unless your have a proper interpolated  or trained model that can handle it and still give you statisfactory results on the scaling itself. Like ALOT slower. Ubearably slow!

But if you prefer that:

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