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Messages - -Ric-

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Nomura had nothing to do with it

Wrong. He had a minimal role when it came to the story but he did have his hand in some parts. Not the text  or dialogue, but actual story events.

The combat. Well... lackluster. I realized pretty early that there really is no point to use "magic" materia whatsoever. The only reason to do so is simply because i felt like looking at some fancy animations,

Magic in this game is insanely powerful. Not to mention it's the key to stagger a LOT of enemies. It's probably the most useful implementation it's had since FFX. Calling it lackluster just because you chose to spam physical attacks the entire game is pretty weird.

Vayne gets hate?


Really, if they didn't want to make Basch the main character for whatever reason, they really should have made Balthier the main character...

Ashe should've been the main character, not Basch or Balthier. Basch is a glorified bodyguard, filled with regret for having failed both his homeland as well as Dalmasca. Balthier tags around out of sheer curiosity up to the point where he realizes he's on a collision course with his father as well as the empire, then he's all in. As for Vaan and Penelo... Honestly, who the fuck knows lol.

It's Ashe's story. They should have made her the main character instead of designing her with a hooker's outfit and going with useless characters instead.

I have to say I found FF10 to be an amazing game.

Well, there's one thing we agree on after all. Haha.

Vayne on the other hand was what I would call a fantastic villain. Similar to Darth Sidious he plays political games to ascend to the top, manipulates and eventually gets rid of all obstacles while still keeping the public behind him. To me, he was who carried the story all by himself. But in the end, that is not enough for me to label the story of a game that involves all characters "good". Through Vayne it rose to mediocre though.

I never understood the hate Vayne gets. Sure, he doesn't blow up the world or summon meteors, and he doesn't have a 5 meter long sword but the character is great. A strategic genius, ruthless, cold blooded, 100% focused on his task. Plus everytime he speaks, no one's skipping that.

10 is still a better game though.

FF10 sold well, but it wasn't a good game.  12 was better

That's a terrible opinion.

Finally had time to finish the game.

Spoiler: show
The ending is... Different indeed. I personally don't hate it but I can't say that I love it either. It's safe to say part 2 will make or break the game.
Most of the story changes/additions before Shinra HQ were fine. Nothing that messed up the story. Infact, some parts were pretty well expanded on and felt better than the original. (Keep your pitchforks down folks!)
The final battles were pretty fun and exciting though. So were a lot of the expanded areas. Not all though, the sewers, train graveyard and the experiments section of Shinra HQ were all pretty aggravating.
The music is a mixed bag for me... some tracks are really good while others are pretty crappy.
The battle system is a win for me. But the weapon customization is lacking.

Overall, had a good time. Some things could be better while others were pretty great. I'd give it a solid 8/10 and will definitely go for the Platinum trophy.

but everyone keeps repeating that it will be in 3 parts. Is there something official from SE where they've said this?

There is no "official" word but 3 is a pretty fair guess.

Also, 60$ for a piece of entertainment that keeps you busy anywhere from 50 to 80 hours is pretty fair. I've paid more than that for 3h concerts that ended up being far less entertaining.

Besides there are discounts, price drops and the game will have resale value. If money is an issue, you could absolutely get most of it back.

FF6 is the ultimate proof that graphics should take a back seat to script, gameplay, music, etc

games on the SNES stand the test of time

Something we can all agree on. 6 is one of the best games ever made.

Opinion vs fact. Objective vs subjective. Like vs dislike.

It's all fine in a DISCUSSION. But do not, I repeat, DO NOT result to personal insults for justifying your arguments. It's like sl1982 said, "It's not what you say but how you say it." We all need to be above that kind of behavior and act like the civil adults we are.

If the personal insults continue, don't instigate it by responding with your own insults. Use the report button and be on your way. The Rules for these forums are clear. Consider this everyone's freebie warning.

Got it.

if it has, you can thank yourself for being a contributor

there are about 5 posts hanging around this forum from you that calls someone (usually DLPB...) "special" or "on the spectrum" (i'd be more than happy to link them all if you'd like)

Why are you trying to make it sound as if I want to/would hide them? Link them all you want, I couldn't care less lol. I've posted multiple times, including in response to moderator warnings that I stand by everything I've posted.

your posts pour fuel into the fire almost every time

That is true. I am trying to be less toxic and no, I'm not being sarcastic. That is why I will not address the rest of your post. If you're so keen on researching my previous posts, you will absolutely find the reason why I'm "mean" towards certain users. I'm going to stick to the topic from now. FF7R-related comments only.

Spoiler: show
Combat System is a mess. I mean how could anyone think that combat system makes sense? If you don't hit, you don't get ATB, so if enemy is out of range you basically can't do anything, no use items no use of magics. Lot of damages taken without even noticing, ATB ruined if you get hit while doing an ability.

Is that true?  Yes. Or No.  Because if Yes - that's another reason why someone like me would not like this game.  Yes.  or No.

 :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Imagine crapping so badly on a battle system without even actually knowing the basics of it.

This thread has gone to crap. A bunch of people crapping on the game against a bunch of people that find the game enjoyable.

Also imagine stating that an average score of 8 (our of 10) is bad.

For example just a thing like this(automatic z-targeting and gap closing auto attacks) are things that I do not find attractive in a game (its like being held by the hand and extremely limits the freedom too much for my taste),

Yes, good thing that in the original you have to just spam the ok button.

Don't you find that incredibly ironic?

Don't waste your time. Some of these people are objectively insane.

Jk game's awesome better than FF15 too imo

15 gives me hope that 7R will have a world map. Or at least a gigantic open world. Hopefully without those INSANELY bad loading times though.

Yes, ignore me like the guy that has replied to me like 6 times in this thread does. Hopefully at least I don't give you anxiety like I do to him and don't make you private message people to vent and report posts.

And yes, I'm absolutely on a crusade to defend something I gain absolutely nothing by defending.  :roll: Compare my number of posts about it to yours and do tell who's on a crusade. Shite. I even just criticized some of the soundtrack right before you decided to showcase your spectacular IQ. My previous post was also a criticism on Jessie's character.

Normal people don't go on crusades defending/bashing pieces of software that cost 50 bucks. Not that you would know anything about being normal.

I'm done with you both. Lay your silly baits to rest and I'll lay my mockery of you to rest as well.

It is hard to disagree with you here, and yet, for all its poorness, it is still infinitely wittier than your puerile schoolyard taunting.


I'm on chapter 9, 15 hours in and loving it, even the changes I've seen so far. A few of the music tracks are interesting remixes, like the Ska/hip hop mix at the start of chapter 9.

Some of the new tracks are pretty meh. I'm in love with the combat system though. And damn, I'm still on chapter 4, 8 hours in.

On topic...

Spoiler: show
My Lord. They made Jessie THIRSTY in this remake. She's borderline sexually harassing Cloud. LOL
"Mind coming over for a while tomorrow night? My roommates should all be out for a while".

Suppose I had responded: "I imagine the sense of humor varies. Personally I find it hilarious that a eunuch frog in a cape, that does not even rise to the indignity of being a basement wanker, is triggered by watching others getting triggered."

If that's the best you could come up with, I would not be offended, just amused. You tried way too hard and missed all the marks. Unless, of course, you just wanted to offend the Android mascot for the sake of it.

Oh well. We all love a trier eh. Please do better though.

I have been in forums where it is a real jungle, and I dished it as much as I took.

Cool flex boy. Highly intimidating.

I am trying to tone down my natural aggressiveness.

Yeah, boy. It's all that testosterone in you. You big, bad, mean, agressive boy. "ME HULK ME SMASH"  :roll:  :roll:

I swear I'm trying to be nicer.

Its not what you say its how you say it.

That's a fair criticism. I'll try to be less of an ass.

-Ric- Your inflammatory responses to other peoples posts are bordering on a warning. Check yourself before I have to.

If broke any rules and/or you feel a warning status is justified, just do it. I stand by everything I've said.

It'll probably settle somewhere between 7-8 I'm guessing. Right now it's the extreme ends that shows, mostly extreme fanboys who rates; hardly a reliable way to measure the "true" score. I've even seen some rate it 0 or 10 just to even out the filed, lol.

I find both extremes hilariously sad. Those who claim it's the greatest game ever as well as those that claim is the worst game ever, should be mocked evenly.

As with most things in life, the answer lies somewhere in the middle.

I'm not triggered; I'm fascinated and amused. It's really a good look at social compliance.

Since you haven't made 50 posts pretty much just crying, running out of stuff to cry about and end up randomly repeating yourself, I believe you.

There's no denying some folks ARE triggered as all hell though. Which I can't help but to find hilarious. It's just a game after all.

Nobody’s rating should matter to you except for your own. If anything, it’ll offer extra insight, but it’s definitely not meant to persuade you or others to think differently. Learn that and you’ll avoid getting worked up over these “discussion” threads.

Shhhhh! It's important that some strangers on the interwebs agree with our views.

160 negative already for a game hyped this much.

Now share the number of positive so I can laugh at you some more.

As for you, why do you post here if you "knew we would be moaning"? Seems irrational to me, you're trying to defend smth that on this forum will never be accepted by the majority of regular posters

Half a dozen of butthurt, triggered, crying folks don't represent the entirety of these forums.

His post is just as welcome as your tears are.

The triggering is real.

You wait for the user reviews... champ!

9.5 on IMDB and 8.1 on Metacritic so far. Not bad for an "unplayable, nonsensical pile of dog shite".

Objectively poor? That is just not true now is it champ? Writing is some of the best Square has done in years and the voice acting is stellar, now that is my opinion so you can disagree but it is by no means objectively poor. You always seem to want to moan about something though. Got it a week early and just completed it. Fantastic game. I knew you fools would be moaning though. Stick with the mods, your attachment to the original curbs any meaningful critique.

You startled the witch.


I'm close to finishing Chapter 2 so here are my thoughts... MASSIVE spoilers ahead so don't click if you don't want to know about scenes that do NOT appear in the original game.

The graphics are too notch, as expected. The combat is VERY fun. It's nothing like Final Fantasy 15 or Kingdom Hearts. The way you move, the way you strike, the certain angles you need to be in to deal damage to certain enemies, it's all extremely fun. And you absolutely can't get away with just smashing attacks (except when fighting scrubs, obviously). You WILL have to use skills, limits and so on. The way you can control multiple characters is very well done also. They pretty much nailed it as far as the combat system goes.

As for the story, spoilers ahead as previously warned.

Spoiler: show
So, Shinra does indeed blow up the reactor in the remake. However, it also affects certain areas of the city and you actually get to go through and see the effects of the devastation caused. Something else that is extremely well showcased are the feelings of guilt (and potential regret) that Avalanche members feel, as they are not aware that it was Shinra who caused all the destruction. While it doesn't match the original game 1:1 at all, it's an extremely well done moment. And Barret actually acts like a leader to the group and not just a loudmouth idiot.

The dynamic between Barret and Cloud is great too. Barret has absolutely 0 trust in him at first and is extremely condescending, due to the fact that Cloud was in Soldier. However, you can slowly see the shift in the way Barret treats Cloud. Again, not a 1:1 copy of the original but very, very well done.

Also... Sephiroth DOES appear. Cloud actually gets to talk to him. Though it is not clear if it's the real Sephiroth or one of Cloud's visions. In my opinion though, Sephiroth's voice felt awkward. I do not believe it's the same voice actor as Advent Children which actually sucks. Regardless of how bad the movie was, Sephiroth's voice actor was great.

The scene with Sephiroth doesn't add a whole lot... I'm not sure it was even necessary to include. It felt like a bit of a waste. If the goal was to show Sephiroth early on, it could've been done way better than this.

Even though I'm still at the start of the game, it's been very fun so far. My feelings might change as I progress through but so far, the game is good. Not ready to call it great yet, not even close, but it's definitely good.

If there are conflicts in interpretations, I say go for the most reasonable one. A LOT of things are possible, or, not impossible.

It is not impossible for Shinra to blow up the reactor(s) themselves, but the most reasonable interpretation, imo, is that Shinra let Avalanche blow up r5 after r1.

If they retcon Shinra to being the ones who 100% certainly blew up the reactors, it's not necessarily a bad retcon. But, I dunno, did Han shoot first? We can't have the good guys do bad stuff now, can we?

Anyway, it's not technically a retcon if this is a brand-new story.
But if it is indeed a sequel, then it's 100% retcon territory.

Very fair take.

So basically all the posts about my use of two "flawed translation" quotes turn out to be bullshit as your "accurate" one can be interpreted exactly the same way as the original.

Waste of time...

This remake retcons utterly huge parts of the original story.  That isn't a statement of opinion.

No one's arguing that the remake is 100% faithful to the original, at all. You'll find no one to debate you on that.

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