Author Topic: Help resize ff7 battle box  (Read 14059 times)


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Help resize ff7 battle box
« on: 2009-07-22 20:12:42 »
Hello, im currently using "ff7_opengl-0.6.10b" to resize ff but i cant seem to find the mod that remake the combat box, the one where "Time" and "Limit" bars are

this are contrast caps of what im tlkin about

What do i have to apply to do this?
I got winxp and US ff7 pc version

« Last Edit: 2009-07-22 23:46:23 by destroyedweapon »


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Re: Help resize ff7 Time/Limit box
« Reply #1 on: 2009-07-22 22:21:14 »
i think u do that when u apply the 9999 limit breaker patch  :roll:


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Re: Help resize ff7 battle box
« Reply #2 on: 2009-07-22 23:51:17 »
Thanks but now i see i was wrong, i thought the same patch applied to the whole box, but it does not, the limit/time box where resized with 9999 limit breaker but the rest remains the same

this is what im getting

this is what im hoping to get, notice the border lines of the battle box also resized nice and clean

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Re: Help resize ff7 battle box
« Reply #3 on: 2009-07-25 02:08:30 »
I think i tried every patch/mod that mention costum models but still cant find one that says that resize this box, no one knows or heard nothing? perhaps someone can help me with the blocky background?

thanks to any reply
« Last Edit: 2009-07-25 02:13:50 by destroyedweapon »


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Re: Help resize ff7 battle box
« Reply #4 on: 2009-07-25 03:25:49 »
I think i tried every patch/mod that mention costum models but still cant find one that says that resize this box, no one knows or heard nothing? perhaps someone can help me with the blocky background?

thanks to any reply
You may need to turn on or increase the anti-aliasing on your graphics card.   That could fix the background


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Re: Help resize ff7 battle box
« Reply #5 on: 2009-07-25 04:08:04 »
The thin menu borders is an artifact (more of a glitch than a feature) of the high-res patch. But you probably don't want to install that just to get that effect, since it will cause other issues.


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Re: Help resize ff7 battle box
« Reply #6 on: 2009-07-25 04:26:27 »
Also, try starting the game in a window.  My graphics are significantly worse when I'm using it full screen, though if I have it windowed at the same size the graphics are a ton better.  Not sure why that is, but I think it may affect your battle box as well.

Edit: Ok, it doesn't change the size of the battle box, but still makes the graphics way better.
« Last Edit: 2009-07-25 04:46:50 by Lonewuhf »


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Re: Help resize ff7 battle box
« Reply #7 on: 2009-07-26 12:01:19 »
I think i tried every patch/mod that mention costum models but still cant find one that says that resize this box, no one knows or heard nothing? perhaps someone can help me with the blocky background?

thanks to any reply

Um.... so your battle boxes are slightly larger than you want, does it matter???


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Re: Help resize ff7 battle box
« Reply #8 on: 2009-07-26 16:41:37 »
Um.... so your battle boxes are slightly larger than you want, does it matter???

If im asking then obviously matters to me, and thats not the point either. The question is: Is there a way of making battle box (or even Menu) also have 1280x1024 resolution like the one in that picture?

The thin menu borders is an artifact (more of a glitch than a feature) of the high-res patch. But you probably don't want to install that just to get that effect, since it will cause other issues.

I see, so it is a glitch of the high-res patch. Never could fully try it cause always crashed in my pc

You may need to turn on or increase the anti-aliasing on your graphics card.   That could fix the background

This had no effect in mine, does it in yours? and if so what card do you have?

Thanks all for the fast reply

Prince Lex

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Re: Help resize ff7 battle box
« Reply #9 on: 2009-07-27 05:55:36 »
If im asking then obviously matters to me, and thats not the point either. The question is: Is there a way of making battle box (or even Menu) also have 1280x1024 resolution like the one in that picture?

The battle box has a resolution of whatever your screen resolution at the time is. There are two differences between those pictures.

1. The high-res patch makes the border of the battle box appear smaller.
2. The 9999 limit breaking patch has been applied, moving the limit bar below the character's ATB gauge, giving the appearance of more space in the battle box.

Using AA with the High-Res patch will make the text look smoother as well as 3d objects. Using AA with Aali's driver (which is far superior) will make only the 3d objects look smoother. This is the way it's supposed to be. The fact that text and other 2d things look smoothed out in the high-res patch is a glitch as stated above.

I could be wrong about that, but turning all my Direct3d & OpenGL AA settings to max (ATI HD Something card) makes no difference to text, but makes the 3d look awesome. This irritates me because I go crazy for smooth text, but I'm looking for a way to import higher res text anyway so this shouldn't be a problem much longer.


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Re: Help resize ff7 battle box
« Reply #10 on: 2009-07-27 16:43:39 »
It seems that the old patch resized the battle box so it went to thin borders but this also introduced many bugs and problems so is better to just resize 3d objects like the new patch is doing?

I'm looking for a way to import higher res text anyway so this shouldn't be a problem much longer.

Are you saying your developing a way of doing this ?


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Re: Help resize ff7 battle box
« Reply #11 on: 2009-07-27 20:33:41 »
       It's not a question of "developing" it, it's just exporting the 3 files in WINDOW.BIN and either replacing or altering one of the three that contains the text. I'm not entirely sure how to open it though, a search on the forum got me to this but the link to the program that extracts the files is dead. If I can de&recompress WINDOW.BIN then it should be easy enough to replace the text. I'm surprised it hasn't been done before, though I'm sure not that many people care much about the text as opposed to 3d objects.

It seems that the old patch resized the battle box so it went to thin borders but this also introduced many bugs and problems so is better to just resize 3d objects like the new patch is doing?

If you care that much about the battle box looking that way, you can apply The SaiNt's patch and use Aali's new custom driver together as already mentioned. I tested this today with these results:-

Please note, I already have the 9999 limit breaking patch applied. If you're going to use the High-Res patch you need to apply it BEFORE you use YAMP.


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Re: Help resize ff7 battle box
« Reply #12 on: 2009-07-28 04:38:17 »
@Prince_Lex: Are you sure it's in the WINDOWS.BIN file? Because there are textures for them in Menu_US.lgp

Prince Lex

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Re: Help resize ff7 battle box
« Reply #13 on: 2009-07-28 04:39:52 »
No, I'm not sure actually ^_^

I'll check that out.


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Re: Help resize ff7 battle box
« Reply #14 on: 2009-07-29 16:25:14 »
well ff7_opengl-0.6.10b can correct the background blocks by setting "linear_filter = true" in ff7_opengl.cfg, but may loose some detail