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Messages - petfriendamy

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Scarlet doesn't use a "char.txt" file, it has its own custom implementation for reading FFText. If there are errors with it, feel free to let me know so I can fix them. If you want to completely change the char lookup table for some reason (custom characters maybe), you might be better off making your own fork of Scarlet for those changes, unless a lot of people really want that.

The limit data is provided as-is; unfortunately I don't know a whole lot about how it works. I fixed a bug with attack power not being set properly, so maybe that helps?

I'm not sure what you mean about kernel2 text being replaced without warning. If you could give me more detail on the issue, I could look into it. I'm also more likely to notice bug reports on Discord or Github since I don't check this forum super often.

In the meantime, I went ahead and did another stable release. It fixes a bunch of bugs, and adds a bunch more EXE text (some of which only work with the English EXE at the moment):

One thing thats confusing me is the prices for materia like summons is 1 but the 'Materia AP price multiplier' says 70. Wouldn't that mean they should sell for AP*70?
I'm not too sure how it works, but I'm guessing 1 price items are ignored.

If I make edits to FF7.exe with the limit break editor (Libre), would this allow me to create a hext file of those changes?
No. I would suggest using Scarlet instead:

Pushed a new release with some new stuff:
  • You can actually edit stat curves now
  • Added the ability to edit some of the EXE text
  • Added a toggle switch that allows you to use features from Postscriptthree Tweaks (thanks PS3)
  • Various bug fixes
You can get it here:


Download here:

This is the big project I've been working on on-and-off for the past couple years, finally in a (mostly) usable state!

Scarlet is a combination kernel/scene editor that allows you to edit both of these files at once and keep them perfectly in-sync. It also incorporates my old FF7.exe editor, which will now also be properly synced with kernel.bin. It can also modify limit breaks now!

The crowning jewel in my opinion is the A.I. editor. I wanted to incorporate a GUI-based editor similar to Makou Reactor, so you can view and edit scripts in a much more intuitive manner.

Of course I cannot test every single scenario, so there is a chance of data loss/corruption when using this tool! Please use with caution. I recommend backing up your files before editing them. There are also some things that Scarlet currently can't edit, which will be coming as soon as I figure out how to handle them.

Huge shoutout to all of the modders who have put so much work into reverse engineering the game, and for everyone who helped me code this monstrosity. This project wouldn't be possible without you!

Happy modding!

Yeah, what Markul said. You can load your modified EXE in the editor and click the "create Hext file" button to generate the text file that 7th Heaven uses.

*blows off the dust*

Hey! So I recently decided to drag this old thing over to .NET 7, as well as putting it on GitHub like a proper software dev. And—important enough to warrant a thread bump—it now includes shop data!

Special thanks to titeguy3 for making White Chocobo, the original shop editor that I used as a baseline for this. Also special thanks to myst6re for Makou Reactor, which I used to find and identity all the shops. Apparently there's an unused materia shop!

As usual, let me know if you run into any issues.

Mechanics / Mt. Nibel wrong warp
« on: 2021-12-12 18:20:23 »
I did a lot of research into this wrong warp, so I might as well share some of my notes here!

If the notes below seem a bit dense, I also made a video about it, which you can find here:

Here is a spreadsheet of all the encounters on the world map, and what the corresponding fields are when you wrong warp:

* The warp relies on the "no rewards" flag used during the Nibelheim flashback. This flag is hardcoded to send you directly to the field module instead of your previous module, resulting in erroneous behavior on the world map. (Shoutout to mav for this find!)

* Interestingly, the above glitch was SPECIFICALLY introduced in the PC port, because cheating in the battle flag on the world map does not result in a wrong warp on PSX. Whether this glitch still exists on PS4 and other console ports is unknown, but I would guess that it is since they were based on the PC version.

* That said, the reason we're able to do the warp in PC speedruns (and not HD consoles) is because of the PC port's quirk of not clearing memory after a game over. This, combined with skips like photo skip, allows us to game over during the Nibelheim flashback and bring the battle flag to the world map.

* However, the game over is NOT required for the actual wrong warp glitch. You simply need the "no rewards" flag on the world map, which can be done simply by exiting and entering Mt. Nibel with a GameMoment value less than 385 (which is impossible without glitches).

* Entering a field at any point will reset the battle flags back to default. For this reason, you MUST stay on the world map in order to do the warp!

* If you game overed in Mt. Nibel with the flag, the entire Mt. Nibel field stays in memory. Winning a battle on the world map will load that field in the EXACT STATE it was in when you entered the first battle, including battle flags. In order to keep these battle flags, you must IMMEDIATELY exit to the world map, without passing through any other fields.

* Exiting to the world map unloads the field from memory, forcing the field module to load a new field the next time it is called. (This is based on observation, since I couldn't find the actual code to prove this)

* The game stores the current ID of whatever's being loaded (including both battle and field IDs) at the memory address 0xCC0D8A (LoadingID). When you enter a battle, it first copies this value to 0xCC15D0 (FieldID), then updates (LoadingID) with the new battle ID. (FieldID) is what is referenced in the wrong warp glitch.

* In short, to wrong warp to places besides Mt. Nibel, you must:
  • Be on the world map with the "no rewards" battle flag
  • No fields must be in memory from a previous game over
  • Run away from a battle with an ID matching the field you want to warp to
  • Enter another battle, which sets 0xCC15D0 to the right value
  • Win that battle


* The warp also references player coordinates stored at 0xCC0D8C (TempCoords). If these are set to zero, the game places us at wherever the field's default location is (idk how this is decided). If they AREN'T zero, the game instead attempts to place us at (TempCoords), which usually softlocks or crashes the game.

* (TempCoords) are set upon entering a field, using the coordinates defined by the field jump. When entering the world map, (TempCoords) are set to 0.

* When you open the menu on a field, the game stores the player's current coordinates at 0xDC08D2 (PrevCoords). It also does this when you exit to the world map for some reason. Either way, these coordinates are copied to the savemap when you save.

* When you load a save, the game:
  • Copies the saved coordinates to (PrevCoords)
  • Copies those coordinates to (TempCoords)
  • Sends those to the player object (if on a field)
  • Zeroes out (PrevCoords)
* This is why you need to save twice to prevent crashing in NG+!

* Certain fields, like the debug lobby (startmap), have code that place the player somewhere specific on entry, negating any crash potential.

You should be able to configure Cosmo Memory for compatibility with New Threat. Double click on Cosmo Memory to check its settings.

FAQs and Tutorials / Re: Game only plays Midi music
« on: 2021-07-21 06:16:59 »
Check game driver settings -> advanced, and make sure music is set to VGMStream instead of original MIDI. Hope that helps!

As for 60FPS battles, it is currently not available, no. But it's being worked on, so keep an eye out for it!

What file type are you getting those offsets from?
PC/Steam. Is it different in other versions?

EDIT: That's where it is in the savemap, if I wasn't clear.

Hey! Thanks for this great tool, it's really helpful. I just had one quick suggestion: do you think changing party members via the party tab could also update the values at 0xCAD, 0xCAE and 0xCAF? Those values determine which party members show up in fields, and it's annoying having to change it manually when testing cutscenes.

WIP / Re: Speedrun Irony Mod
« on: 2021-04-09 00:30:12 »
Not sure how I missed this originally, but it looks interesting.  Has anyone done a playthrough of it?
I actually did my own video of the Midgar section back when I was first working on it (though there have been some minor changes since then):

That being said, I've been working on this quietly for the past few months, and finally got to the point where the whole game is playable! I plan on polishing up a few things and then sending it out for people to beta test, so keep an eye out for that.

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Cutscene Skip Mod
« on: 2021-03-15 21:05:58 »
Alright, got those two issues sorted out. Also fixed a couple of cutscenes that didn't get skipped correctly. Let me know if you have any more issues!

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Cutscene Skip Mod
« on: 2021-03-14 18:38:15 »
There's two major bugs I've found so far

1 - When you exit Costa Del Sol after defeating jenova - you get teleported by Cosmo Canyon and become a rock. You can't get encounters or open the menu.

2 - The game softlocks at Cosmo Canyon after you talk to Red at the top of the stairs and change your party.

I'm sure there's more later on.
Do you have a save I can test with?

Releases / [FF7 PC] Cutscene Skip Mod
« on: 2021-03-01 23:32:30 »
This was the first mod I ever made, so I figured I'd bring it over to 7th Heaven real quick!

This mod skips most of the cutscenes in the game, allowing you to focus on the gameplay. You'll also run into Mog occasionally, who you can talk to to skip some of the more tedious sections like Wall Market and the Shinra HQ stealth section.

Great for challenge runs. Likely incompatible with mods that modify flevel, like New Threat.

You can download the IRO here:

Old versions:

When I change Clouds name then reload the exe or the .dat file to an unchanged exe the change is what I made. The exe is 1.02, to be honest now that I think about it, I think it might be 7th Heaven screwing everything up, I can't even launch the game without going through it.
Hm, strange. Let me know if you keep having issues with it.

That said, I did notice an issue with accessories not being correct, so I went ahead and fixed that. And speaking of 7th Heaven, the editor can now generate Hext files for use with IROs!

When loading an updated exe or the data file only the name is correct, the Curse Rings are Fairy Rings when first loading the exe then change to Earrings when I load the dat file in.
What do you mean by "only the name is correct"? And which version of FF7 are you using?


Does this work with version 97 exe? (ff7 1.02 english)

My question is logical, my exe has important modifications and I need to be sure of its correct operation, in any case it is an excellent job, if it works for me I have small changes pending with Vincent and Caith Sith, of course I would include you in the credits.

I believe so! I had to make a small tweak to the editor to make sure it recognizes the 1997 version, but it looks like it's working fine. Let me know if you have any issues.

WIP / Re: Speedrun Irony Mod
« on: 2020-12-29 21:31:43 »
Some updates:

* I believe I've fixed the pre-emptive Aps glitch. For future reference, I set the battle flags in Proud Clod for Aps, etc. to FFE9 (they were FFF9 before) which seems to have done the trick.

* I didn't mention it before, but the materia smuggle glitch! Apparently the null slot used in that glitch reads which materia slots are accessible from the Buster Sword and the Bronze Bangle respectively, which makes sense. Since I'm not using Cloud in this mod, I just removed the Buster Sword's materia slots and that made smuggling impossible. (As a funny aside, one thing I tried before deciding on that was the menu 17 "remove character's materia" on character 255, which removed all 16 MP Plus materias from the null slot. So much MP Plus!)

* Hit a bit of a snag with the snowboard minigame. I know that Tifa has a snowboarding model, but I haven't been able to call it for the non-Gold Saucer version of the minigame. It's possible her model isn't even loaded. Might need to see if I can replace Cloud's model with Tifa's or something.
EDIT: I've confirmed that Tifa's model isn't loaded, and there doesn't seem to be an easy way to put it in at the moment, so I've just skipped it for now.

Progress is going pretty good so far, though! The mod is currently playable through disc 1, and I just started working on disc 2. If anyone wants to test it out, let me know.

Some updates:

  • You can now export the character data to a file, making it easier to backup and share without having to edit the entire EXE every time.
  • You can now change character IDs for Cait Sith and Vincent. I'm not sure what the impact of that is, but it's an option now.
  • Most importantly, you can now change the characters' names!

These are the names that appear on the character rename screen, so you can correct Aerith's name, change Red XIII to Nanaki, or whatever else you want to do.

WIP / Speedrun Irony Mod
« on: 2020-12-15 01:56:56 »

Something's not quite right. Cloud and Barret have gone mysteriously missing, with Tifa left to fend for herself. At least she has two friends with her—Cait Sith and Vincent—but when exactly did she meet these people? Why do the three of them know things that they shouldn't? And most importantly, what happened to Cloud and the others?

This is the Speedrun Irony Mod, a project I've been working on for a couple of months now. The idea is that you play through the whole game with the three most powerful characters in the speedrun (Tifa in No Slots, Cait Sith in Slots, and Vincent in All Bosses), but the exploits that make them so powerful have been fixed. There have also been a few other balance tweaks, as well as lots of meta humor and other goofy moments.

To-do list
  • LOTS of field scripts
  • Also LOTS of animations—Cloud has a bunch of animations that Tifa doesn't
  • Dice is incredibly strong for early game, so I'd like to nerf it somehow. Maybe one die for level <10, if that's possible?
  • Fix the pre-emptive glitch for Aps, Jenova BIRTH, Midgar Turks
  • Fix W-Item glitch
  • Some other tweaks as I think of them
  • Difficulty settings? Some ideas: no escape from battles, permanent active ATB, no EXP from non-boss encounters

This is old! Consider using Scarlet instead:

So as you may know, most of the characters' initial data can be found and edited in the kernel. But since Young Cloud and Sephiroth are hogging their respective character slots, the data for Cait Sith and Vincent is hidden away in the EXE, making it more annoying to edit. Well, I threw together a quick tool to help with that issue!

The tool locates Cait Sith and Vincent's data in the EXE, and allows you to edit it via the user interface. Right now it expects and validates with basegame data, but later on I might see if I can tweak it to read weapon data, etc. from the kernel. I also might expand it later to edit other stuff that can only be changed in the EXE, but I just stuck with this for now since this was what I needed it for.

UPDATE: The tool now includes character names and shop data!

Download link here:

Old versions:

Includes a DLL (Editor.Core.dll) that you can use for your own installers. Also includes the source code, which you can also use and modify if you want. (Now on GitHub!) Written in C#.

Thank you for making such a great piece of software! Thought I should mention some of the glitches I've encountered:

-The white text in dark mode turns black whenever you edit a script.

-It sometimes crashes when you switch between flevel files and then edit something.

-Opening the walkmesh viewer marks the file as having unsaved changes, even if you didn't actually change anything.

-The "Red XIII is named Nanaki" custom opcode doesn't seem to work. I tried using it and the game just hung. (It also didn't create a collapsible code block like if statements usually do.)

-Looks like Cloudiar reported this already, but I noticed, when working with large amounts of if statements, that the game started behaving strangely. When I closed and reopened the file, all the goto statements were changed to "forward %n bytes", with all the corresponding labels missing:

(That screenshot also shows the black text issue I mentioned)

And one suggestion I have, I've noticed that animation type 2 usually waits for the animation to finish before continuing (while type 1 doesn't), but for "play animation and return to previous state," it's reversed. It would be nice if that were fixed—or, better yet, if it actually said something like "waiting for end to continue" on the frontend, so you don't have to memorize which is which.

Keep up the good work!

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« on: 2020-02-06 03:58:52 »
Hey, just ran into an issue with the randomizer. Two enemies that looked like Diamond Weapon showed up in the battle arena (the mandatory battle arena visit before Temple of the Ancients, if that matters), and the game softlocked upon killing them and trying to move on to the next battle. I'm guessing it's because there was no death animation, but I'm not sure? Seed number is 418191.

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