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Messages - ShinraITDepartment

Pages: [1]
I thought I was alone in this, it's been pretty hard playing the game with this bug. For what it's worth, I also had it when playing with the 7th Heaven set-up, so it doesn't seem related to Reunion only. I added several graphical mods like Nino Style, better looking spells, Remako and a tweak to the UI.

Having this same issue.

This is happening for me as well.  I've had 5 ctd now and I am just beyond the train graveyard.  Not exactly ideal.

I am using Reunion + satsuki + new character models

(No 7th heaven)

Troubleshooting / Re: Black screens
« on: 2020-04-22 17:34:15 »
This is similar to the crashes I am experiencing.  CTD right after battle but before exp screen.  See my thread for details.

Troubleshooting / Game crashes after battles
« on: 2020-04-22 04:07:03 »
After a battle ends the game will CTD.  The audio starts getting choppy post-battle, as the game crossfades (the screen is now black) the game then CTD.

I have Reunion R06e installed.

After that installing this I ran the FF7 SYW "ArkTsukiVock" installer on the FF7 install directory.

After installing this I overwrote the [steam common dir]/FINAL FANTASY VII/The_Reunion/GLOBAL/Direct folder with the contents of the "New Character Models" mod available at nexus mods.

When I launch FF7 I launch it through Steam which brings up the Square Enix launcer, should I not be doing it this way?

This has occured in two places thus far, fighting the Hell House in Sector 6 and now the ghosts in the train graveyard in Sector 7.

Any help appreciated thanks!

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