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Topics - James

Pages: [1]

MGS4 doesn't stand a chance.

In-Game video:

Personally, and yes, I'm young and hip enough to use these words, this game looks harsh dope.

My initial analysis tells me that the folks who made this seem to have an idea of what they're doing, and besides being a massive advertisement, the game looks fun. They're also releasing two others, so it should be interesting.

Apparently, they made the games seperate for both the X-Box and X-Box 360, so it's not just reverse compatable, but whichever version you get was specifically designed for your console.

I've noticed a lot of smarter chaps happen to visit this place. So here's my bit:

I believe my integrated sound card is a piece of crap - with that said, can anyone reccomend an alternate sound card in a below $100  Canadian price range - that supports 5.1 Pro Logic Surround Sound (rght now my stupid integrated sound card won't even support Stereo sound, so, anythings better).

Thanks in advance if you reply.


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