Author Topic: Programming language flamewar!  (Read 25535 times)


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Programming language flamewar!
« Reply #25 on: 2001-02-17 07:54:00 »
The SaiNt : I meant that although I studied hard in C++, I still couldn't make a good program all by my self without someone's help. And you mean that the computers are not so old after all?  But the funniest thing about BASIC is that we were told to make a rocket using ASCII art that zooms up the screen and then disappear. :D


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« Reply #26 on: 2001-02-18 10:47:00 »
Do you guyz think that math skills are necessary to become a good programmer?

The Skillster

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« Reply #27 on: 2001-02-18 13:20:00 »
partly. depends in your area of programming.
ASM will need maths, but vb and c++ only need it if your gonna minipulate files and do 2d/3d drawing/graphics


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« Reply #28 on: 2001-02-20 12:56:00 »
Can C++ Draw? How?

The SaiNt

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« Reply #29 on: 2001-02-20 16:12:00 »
I think what Skillster meant by draw means plotting co-ordinates on the screen and actually simulating the process of "drawing" a picture.

The Skillster

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« Reply #30 on: 2001-02-20 16:28:00 »
that is in fact the only way to 'draw', unless you pre render something, and then load it up and display it.

The SaiNt

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« Reply #31 on: 2001-02-20 18:32:00 »
Fice, thanks for you advice on the difference between Computer Science and IT.
Anyway, I came across a section of my IT book while studying for my IT test which happens to be tomorrow that states the differences in Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Information Systems / Information Technology.

Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering degrees require a good apititude for engineering, math, and electronics. Career opportunities for Computer Engineering graduates focus on the design of computer hardware and peripheral devices, often at the chip level.

Computer Science
Computer Science degrees require a goop apititude in math and computer programming. The main object of study in a computer science is the digital computer, and the main objective is to make the computer work effectively and efficiently. Computer Science Graduates generally find entry-level jobs as programmers with good possiblities for advancement to software engineers, object-oriented/GUI developers, and project leaders in technical applications development.

Information Systems / Information Technology
Information Systems degree programmes focus on the application of computers in a business or organizational enviroment. Coursework in business, accounting, computer programming, communications, systems analysis, and human psychology is usually required. For students who want to become computer professionals but lack strong math apititude, most academic advisors recommend the information systems degree. An information systems degree usually leads to an entry-level programming or PC support job with good possibilities for advancement to systems analyst, project manager, database administrator, network manager, or other management positions.

So, it looks like I'll be choosing Computer Science but only time will tell.
Fice, would you mind telling me about your course structure and since you're from UK, could you tell me about the Universities in UK that deal with IT / Computer Science degrees?



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« Reply #32 on: 2001-02-20 21:21:00 »
Sure thing. It'll have to wait until tomorrow morning tho since I'm in desperate need of food at the moment, and it'd be a kinda long message.

Programming language flamewar!
« Reply #33 on: 2001-02-20 21:21:00 »
I'm shooting for Computer Science, (preferably a career in the PC Games industry), but math is starting to come hard for me. I don't know if it'll work out, but I can hope. I was doing fine until I hit Algebra II in 8th grade. Took me all year to finish it, instead of just the school year. Next year I started Pre-Calc. I'm still doing Pre-Calc, and it's more than a year later.


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« Reply #34 on: 2001-02-20 23:39:00 »
Computer science sounds like the only really interesting of those in my opinion.

Of course, all people are different, and what fits for me etc. etc.

The SaiNt

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« Reply #35 on: 2001-02-21 05:03:00 »
Don't know about you guys but I personally enjoy Maths!!!

The Skillster

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« Reply #36 on: 2001-02-21 14:33:00 »
hold on, i like computer hardware AND software, so im stuck for choice between engineering and computer science...

The SaiNt

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« Reply #37 on: 2001-02-25 08:28:00 »
Uhm Fice, you still haven't told me about your course structure and the Universities in UK that deal with IT / Computer Science degrees?


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« Reply #38 on: 2001-02-26 14:11:00 »
Sorry, here goes.

First of all, bear in mind I can only tell you about what I know. Don't take what I'm saying as the best guide to UK CS courses  :)

I think lots of the uni's do CS courses, under one name or another. The best way to find out who does CS is the UCAS book - that lists every course that every uni does.

The first thing to be aware of is that (when I was applying, anyway) about 50% of the uni's require you to have passed A-Level maths, or an equivalent. You do need it on my course, at least, I suspect others are probably the same. Few unis (about 10%) require you to have done A-Level Computing. If you have it's probably an advantage, but no more than if you've done programming in your own time before. Basically, if you've done some programming before, especially if it's OOP, then the course shouldn't be *too* bad.

I think you'll find most uni's use either Java or C++ as the main language. That's not to say you won't use other languages (I'm currently using Java, C, C++, Assembler and SML) but that's the one the larger projects will be done in. Java is becoming more popular now, C++ isn't used quite so much.

As for *which* uni to go for, well, that depends where you live and what grades you're expecting to get. Warwick, where I'm at now, typically asks for AAB (and like a lot of places, they don't accept General Studies). Then again, Warwick is supposed to be the top CS course in the country (whether it actually is or not, I couldn't really say. Everybody agrees it's top 3 anyway.)

However, don't make the mistake of assuming the grade requirements *just* reflect the difficulty and quality of the course. Nottingham is supposed to be one of the best uni's for CS, just behind Warwick, and it only asks for 24pts (BBB) (only! still high, but a fair step down from Warwick, even though the course is almost the same).

In my personal opinion, Warwick and Nottingham are damn good for computing (Warwick especially - but I would say that!) but you need the grades to get in. Other uni's I applied to were Aston, which has a good reputation. I would have applied to Exeter, which is also good, but it's too far south for me.

Now, as for course content: I can only tell you about my course, but I suspect others will be similar.
Each year, you have to do at least 120 CATS worth of work. In my first year, this was:

Maths for CS                    24 CATS
Computer Organis'n/Architecture 24 CATS
Discrete Maths I                12 CATS
Introduction to programming     12 CATS
Practice of Writing in CS       6 CATS
Functional Programming          12 CATS
Design of Info. Structures      12 CATS
Professional Ethics             6 CATS
Programming Lab                 12 CATS

Plus one option from:
Discrete Maths II
Mathematical Programming
Something else I can't remember.

If you have any more question (you probably will!) feel free to ask.


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« Reply #39 on: 2001-02-26 17:30:00 »
What grades did you get and in what subjects apart from maths?



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« Reply #40 on: 2001-02-26 18:03:00 »
Maths, A
Computing, A
History, B

Exactly what Warwick asked for (though they didn't care what subjects the grades were in. I had to have Maths, but that didn't have to be one of the A's).


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« Reply #41 on: 2001-02-27 05:01:00 »
Well, antoher question for this topic is that how can VBScript generate files like MS word?