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Messages - Yagami Light

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Monsters looks so cool, I downloaded the new version but I get exception skipping to main menu

System.BadImageFormatException: 'Could not load file or assembly 'DirectMidiNet, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.'

I'd recommend increasing the movement speed on the world map segment, takes too long to explore.

That would be cool, I tried space bar and it just exits as soon as I press it then exception unhandled pops up System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'

EDIT: Ok uninstalling the music mod fixes all the issues

I'm not too bothered about the music, but what are the controls? I've pressed every key on my keyboard and cant get the menu to show

I'm using the Roses and Wine mod, I'm on windows so I dont know why its showing the linux path, I'll keep having a look

EDIT: Ok downloaded the newest version and everything works fine thanks

Ok I've run the debugger theres 29 warnings but first thing that pops up is

Exception Unhandled: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: 'Could not find a part of the path 'C:\media\griever\Data\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VIII\Data\Music\dmusic'.'

I do have the music mod installed could that be the issue?

So I downloaded everything changed the line in memory file and saved it, pressed 'build ff8', says it succeeded but when I click the exe nothing happens.

Is the memory line correct am I missing something?

public const string FF8DIR = @"D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VIII\Data\lang-en\"; //Work

Get better soon Maki, the amount you have done already just by yourself is impressive, even though its based on the pc version which has lots of graphical bugs and sound issues compared to ps1, it shouldn't be too hard to replace those with better versions since its open source. Possibilities are endless still sad you have put more effort in this than Square Enix has done since the original release.

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] New Threat Mod (v0.2)
« on: 2019-02-21 23:33:09 »
This looks awesome, I'm pretty sure this is the first mod to fix some of the bugs present in the pc version as well, will give it a try kudos!

Releases / Re: [FF8PC-Steam] HD PS1 Font Replacement
« on: 2019-02-09 20:12:24 »
Managed to fix the capital 'W', have updated the first post with version 3!

Releases / Re: [FF8PC-Steam] HD PS1 Font Replacement
« on: 2019-02-07 23:17:41 »
Its hard to find font that is similar to damage numbers but I've already replaced the HP with new similar font, I will probably create a new topic with a UI overhaul when its ready. I'm really busy at the moment but here is where I currently am in regards to the new font you can view it below. The only letter I'm not happy with for the new font is the Capital 'W' but if there's enough interest I could release the font earlier in this topic if you want

I opened up the original textures I had already resized, put the new improved layer on top, used magic wand on original layer, selected the new layer and deleted it, any black pixels remaining was removed manually with eraser in photoshop. If you dont already have that to go on, you could dupe the new layer twice, move the black slider to the right in the blending options on the bottom layer, erase any remaining black pixels, then go to the layer on top and just delete the transparent areas using marquee or eraser tool, so the top layer covers any deleted pixels on the actual texture.

EDIT: Fixed transparency issues for Ifrits earrings

G.F Upscale has been uploaded, also fixed toramas whiskers for the monster upscale

Added boss upscales, next up is G.Fs :)

WIP / Re: Final Fantasy VIII - Graphical Update Mod (WIP)
« on: 2019-01-01 23:34:15 »
Looks great, looking forward to seeing the others

Completely Unrelated / Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019
« on: 2018-12-31 23:47:22 »
Happy new years everyone :)

I'm not a fan of making it all dark, anyway heres the same image with manga109 applied to it

I want to use ESRGAN with the manga109 dataset, I've downloaded all the programs needed but have no idea how to run it, a tutorial would be nice

The latest edit you have shown is not even in the game I dont think, to get them in game you have to download unmass tool extract field files place pupu program inside the field folder with the mapdata next to it then start it up, export the files to a new folder somewhere and you have to upscale all the different pieces individually then import it back in, be warned there will be lines/seams if you aren't careful

Completely Unrelated / Re: Final Fantasy VIII Mobius event
« on: 2018-12-01 20:08:25 »
Something is definitely gonna happen, remaking the whole of balamb garden with such detail for a mobile game, doesn't make sense financially. Especially since they didn't port 8 to the switch or other consoles I hope big things happen for my favourite game

Troubleshooting / Re: FF8 small visual bugs
« on: 2018-11-21 18:58:23 »
Yes just report it in fatedcourages thread and he should fix it

Troubleshooting / Re: FF8 small visual bugs
« on: 2018-11-21 18:55:01 »
The field bug is due to a hash collision, and the menu font bugs can be due to misplacement of the textures on the file itself or sometimes gedosato warps the texture if its above 1080p and that causes artifacts

If you have a ps3/ps4 controller just download scptoolkit to emulate the xbox 360 driver, you can edit the buttons inside the game itself or use tonberry with just the original graphic textures. So use deling to find the menu textures scale the image x4 then cut and paste the appropriate textures over the existing textures.

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