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Messages - Noctis_Caelum

Pages: [1]
Hey I'm confused, probably just user error but could really use some help- for whatever reason I have all the SeeD and Tonberry stuff installed, but whenever i merge my buttons folder into the textures folder and boot up the game, the game still displays Keyboard Keys instead of buttons... any tips?

So  I saw my problem in the FAQ but not an applicable fix for it,

My problem is whenever i try to open the 7th heaven mod program, i get the Oops "Null" installation error where the FAQ basically just sends me back to step 3. That would be amazing except for the fact that I can't set the file locations because the 7th Heaven program won't actually open to let me change any of those settings... it just gives the oops message and i can't get passed it... does anyone have any knowledge on how to fix this or am i screwed? I've already completely uninstalled and reinstalled the game, the mod programs, and when i uninstalled i literally went through every folder to make sure everything was deleted so i could get a fresh install... The problem still remains and i have no idea how to fix it. T-T

FF7 Tools / Re: [FF7PC] Mod manager - 7thHeaven (v1.50)
« on: 2015-12-19 05:39:22 »
It is still not clear to me what their modmanager does. Is it a download tool that downloads mods and installs them? If yes, I'm not sure how this would work with 7H - because 7H needs to do things like manage the mod configuration as well.

If they have an API to allow searching and downloading mods, I could integrate that. But I haven't seen a thing like that.

If somebody wants to make a new design, I can look at it and see if it can be made, certainly.

Are you sure you have downloaded and unzipped all the files properly? It looks like a file is missing or not the right version?

well i mean, i did what the person in the video did, but i kept getting that error. T-T

FF7 Tools / Re: [FF7PC] Mod manager - 7thHeaven (v1.50)
« on: 2015-12-17 02:59:21 »
hey guys, new to modding ffvii. I saw this message when i tried opening the 7th heaven application - "System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Iros._7th.Workshop._7HPlugin' from assembly '7thWrapperLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
   at Iros._7th.Workshop.fLibrary..ctor()
   at Iros._7th.Workshop.Program.Main()"

(without quotes of course)

I was following the step by step guide, successfully ran the game converter patch, and when i clicked the program it just gives that "oops" message.. I probably messed something up but if anyone could just spoon feed me I'd really appreciate it. :-\

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