Misc Audio / Re: FFV Steam GBA Music Mod
« on: 2021-01-27 19:31:43 »
Hi there!
I am currently creating an orchestral pack for the game (having finished working on Atma installer for FF6 recently)
I was checking online if anyone ever managed to figure out how to properly loop the tracks... and it "seems" like you did?
I saw in another thread here from 2015 that there was some HEX data that could be edited at the start of the files which contained the looping info... but that seems rather complicated to do...
Can I bother you to tell me what you did to make it work?
Thank you very much for your time! and congrats on making the mod!!
I am currently creating an orchestral pack for the game (having finished working on Atma installer for FF6 recently)
I was checking online if anyone ever managed to figure out how to properly loop the tracks... and it "seems" like you did?
I saw in another thread here from 2015 that there was some HEX data that could be edited at the start of the files which contained the looping info... but that seems rather complicated to do...
Can I bother you to tell me what you did to make it work?

Thank you very much for your time! and congrats on making the mod!!