Author Topic: [In Dev]Final Fantasy VIII Steam Version - Tool to play your own soundtrack  (Read 6207 times)


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Hi guys,

Not sure if posted at the correct place but I am a new user here and I thought of sharing a tool for the PC version of Final Fantasy VIII that I am working on. I know there is already a mod for the soundtrack but what if you could choose whatever music you wish and being able to switch tune at any time.

This app reads the music ID currently playing in the game (English version only for now) and plays the MP3 named with the same currently played ID. Since the game is alt-tab friendly, you can switch any mp3 at any time and click on a button to refresh (restart) the current music with the new mp3.

Here is a quickly made demo of 15 minutes.

The only bad thing about this that I could think of is the loop mechanic. Since any songs can play on this, I have not set any looping points. It will only loop the song from beginning to end.

I may be losing my time creating this app but before releasing it, I would like to have feedback on this concept. Suggestions?

Music Credits:

Enrico Deiana
Pontus Hultgren


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Cool! I know I'll be using it.

Can it also play ogg files with loop metadata?


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Not right now but I can try to see if I can implement it. Right now it uses the WMPLib to play the mp3. I tested first if WMPLib is compatible with ogg files. Looks like it is. I will try to implement your idea.


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Cool! I know I'll be using it.

Can it also play ogg files with loop metadata?

Hmmm. OGG metadata does not seems to work with WMPLib. However, I can set a timer where it reads the current mp3's time location. It is has an output like so "23.123456789" so 23(seconds).123456789. I could come up with a system that when an ID is red, the program could read the MP3 with the same ID and a text file with the same ID as well.

The content of the text could be something like so:


When the loop end is reached the program would automatically seek back to LOOP_START.

I'll try that.


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Cool! I know I'll be using it.

Can it also play ogg files with loop metadata?

So I managed to work out a looping mechanism. The app will detect if there is a txt file with the same Music ID as the one currently played. The content of the txt is as follows:

Code: [Select]
//Type Loop Start Position In Milliseconds On The Second Line Of This Text.
<Enter number in milliseconds here>

//Type Loop End Position In Milliseconds On The Fourth Line Of This Text.
<Enter number in milliseconds here>

It seems to be working perfectly. If a text file is not detected, the app will loop the current music from beginning to end normally.


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And having the loop information in a separate file from the audio actually makes my own work easier, haha.

Looking forward to the release.


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And having the loop information in a separate file from the audio actually makes my own work easier, haha.

Looking forward to the release.

Here is a test release of the program. I will later add hotkeys to control music volume. They should not be any glitches or bugs. I am also open to suggestions. Of course, you will need to provide your own music. :P

.NET Framework 4.5.2 Needs to be installed. The music's IDs and instructions are provided in the ReadMe file.