Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods and Modding Framework-The Reunion [R06f]  (Read 3212572 times)


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for some reason it seems to depend on combination of enemy - or it's randomly happening.  Is this a bug in original game?
Seems to be related to 60fps. Results are frustratingly inconsistent as I try to narrow them down.

With 60fps disabled, gunfire works as expected

in 60fps mode1 and mode2, sometimes gunfire renders and sometimes it doesn't.
I've noticed that even when it does render, it doesn't 'flash'. It just appears as a solid consistent texture until it goes away when the gunfire stops. I'm speculating that sometimes it's just doing the opposite - the "off" stage of the flash is just rendering for the entire duration of the gunfire.

From what I can tell, the converter does something in the registry. Does anyone have any info on what keys it installs so I can manually remove them?
There's not very much in the registry for this. Open Regedit, go to the root of the registry, and 'Find' for 'fantasy'. Carefully F3 through the results, and edit any you're worried about. (There's about two dozen as I recall) I think the only thing of consequence that might be impacted would be a path pointing to a non-Steam install location.

How are you quantifying "recognize"? By the installer automatically picking the correct install location? That doesn't mean much. Just point the installer to where the game is actually installed and see if the result will run correctly.


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Also, you know the drill by now for posting bug reports.  See the first post.

I wasn't going to classify the issue I was experiencing as a definite bug until I could get any feedback as to whether it was just user error on my end - like if there was something completely obvious that I'm missing about new path/directory structure in this release for mods.  I've noticed it actually auto-populates the custom Texture folder with battle, char, chocobo, coaster, condor, cr, disc, field, flevel, magic, menu, snowboard, sub, and world folders if any of those folders don't already exist, which seems to provide some good hints as to where things reasonably ought to go if a user is unsure, and is much appreciated.

I can't seem to post attachments (sorry, total newbie on this board, not sure if that's something you can even do), so I'll try to include a relevant portion of my APP.LOG under a spoiler tag:

Spoiler: show
[00001600] [BATTLE] Begin main battle loop
[00001718] TRACE: open_file: sumi_a00.TEX (LGP:magic)
[00001718] TRACE: PERSONAL TEXTURE - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/CUSTOM/upscale/Texture/magic/sumi_a00_00.png
[00001718] TRACE: open_file: sumi.S (LGP:magic)
[00001718] TRACE: open_file: hit1.S (LGP:magic)
[00001718] TRACE: open_file: sumi_a01.TEX (LGP:magic)
[00001718] TRACE: PERSONAL TEXTURE - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/CUSTOM/upscale/Texture/magic/sumi_a01_00.png
[00001718] TRACE: open_file: hit21.S (LGP:magic)
[00001718] TRACE: open_file: hit22.S (LGP:magic)
[00001718] TRACE: open_file: hit23.S (LGP:magic)
[00001718] TRACE: open_file: hit24.S (LGP:magic)
[00001841] TRACE: PERSONAL TEXTURE - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/CUSTOM/upscale/Texture/magic/sumi_a00_01.png
[00001841] TRACE: PERSONAL TEXTURE - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/CUSTOM/upscale/Texture/magic/sumi_a01_02.png
[00001990] TRACE: open_file: THUNDE00.TEX (LGP:magic)
[00001990] TRACE: open_file: KAMI_1.S (LGP:magic)
[00001990] TRACE: open_file: THUNDE01.TEX (LGP:magic)
[00001990] TRACE: open_file: SPARK_1.S (LGP:magic)
[00001990] TRACE: open_file: THUND_3.RSD (LGP:magic)
[00001990] TRACE: open_file: SONIC_1.TEX (LGP:magic)
[00001990] TRACE: open_file: THUND_3.P (LGP:magic)
[00002521] TRACE: open_file: FIRE00.TEX (LGP:magic)
[00002521] TRACE: PERSONAL TEXTURE - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/CUSTOM/upscale/Texture/magic/FIRE00_00.png
[00002521] TRACE: open_file: FI_A01.S (LGP:magic)
[00002521] TRACE: open_file: FIRE01.TEX (LGP:magic)
[00002521] TRACE: PERSONAL TEXTURE - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/CUSTOM/upscale/Texture/magic/FIRE01_00.png
[00002712] TRACE: PERSONAL TEXTURE - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/CUSTOM/upscale/Texture/magic/FIRE00_02.png
[00002725] TRACE: PERSONAL TEXTURE - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/CUSTOM/upscale/Texture/magic/FIRE00_03.png
[00002749] TRACE: PERSONAL TEXTURE - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/CUSTOM/upscale/Texture/magic/FIRE01_02.png
[00002749] TRACE: PERSONAL TEXTURE - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/CUSTOM/upscale/Texture/magic/FIRE01_03.png
[00002859] TRACE: open_file: EXPLO1.TEX (LGP:magic)
[00002859] TRACE: PERSONAL TEXTURE - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/CUSTOM/upscale/Texture/magic/EXPLO1_00.png
[00002859] TRACE: open_file: EXPLO.S (LGP:magic)
[00002859] TRACE: open_file: EXPLO2.TEX (LGP:magic)
[00002859] TRACE: PERSONAL TEXTURE - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/CUSTOM/upscale/Texture/magic/EXPLO2_00.png
[00003528] TRACE: open_file: JO_TAM.RSD (LGP:magic)
[00003528] TRACE: open_file: JO_TAM.P (LGP:magic)
[00003528] TRACE: open_file: JO_FIR.RSD (LGP:magic)
[00003528] TRACE: open_file: JO_FIR.P (LGP:magic)
[00003558] TRACE: PERSONAL TEXTURE - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/CUSTOM/upscale/Texture/battle/seffect3_23.png
[00003562] TRACE: PERSONAL TEXTURE - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/CUSTOM/upscale/Texture/battle/seffect1_08.png
[00003562] TRACE: PERSONAL TEXTURE - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/CUSTOM/upscale/Texture/battle/seffect1_03.png
[00003694] TRACE: PERSONAL TEXTURE - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/CUSTOM/upscale/Texture/battle/seffect3_24.png
[00003758] TRACE: PERSONAL TEXTURE - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/CUSTOM/upscale/Texture/battle/seffect3_21.png
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: hit_1.TEX (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: hit_1.S (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: hit_2.TEX (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: PERSONAL TEXTURE - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/CUSTOM/upscale/Texture/magic/hit_2_00.png
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: hit_2.S (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: water_2.TEX (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: PERSONAL TEXTURE - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/CUSTOM/upscale/Texture/magic/water_2_00.png
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: water_2.S (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: 01.rsd (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: 01.P (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: exp_1.rsd (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: EXP_1.TEX (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: EXP_1.P (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: hit_3.rsd (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: HIT_3.P (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: meteo_1.rsd (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: METEO_1.TEX (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: METEO_1.P (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: PERSONAL TEXTURE - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/CUSTOM/upscale/Texture/magic/METEO_1_00.png
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: ring_2.rsd (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: RING_2.P (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: sonic_1.rsd (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: SONIC_1.TEX (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: SONIC_1.P (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: water_1.rsd (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: WATER_1.TEX (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: WATER_1.P (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: water_2.rsd (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: WATER_2.P (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: EXP_2.RSD (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: EXP_2.TEX (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: EXP_2.P (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: EXP_3.RSD (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: EXP_3.P (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: ROCK_1.RSD (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: ROCK_1.TEX (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: ROCK_1.P (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: ROCK_2.RSD (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: ROCK_2.P (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: ROCK_3.RSD (LGP:magic)
[00003935] TRACE: open_file: ROCK_3.P (LGP:magic)
[00004016] TRACE: open_file: LIMIT/LIMFAST.A00 (LGP:magic)
[00004016] TRACE: PERSONAL DIRECT - D:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\The_Reunion/BASE/60i/magic/LIMFAST.A00 = 143bd760
[00004307] [BATTLE] End of current battle
[00004307] [BATTLE] Begin end battle stuff


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nah because the bullet case drops also happen


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It's not my imagination. There appears to be an element of randomness here.

I did the following 10 times, with no changes to configuration between runs:

Start the game.
Select New Game
Wait a second or three before skipping the cinematic with Select-X
Run straight north when given control
Let the soldiers shoot at Ex-Soldier and see if the gun flash effect happens or not

The effect happened on runs 2, 3, 6, 10
The effect did not happen on runs 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9

This was tested with _60fps_Battles = 2

Afterwards, I did 5 runs on _60fps_Battles = 0, and the effect appeared and worked correctly (gunfire flashed) 5 times out of 5.
« Last Edit: 2020-02-20 01:59:29 by skyhawk »


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Seems to be related to 60fps. Results are frustratingly inconsistent as I try to narrow them down.

With 60fps disabled, gunfire works as expected

in 60fps mode1 and mode2, sometimes gunfire renders and sometimes it doesn't.
I've noticed that even when it does render, it doesn't 'flash'. It just appears as a solid consistent texture until it goes away when the gunfire stops. I'm speculating that sometimes it's just doing the opposite - the "off" stage of the flash is just rendering for the entire duration of the gunfire.
There's not very much in the registry for this. Open Regedit, go to the root of the registry, and 'Find' for 'fantasy'. Carefully F3 through the results, and edit any you're worried about. (There's about two dozen as I recall) I think the only thing of consequence that might be impacted would be a path pointing to a non-Steam install location.

How are you quantifying "recognize"? By the installer automatically picking the correct install location? That doesn't mean much. Just point the installer to where the game is actually installed and see if the result will run correctly.

Before using the workaround, the Reunion log file would only have a message saying that it doesn't see FF7 installed, and R06 wouldn't work. After using the workaround just once, this doesn't happen anymore, even on doing a clean uninstall/reinstall of FF7 and R06. This would imply that the workaround installs something separate from FF7 and sticks around even when uninstalling the game and the mod.
« Last Edit: 2020-02-20 02:07:38 by yousie642 »


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it doesn't.  ddraw.dll does all the work and as long as that's there, the mod is active assuming the option.ini file is there.  Although I may default to activate which would be a mistake.


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So like JWK I've noticed that Reunion now creates a top-level directory structure under The_Reunion\CUSTOM\Mod_ID if the directory is empty or does not exist.

May I ask for this feature to be expanded? I just discovered Satsuki's upscaled textures, and I'm having trouble finding where some of these files are supposed to go in order to work.

There appears to be a whole tree magic\ff7\data\battle\ with a whole bunch under it, including another magic\, which on the face of it seems incorrect. I haven't been able to figure out any way to get these files to show-up in game.

A full directory [empty] structure would be very helpful for figuring out stuff like this. I know about the root directory SEFFECT* files being relocated to battle\, but that doesn't help me with all the rest of these.

Edit: Thanks for mentioning the texture trace option, that got me exactly what I needed in short order. Thanks again!
« Last Edit: 2020-02-20 08:38:45 by skyhawk »


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that structure doesn't require any further charge.  it requires a tutorial.  also turn on trace texture option and it will show you in app log what's missing
« Last Edit: 2020-02-20 07:54:25 by DLPB »


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Bug Report
1. I think there's a problem with Vincent and the 60FPS mod. Using option 2 with interpolated frames, Vincent's animations are extremely fast, faster than the other characters.
2. Happens only in battle.
4,5,6. No crashes. 


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I just installed R06c for the first time, and I'm having this problem where I can't move the arrow on the start menu. So I can't begin a new game. Also, the popup showing the controls doesn't appear (not sure it that's supposed to be normal). When I disable the mod, this problem doesn't occur. Am I doing something wrong?


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Hello DBZfan, try with number 2.
Hello JWK, try with number 4.

Read following for full instructions: Check the full post please.
« Last Edit: 2020-03-06 05:17:06 by Kuraudo. »


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Bug Report
1. I think there's a problem with Vincent and the 60FPS mod. Using option 2 with interpolated frames, Vincent's animations are extremely fast, faster than the other characters.
2. Happens only in battle.
4,5,6. No crashes. 

See The Reunion Database.  Speed issues with 60fps is noted.


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I just installed R06c for the first time, and I'm having this problem where I can't move the arrow on the start menu. So I can't begin a new game. Also, the popup showing the controls doesn't appear (not sure it that's supposed to be normal). When I disable the mod, this problem doesn't occur. Am I doing something wrong?

There is no arrow on the start menu.  Also, check the help file I supplied as it explains the other issue.


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I did what you instructed me to do, and it partially worked. However upon gaining control of Cloud, I discovered that it's ignoring the controls I set previously. I have to press enter to attack, and I can't seem to find the menu button.

There is no arrow on the start menu.  Also, check the help file I supplied as it explains the other issue.
Sorry, I meant the hand on the start menu.


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Also, sorry, where is this help file you mentioned?


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Thank you for your hard work with this project. I noticed that on your TODO list is a user interface for the options. This seems like a fairly easy job for a volunteer contribution. I can't make any promises, but I'd be happy to take a wee stab at making something if you'd be interested?

If you are, a couple of questions for you:

  • Is the ini file parser you use fixed in its use of # for comments and y/n for booleans, or would it accept ; and true/false respectively?
  • Are there any requirements other than just a UI to allow users to set what's currently in options.ini, such as adjusting other options (Reg keys, etc.), being able to launch the game, etc?
  • Are there any other options you plan to add in the future?


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Then in this case play with joystick, go in the menu in game and set the way you prefer the button settings.

Help file it's in the archive .rar that you get once downloaded R06c.

« Last Edit: 2020-02-20 19:30:48 by Kuraudo. »


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...Okay, but why is this happening exactly?
This sucks. There's no way I'll be able to force myself to play with the joystick for more than a day, and that's being very generous. I guess I wasted those ten bucks. (Until this gets fixed, of course. Hopefully.)

Just one more thing, I really wanted to try this mod with the Remako HD mod, but every guide I found says I'll not be able to get achievements if I use it. Is there really no way to get around that?


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anyway we can get the menu overhual mod as a seperate mod.


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Also, sorry, where is this help file you mentioned?

It's in the zip file you unzipped.


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I am about to do a Reunion install. I would like to test the Weapon mod, but I'm unsure what kind of "additional script changes" it has implemented for option 2. Are the battles harder?


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nah - at moment Option 2 is just some field updates and i overdid it at junon since the CPR thing is a bit too unforgiving of a mistake.

It will take time for me to start work on weapon properly. 


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Try running in a Window and see if that works?

full_screen = n
window_x = 0
window_y = 0
window_width = 1440
window_height = 1080
preserve_aspect = y

This worked for me actually. Except I left full screen on and preserve_aspect off. I left full screen windows blank and set window to 3840x2160. This loads the game up, visible and doesn't go to the background when I click on screen. It's a strange yet simple fix and I'll take it.


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Hmmm so what's changed?  The full screen mode ignores all the other settings apart from preserve.


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I just flipped where I put my resolution at:

full_screen = y
window_x =
window_y =
window_width = 3840
window_height = 2160
preserve_aspect = n

Don't know why this fixed it. Maybe something on my end causing the weirdness.

Edit: Was just playing and the battle music continued playing after battle. No victory theme and then the overworld theme and battle playing at the same time.
« Last Edit: 2020-02-20 21:01:07 by KaidenJames »